Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

Thought-Suppressing Comics

by biped
Less than a minute to self-destruct, Astro-Chicken. Did you make your peace with your chicken gods?
I already told you -- chickens don't HAVE gods. What about YOU, Tex? Did you make your peace with YOUR god?
DANG! I FERGOT! Uh, Dear Lord, I, uh...please don't hold it agin me that I..I...uh...I beseech Thee, and... uh... err...
PUM!!! PUM!!! PAH-RUM-PUM-PUM!!! Hope I'm not distractin' you there, Tex! Heh, heh! PUM-PUM PAH PUM-PUM!!! PA-RUM PUM PUM PUM PUM!!! PAH--

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Thought-Suppressing Comics

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