Only 50% of Americans favor Iraq war without U.N. approval
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| See! You can't have a war without U.N. approval! The polls say so! | |
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| Why should we care about what the U.N. thinks? The U.N. is a joke! Most of the countries are run by dictators! | |
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| It is not! They're humanitarians, dude! They do good things! | |
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| Like having U.N. peacekeepers standing idly by in Srebenica and Rwanda while genocide takes place right under their noses? | |
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| Serba-what-za? Rwanda? Never heard of them. Are they near Iraq? Oh, gotta run, man, it's time to watch the new "Survivor: Iraq." They have two tribes of human shields... | |
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| Why am I not surprised? Let's just say that any organization that has Qaddafi's Libya in charge of human rights is a bad, bad joke. | |
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