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Nanika atta, America?! (formerly known as "Ohayou Ohio!") viewer forum / Benny's blog / teknomage goes fourth
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by bakawaii
Hey, nanika atta, America? And how you doin', Momoiro-san?
Well, since I convinced bakawaii-senpai he'd taken the phone bit as far as it would go, I'm doing alright...
Right on. Now, it's time to explain something for the viewes who just joined us the other day, with our first national show. Don't want them to be confused, here...
Hai. We have a sort of tradition on this show, in that each episode, Benny-san and I trade places. One day I sit on the left, the next day he does, and so on...
We gotta say that, so your subconscious doesn't drive you nuts, trying to figure out what's wrong with this picture.
And now, on with the show...
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