Every time Liza opens her mouth, stupid stuff comes out....
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| Hey, what does LTL stand for, anyway? | |
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| You mean "LTL" as in the abbreviation that dispatchers use at least 50 times a day? Aren't you a dispatcher? | |
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| Well, yeah, but I don't know all these fancy new terms - it's so hard to keep up with the industry! | |
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| The term "LTL" has been around for YEARS - it's not a new term at all! That would be like a sysadmin asking what "PC" stands for... | |
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| So what does "LTL" stand for anyway? I want to know! | |
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| It's an abbreviation for the word "little" - as in a "little load." Think of it as something that is "Less Than a Truckload." if that helps... | |
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