attitudechicka's Comics 08/29/14 - Time Off Work
10/07/13 - Processes
08/02/13 - Uses for Joint Custody
07/20/13 - Hey Paige, Where's Your Sweater?
04/13/13 - Battle or Catch?
04/13/13 - First World Problems are Trendy
12/07/12 - Service Charge
11/19/12 - I Made That
11/17/12 - What's there to worry about?
11/11/12 - This is why no one calls anymore
11/09/12 - Office Supply Beauty Secrets
11/06/12 - We went on a date once, it's the least you can do
11/03/12 - Did I Paraphrase This Okay?
11/01/12 - The Cubicle Next Door
11/01/12 - High School Reunion
11/01/12 - What Bosses Say About Attitudechicka
11/01/12 - Doctors Write Bad - The World is Shocked
09/21/12 - This Is Totally My Job Now
11/02/11 - Holiday Traditions
10/05/11 - Illegal Street Races
05/12/11 - Sports and Rod Stewart
10/05/10 - Double Shot
09/01/10 - New Class, Same Old Professor
09/01/10 - New Class!
08/09/10 - At Least I Cared Enough To Make This Comic
06/30/10 - Childish Games
06/28/10 - CC 454: Juggling the Surprise
05/31/10 - What's Under YOUR Pillow?
05/16/10 - Better Than Complaining About Kids These Days
05/05/10 - Bills
05/01/10 - Whispered Conversations of Ignorance
05/01/10 - Translation
05/01/10 - English Majors, I Beg Thou Not Judge Me Too Harshly
04/12/10 - Nerding out
04/07/10 - CC 449: Field Trip
04/07/10 - Honesty
04/07/10 - What The Gold Buyers Are Melting Down For
03/27/10 - School Daze
02/09/10 - I Take Opportunities Where I Can Get Them
12/11/09 - Pretty much not funny.
11/30/09 - Gran Marie's Visit To The Optometrist
11/30/09 - It's Not A Problem If You Can Laugh About It
11/20/09 - Do you feel lucky?
08/22/09 - Oh, Gran Marie!
08/19/09 - Conversations With Steve
08/19/09 - AngryAmerican's customers
08/18/09 - Afterglow
08/16/09 - Regrets
06/30/09 - I dream of giant birds who eat cell phones.
02/26/09 - She Didn't Say It, But She Was Thinking It
02/12/09 - The Fast Track To Insanity
01/27/09 - I Hope He's Kidding
01/27/09 - Therapy
01/26/09 - Why My Last Comic Was Deleted
01/16/09 - Once Myspace Knows, The Whole World Knows
01/15/09 - Filling Out The Address Book
01/15/09 - Intermission
01/14/09 - Roommate Hunting Would Be Easier With A Gun
12/18/08 - The Next Generation of Drivers
11/27/08 - IRC Adventures 11/27/08
11/21/08 - WW 65: First Day In A New House
11/08/08 - WW 64: Happy Holidays from Gran Marie!
10/29/08 - Greeting Cards From The Health Department
10/29/08 - Greeting Cards From The Health Department
09/30/08 - WW 61: To You, Jared, Wherever You May Be
09/30/08 - WW 61: To You Jared, Wherever You May Be
09/30/08 - WW 61: To You, Jared, Wherever You May Be
09/30/08 - WW 61: To You Jared, Wherever You May Be
09/18/08 - Weddings Are Fun 2
09/18/08 - Weddings Are Fun 1
08/25/08 - Build a what?
08/23/08 - Advertised Special
08/07/08 - Why Hospitals Always Serve Jello
07/23/08 - Last night at work
07/16/08 - Official Translator
06/18/08 - IRC Adventures: Writing to Pee-Wee
06/16/08 - WW 57: The Big Three
06/12/08 - Why Most Retail Employees Are Disgruntled
06/09/08 - Friends Don't Let Friends Marry Tramps
06/09/08 - Working Out May Just Work Out
04/29/08 - Buck Off
04/27/08 - Gifts Left On The Nightstand
04/27/08 - IRC Adventures: Babies
04/05/08 - Super Smash Bros. First Impressions
03/25/08 - What They Should Teach You In Sex Education
03/24/08 - Spiderman Sheets Are More Decorative Than Comfortable
03/20/08 - I Wonder If I'll Get Store Credit For This
02/19/08 - IRC Adventures (2/19/08) - Lies by default
02/19/08 - IRC Adventures (2/19/08) - Languages
02/19/08 - Fat People Are Hard to Kidnap. And comfort.
02/16/08 - Snippy snippy fi dolla!
02/04/08 - IRC Adventures 2/4/08
01/28/08 - IRC Adventures 1/29/08
01/16/08 - New TLC Series: A Hangover Story
01/08/08 - Inspired by "My Mom And My Sister" by ojcme
12/31/07 - New Years Resolutions You Can Stick To
12/19/07 - Christmas with the Brads
12/13/07 - Comicitized IRC
12/12/07 - My career in retail continues, in denominations over $1!
10/27/07 - Return Policies
09/18/07 - Condumundrum
09/17/07 - Strip Tag #5
09/01/07 - Embarassment
08/27/07 - He's Mature For His Age
08/24/07 - Stripcreator short FAQ
08/20/07 - Camels
08/20/07 - Pop tart theif.
08/20/07 - A comic I never sent to Rabid
08/10/07 - What ARE Friends For?
08/09/07 - People Like Me.
08/04/07 - Baggage.
07/30/07 - I love my ex sister in law
07/22/07 - Friends Followup
07/22/07 - Friends
07/21/07 - Hey Koolaid!
07/05/07 - A Nice Chat With The Cable Company
06/06/07 - Secrets.
06/05/07 - I'm Not Good With Names
06/01/07 - CC 356: Senior Superlatives That Never Were But Should Be
06/01/07 - CC 356: Sadly, This Is A True Story
06/01/07 - CC 356: And I Bet You'll Say You Never Felt This Way
05/26/07 - CC 356: Why I Stopped Taking Advanced English
05/25/07 - CC 356: I Swear I'm Going Somewhere With This 4
05/25/07 - CC 356: I Swear I'm Going Somewhere With This 3
05/25/07 - CC 356: I Swear I'm Going Somewhere With This 2
05/25/07 - CC 356: I Swear I'm Going Somewhere With This 1
05/25/07 - CC: 356 One Time At Band Camp
05/25/07 - Reputation
05/11/07 - Stupid What's Your Sign Jokes 2
05/11/07 - Stupid What's Your Sign Joke 1
05/08/07 - Saving Money is Hard.
05/05/07 - My Son's Newest Strange Habit
05/03/07 - My Good News
05/01/07 - ICC 33: Canadian Bear hitchikes
04/11/07 - OPC 35: Hey Mr. DJ Put a Record on
04/03/07 - The Office Party
01/19/07 - With discount savings, you can afford one dinner!
01/10/07 - OPC 28: Where ARE Those Pickles?
01/09/07 - Lucky's secrets
01/09/07 - Tobor's Confession
01/08/07 - True Confession of an ex dollar store associate
01/06/07 - Who keeps doing this?
01/04/07 - Kaufman, do I have at least one number right?
01/03/07 - TYS and BED's Ideal Job Interview pt 3
01/03/07 - TYS and BED's Ideal Job Interview pt 2
01/03/07 - TYS and BED's Ideal Job Interview pt 1
01/03/07 - More presents found in the trashcan.
12/28/06 - My Christmas Featuring Gran Marie!
12/23/06 - Used to Laugh and Call Him Names
12/23/06 - How I Saved $300 Without Calling Gieko
12/22/06 - This may only be funny to me.
12/15/06 - Scroogalicious
12/13/06 - 14 Photo Albums, No Pictures of People
12/08/06 - A Necklace Made of Flowers
11/25/06 - ...
11/08/06 - Contribution to the "My Fucking Cat" Stories
11/05/06 - Getting All Hot And Sweaty
08/16/06 - 30 minute charms
08/16/06 - True Confessions - SEND ME MONEY
08/16/06 - Trading Cards
03/28/06 - Get a Clue, Guys
03/27/06 - Asian Girls Field Trip
03/16/06 - Hairdressers
03/16/06 - What I Wish I'd Said # 2
03/16/06 - What I Wish I'd Said # 1
03/15/06 - Rhode Island 3
03/15/06 - Rhode Island 2
03/15/06 - Rhode Island 1
03/09/06 - CC 314: I Wish This Would Stop Happening
02/17/06 - Fitting In
02/11/06 - cpausti is teh win!
02/09/06 - BTC 48: Bringing Home Strays
02/09/06 - OPC # 22: You Might Live In Jefferson County If...
02/03/06 - Gotta Have Big Uns To Make Big Uns
02/03/06 - With NuIntestine, You Can Organize Your Organs in Less Space
01/30/06 - ICC #25: True Tales of a Girl Called Gia
01/26/06 - umfum inspires me -- Dick Clark Ball Drop 2006
01/20/06 - Comic Cup XIII: Adventures of Nobody 13
01/20/06 - Comic Cup XIII: Adventures of Nobody 12
01/19/06 - Adventures of Nobody 11
01/18/06 - Adventures of Nobody 10
01/17/06 - Customer Appriciation Day At The Automated Machine 1
01/13/06 - CC 310: Access Denied
12/30/05 - Comic Cup XIII: Another True Confession
12/22/05 - At the Post Office
12/17/05 - ICC #20: They Put Votive Holders on Everything Now
12/15/05 - Jobs That Sound Dirty But Aren't Really: Automotive Tech
12/15/05 - Jobs That Sound Dirty But Aren't Really: The Military
12/13/05 - Hello, I'm Jesus Christ Redux
12/12/05 - Hello, I'm Jesus Christ.
12/07/05 - Happy Birthday!
12/06/05 - One of the Last Confessions of a Marketing Assistant
12/05/05 - The Untold Story of Pregnancy (Not Haha Funny)
12/02/05 - CC 306: AIDS about the dolla bill, ya'll
11/28/05 - Comic Cup XIII: Gone But Not Forgotten
11/10/05 - ICC 12: Mail Order Bride Testimonials
11/01/05 - ICC: Just Add Shipwreck
10/27/05 - Resumes Sent Out Today: 12 Responses: 0
10/26/05 - How Aliens Respond to Foreign Species
10/26/05 - How Humans React to Foreign Species
10/20/05 - Mother's Rights
10/19/05 - Adventures of Nobody 9 (credit to biped)
10/18/05 - Comic Cup 13: The Rescue
10/18/05 - Resume Responses
10/17/05 - ICC 4: Fashion Statement
10/17/05 - ICC 4: Attack!
10/17/05 - True Story, Part 2 of 2
10/17/05 - True Story Part 1 of 2
10/13/05 - There Goes My Hero, Shouting "Tomato!"
10/10/05 - My Life
10/05/05 - Assisting the Marketing
10/05/05 - CC 299: Donations Accepted
10/05/05 - CC 299: SUCWbAd Commercial # 2
10/05/05 - CC 299: SUCWbAd Commercial # 1
10/05/05 - CC 299: Secretly, I do want biped to win
10/03/05 - CC 299: I did not go camping with that dog!
09/29/05 - Where All Stripcreator User Names Start Out
09/28/05 - Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast The First Stone
09/27/05 - True Tales of Kinko's 2004
09/27/05 - RIP Gilligan and Inspector
09/26/05 - School Daze 2
09/26/05 - School Daze 1
09/22/05 - Coaxing the Office Supplies
09/20/05 - Adventures of Nobody featuring Everybody!
09/19/05 - And the Inscription Read: Bring Me More Beer and Hookers
09/16/05 - Unorganized Crime
09/16/05 - A Meeting of SCers: The Giant
09/14/05 - Home Again
09/13/05 - Sparkle oin your comedy
09/09/05 - Staying With Chicka, The Morning After
09/07/05 - This Really Just Happened
09/07/05 - A Tale of What is to Come 3
09/07/05 - A Tale of What Is To Come 2
09/07/05 - A Tale of What Is To Come 1
09/06/05 - RIP Gilligan
09/06/05 - Far From Almost A True Story
09/06/05 - CC 295: I Got To The End Of The Rainbow And All I Got...
09/06/05 - WW # 41: That's So Ageist
09/02/05 - Chicka & Mom Go Back To School 6
09/02/05 - Chicka & Mom Go Back To School 5
09/02/05 - Chicka & Mom Go Back To School 4
09/02/05 - Chicka & Mom Go Back To School 3
09/02/05 - Chicka & Mom Go Back To School 2
09/02/05 - Chicka & Mom Go Back To School
08/31/05 - Cut Out The Xtras (Revised ladydorkness comic)
08/30/05 - Questionable Loans
08/30/05 - 2 of You Will Get This
08/26/05 - CC 294: Crass
08/25/05 - I'm Not Really Political
08/24/05 - CC 294: Credit
08/24/05 - CC 294: Creative
08/24/05 - CC 294: Crap
08/23/05 - What Every Good Boyfriend Would Do
08/19/05 - Evil Office Equipment (2)
08/19/05 - Evil Office Equipment (1)
08/18/05 - Make Your Heart Happy
08/18/05 - More True Confessions
08/18/05 - Boinkvita
08/09/05 - How DO you properly end a mandate?
07/28/05 - CC 291: No Honey, Your Ass Always Looks Enormous
07/19/05 - Happy Birthday, Cpausti!
07/08/05 - Customer Service Sucks
06/24/05 - World On Time Office (5)
06/23/05 - The Chicka That Saved Christmas (9) - Kaufman's Epilogue
06/23/05 - The Chicka That Saved Christmas (8)
06/23/05 - The Chicka That Saved Christmas (7)
06/23/05 - The Chicka That Saved Christmas (6)
06/23/05 - The Chicka That Saved Christmas (5)
06/23/05 - The Chicka That Saved Christmas (4)
06/23/05 - The Chicka That Saved Christmas (3)
06/23/05 - The Chicka That Saved Christmas (2)
06/23/05 - The Chicka That Saved Christmas (1)
06/22/05 - Anti-Filing Clerk VIP
06/22/05 - The Little Claw Grabber Thing
06/20/05 - The World On Time Office 3
06/16/05 - Report Nazi
06/16/05 - The World On Time Office
06/14/05 - Marilou Doing What She Does Best
06/09/05 - I had to open the toilet paper too, but my hands weren't wet
06/09/05 - Maybe You Had To Be There...
06/08/05 - BTC 31: Where's My Happy Meal?
05/18/05 - The Process is Worse than the Results
05/11/05 - I Know What You Did, Ivy! 2
05/10/05 - I Know What You Did, Ivy!
05/10/05 - Birthday Blues
05/04/05 - Fun With New Backgrounds
05/02/05 - CC 281: A donkey, chicken, monkey and priest walk into a bar
05/02/05 - CC 281: A Guy Walks Into A Bar....
05/02/05 - CC 281: Drink Ya Under The Table
05/02/05 - A dog walks into a bar...
04/27/05 - Power Lunch
04/27/05 - True Confessions of a Marketing Assistant
04/27/05 - Dollar Tree Review
04/23/05 - Inside the Conclave
03/12/05 - Violation of the Eating Code
01/13/05 - Help Wanted
01/03/05 - I Thought He Was Watching Sesame Street
12/27/04 - Hired Help (GranMarie 6)
12/27/04 - This is the tape that doesn't end (GranMarie5)
12/27/04 - Good things come in incredibly shitty packages (GranMarie 4)
12/27/04 - Always with the Spy Cams (GranMarie 3)
12/27/04 - The Unwrapping (GranMarie Xmas 2)
12/27/04 - A Very GranMarie Christmas
08/27/04 - SCBR: Witch vs Little Girl 3
08/27/04 - SCBR: Witch vs Little Girl 2
08/27/04 - SCBR: Witch vs Little Girl 1
08/21/04 - Parental Musings
05/14/04 - WW#16: I Can't Believe No One Did This Yet
05/13/04 - Happy Birthday, xxausrottenxx (3)
05/13/04 - Happy Birthday, xxausrottenxx (2)
05/13/04 - Happy Birthday, xxausrottenxx (1)
05/13/04 - I'm Not Judging
05/08/04 - Comic Cup XII: ABC: Always Be Confessing
04/20/04 - Embarassing Moments of a Parent
04/17/04 - CC XII: Comic Cup Cooperation
04/08/04 - Why I'll Never Be A Baseball Mom
04/06/04 - WW 11: This was just on my last vacation...
04/01/04 - Hockey Mom
03/31/04 - Lessons Learned
03/30/04 - Why I'll Never Be a Soccer Mom
03/27/04 - SCBR: Squirelasaur 4
03/27/04 - SCBR: Squirelasaur 3
03/27/04 - SCBR: Squirelasaur Prologue 2
03/27/04 - SCBR: Squirelasaur Prologue 1
03/11/04 - A Penny Saved...
03/02/04 - WW 8: In 5 Years I'll Be Lonely
03/02/04 - WW 8.2: Making the World A Better Place
02/25/04 - The Adventures of Nobody 7
02/25/04 - The Adventures of Nobody 6
02/24/04 - CC 234: Drowned Cats
02/11/04 - Medical Professional?
02/07/04 - Worst things to say to a guy in a Kilt
02/06/04 - Worst thing for a guy to say to his kilt
02/06/04 - WW#5: Worst thing to say to a Guy in a Skirt
01/29/04 - WW #4: Spam Inspired
01/28/04 - FTC #20: What Really Happened
01/23/04 - Big Ones
01/22/04 - WW3: Worst thing to SING at the office
01/19/04 - IRC Conversationing
01/19/04 - Alternate Ending
01/15/04 - World's Shortest Tragic Play, 3 Months Later
01/15/04 - Father, Father, Father, help me! Part 2 Redux
01/07/04 - Game Show, feat. mmyers
01/07/04 - To you, mmyers
01/06/04 - Progress
12/30/03 - DexX vs Cthulhu
12/28/03 - CC 226: Happy New Year
12/28/03 - My Last Day of Work Pt4
12/28/03 - My Last Day of Work Pt3
12/28/03 - My Last Day of Work Pt2
12/28/03 - My Last Day of Work Pt1
12/21/03 - Unanswered Prayers: Reasons Revealed!
12/15/03 - CC 224: And the Saga Continues...
12/15/03 - CC 224: Making the relation official
12/15/03 - CC 224: Intermission - Jes's birthday feat. Mmyers and Jes_L
12/15/03 - CC 224: Almost Present
12/11/03 - little_kitty vs boinky33: It's all Canadian
12/09/03 - Why I Hate Christmas
12/08/03 - ZS #6: Bring Back That Burning Feeling
12/05/03 - CC 223: I just wanted to use the cats for some reason
11/29/03 - Happy Holidays!
11/23/03 - Oh, Almost Paradise!
11/19/03 - Mood Swings
11/19/03 - Egg Yolk Forts Take Time To Consume
11/19/03 - I Shall Never Be Hungry Again
11/18/03 - Ivytopia Flag Suggestion
11/18/03 - Umfumdaily 11/18/03
11/15/03 - A Little Help Here?
11/13/03 - UMFUMDAILY 10/13/03
11/10/03 - FTC 8: Amish and Lamps Don't Mix
11/07/03 - Again With The Balloons
11/05/03 - Services Rendered
11/03/03 - Cash or Check or CHARGE!
11/03/03 - What my smoke breaks are usually like
11/03/03 - Jimmy's First Lineup... And I Was There.
11/03/03 - Damaged Merchandise
11/03/03 - You're just walking along, writing a bad check when...
10/30/03 - CC 218: Son of the Devil!
10/27/03 - Choirboy vs Gabe 3
10/27/03 - Choirboy vs Gabe 2
10/27/03 - Choirboy vs Gabe 1
10/27/03 - DX vs Witch
10/27/03 - Matthew vs Penguin 3
10/27/03 - Matthew vs Penguin 2
10/27/03 - Matthew vs Penguin 1
10/27/03 - Brad vs pumpkin 3
10/27/03 - Brad vs pumpkin 2
10/27/03 - Brad vs Pumpkin 1
10/27/03 - Cookie Boobs
10/24/03 - Air Head
10/24/03 - The Adventures of Nobody 5
10/24/03 - The Adventures of Nobody 4
10/24/03 - The Adventures of Nobody 3
10/24/03 - The Adventures of Nobody 2
10/24/03 - The Adventures of Nobody
10/23/03 - Scheduling Problems
10/23/03 - FTC #5
10/21/03 - Shift Change
10/21/03 - Bathroom Duty
10/20/03 - Don't push your luck
10/20/03 - 4 For A Dollar
10/20/03 - "The Talk"
10/20/03 - Wooden Handled Kitchen Utensils
10/19/03 - Swipe It Between Your Buttcheeks and Hit Enter
10/19/03 - Don't like it? Go somewhere else.
10/19/03 - Dollar Tree Physics
10/17/03 - Older
10/14/03 - Comic Cup X: I cheated on the Palindrome Rule.
10/14/03 - Comic Cup X: The Ultimate Crunch for CrunchyCheese
10/07/03 - Comic Cup X: Oh, that Morocco!
09/29/03 - CC 213: I've been converted to penis!
09/25/03 - Comic Cup X: Like A Theif In The Night
09/21/03 - Simply Stated
09/21/03 - CC 211: Monkey, monkey...
09/04/03 - Comic Cup X
08/29/03 - CC 207: Cathy gone Wrong
08/21/03 - A Very Spankling Back to School
08/19/03 - The Worlds Shortest Tragic Play alt ending
08/06/03 - CC 203: Summer in Indy
08/01/03 - CC 202: Always Coming Back For More
07/30/03 - CC 201: Clowning Around
06/18/03 - CC: 193 They just needed seat fillers...
06/13/03 - CC 192: Could actually happen
02/10/03 - CC 169:Why drunken internet surfing is not cool pt.4
02/10/03 - CC 169:Why drunken internet surfing is not cool pt.3
02/10/03 - CC 169:Why drunken internet surfing is not cool pt.2
02/10/03 - CC 169:Why drunken internet surfing is not cool pt1
01/07/03 - Comparison.
12/24/02 - Happy Holidays!
11/21/02 - CC 155: Why I Should Win
11/01/02 - CC 151: True Story
10/30/02 - CC 150: Community College Misconceptions
10/04/02 - Friend-to-Friend
10/01/02 - CC: 144: This is my vacation.
09/27/02 - CC 143: Get Down
02/02/02 - CC97: Placebo is as placebo does
11/26/01 - Three Month Anniversary
11/08/01 - A Cure for Cancer? Maybe Not.
11/03/01 - Ian's Answering Machine Message
10/23/01 - True Story... Sort of 2: Still Wearing Underpants
10/07/01 - My Other Job: The Haunted House
10/05/01 - CC 70: The USS Tobor Sick Bay
10/04/01 - The Official Money of the Church of Arse
10/01/01 - CC 68: College Friends
09/28/01 - CC: 67- I Have A Lot More
09/28/01 - CC: 67- No 53X
09/25/01 - CC 66: Storytime With Jesus
09/24/01 - CC 66: Between Death and the Devil
09/23/01 - The Questioning
09/20/01 - Serial Comic ]I[: The Nukes Await
09/19/01 - CC 63: Ode to a Newbie
09/17/01 - Yahtzee!
09/16/01 - Welcome to the Church of Arse
09/14/01 - Serial Comic ]|[: Arriving Ashore
09/13/01 - Staring Contest
09/08/01 - Someone Had To Make A "Smells Fishy" Joke
09/06/01 - Finger Quotes
09/03/01 - Reasons To Use Your Own Razor
09/01/01 - Acting Classes #3: It May Not Be Shakespeare
08/31/01 - Acting classes #2 - Playing the Part
08/31/01 - Acting Classes #1- Romeo and Juliet