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| Hey, nanika atta, America? And how you doin', Momoiro-san? | |
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| Well, since I convinced bakawaii-senpai he'd taken the phone bit as far as it would go, I'm doing alright... | |
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| Right on. Now, it's time to explain something for the viewes who just joined us the other day, with our first national show. Don't want them to be confused, here... | |
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| Hai. We have a sort of tradition on this show, in that each episode, Benny-san and I trade places. One day I sit on the left, the next day he does, and so on... | |
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| We gotta say that, so your subconscious doesn't drive you nuts, trying to figure out what's wrong with this picture. | |
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| And now, on with the show... | |
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