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| Okay, we all love Fullmetal Alchemist, but let's not go crazy, here. Besides, it's high time we start talking about entertainment news, shows we've watched lately, and stuff... | |
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| In other words, Dave can't think of a cool nickname, either... | |
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| Oh, hush, Benny-san! While you may be correct, so is bakawaii-senpai. We have a show to do. So let's get on with it... | |
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| Okay. Well, I've been enjoying guest stars on USA shows this season. That chick from "Committed" was on the Dead Zone. And Patrick Bauchau. Robert Picardo was on the 4400... | |
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| Lexa Doig has a recurring role on the 4400, so does Lindy Booth, a couple hotties I'm happy to see getting work on a show I like. Plus Summer Glau was in one ep, hope to see more of her. | |
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| Oh yeah, and Jeffrey Combs was in her ep. Jason Alexander was in Monk, and John Turturro was back as Monk's brother, though that ep reminded me alot of the other ep he was in... | |
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