Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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Here's what they're saying about me:

"Pretty funny, I guess"
"Not funny"
"I think you just broke my brain"
"Pretty dull"
"Single worst thing on the site"
"I found your name, comics and posts uninteresting"
"Someone please make the hurting stop"
"You can make anyone feel as though their brain had just exploded"
"You make my ass explode"
"I fear for the future"
"I really don't like ur comics"
A Little Toy Tricycle With A Clown On It
A Journey To The Centre Of Vin Diesel's Asshole
Amazing Deep-Focus 3D Comics
Robot Joe

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by biped
Well, Billy...your continued insistence that the city hold a "goat parade" seems to have paid off.
Yeah, just look at all those goats! And it only took two and a half million "mock suicidal" letters to the city council.
I must've driven through five miles of two-foot-deep goat shit on my way home. The whole town smells like rancid shit.
Well, Billy accomplished something. We should at least pretend to be proud of him for it.
Billy, the Goat Parade Committee is waiting for you to come out and judge the best "goat float."
Bah, I'm watching cartoons now. Tell them they can FUCK all the goats.
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