Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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by barcodeking
Week 6 of the Liberal Media's Abu Ghraibathon: Rather and Brokaw have a field day
Abu Ghraib! Abu Ghraib! Torture! Abu Ghraib! Quagmire! Abu Ghraib! Abu Ghraaaaaaaib!
Abu Ghraib! Abu Ghraib! Torture! Abu Ghraib! Quagmire! Casualties! Abu Ghraaaaaaaib!
And then something happens to break the rhythm
Abu Ghraib! Abu Ghraib! Torture! Abu Ghraib! Quagmire! Abu Ghraib! Abu Ghraaaaaaaib!
Reagan dies...
Rather and Brokaw are unhappy
Reagan's death has been OVER-COVERED! There's other news! Iraq is getting short shrift! Quagmire! Casualties! Abu Ghraaaaaaaaib!
Yeah, we have a president to unelect here! Abu Ghraib! Abu Ghraib! Torture! Quagmire! Abu Ghraib! Abu Ghraaaaaaaaaib!!
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