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| It's times like these I wish bakawaii-senpai would take a greater hand in writing the show, instead of leaving us to improvise everything... | |
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| Which reminds me, we should introduce our producer. He calls himself "bakawaii," a compound word he came up with, from "baka" which means "idiot" and "kawaii," which means "cute." | |
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| Hai. Because he thinks he seems stupid whenever he tries to be cute. And while I generally disagree, I go along with his chosen name, out of respect for his position of authority. | |
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| Right. But I usually just call him by his real name, Dave. Not that I don't respect his authority... but shoot, bakawaii? Dude, lame! Sheesh... Dave no baka.... | |
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| Dave no bakawaii. I think the reverse of his explanation the moniker is true. I think it's more like he's cute when he tries to be stupid. | |
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| Well, the truth is actually probably somewhere in between. Whatever the case, we're stuck with him. And we're relatively happy about it. I guess. | |
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