Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Something unknown still doing we don't know what
The particle physics community has concluded that the universe is made of tiny pyramids built by invisble space-monkeys.
We could explain, but you wouldn't understand the math.
Any questions?
boorite's Comics
01/10/12 - Dougan Comes Alive
09/07/07 - Random random
09/06/07 - Your mangina sir
08/23/07 - Keepaway
08/20/07 - But I can order a burger at Burger King
08/20/07 - Habitat for Humility
08/20/07 - Starback Trekhouse
08/20/07 - Wake me up before you K-K
08/15/07 - You're welcome to stay for dinner
08/15/07 - Why Timmy is afraid of squirrels
08/15/07 - I just saved a bundle on my health insurance
08/15/07 - The office comedian in space
08/15/07 - Prepare lies ahead of time
08/09/07 - Motel 666
08/09/07 - A likely story
08/09/07 - Artificial inelegance
08/09/07 - Dreams are stupid
08/09/07 - The Sheriff of Nut-in-Ham
08/09/07 - Spanged in the noodlar
08/03/07 - CC 364 example: El Rape-O
08/03/07 - Gangsta as a Second Language
07/30/07 - What happens when you mess with illegal
07/30/07 - Whatever this means
07/27/07 - Horny the Copyright Hornet
07/27/07 - The Unimaginative Adventures of Literal Man
07/27/07 - True friends
07/27/07 - Educational uses of Stripcreator
07/26/07 - I Robot, U Moron
07/26/07 - Marcus Fucking Welby
07/26/07 - Charles Xavier vs. ketchup squirty bottle
07/26/07 - Clown College
07/26/07 - You can change your shorts but you can't change your past
07/26/07 - Just a recurring dream I have
07/25/07 - CC 363: Apocalypse of Awkwardness
07/25/07 - But it worked in the eighties
07/25/07 - Florence fucking Nightingale
07/25/07 - One day in the middle of fuck
07/25/07 - Bob Fucking Vila
07/25/07 - Hit random, write comic, then hit random again
03/13/07 - LOLander
03/12/07 - Monster garage
02/05/07 - The One-Minute Manager
01/24/07 - Rotched bobbery
11/16/06 - Not that stupid
11/01/06 - FTC 98: Beware of crackpanther
10/31/06 - What Rubberchix means to me
10/13/06 - If your resurrection lasts for more than four days
10/12/06 - FTC 96: El Horno Grande
10/12/06 - Guarding Eden
10/10/06 - It's Google, You Tube
10/09/06 - When you hire illegal aliens
10/06/06 - Bad inventions: virtually invisible headset
10/05/06 - Those ultra-liberal conservatives!
10/04/06 - Resigned
10/04/06 - Foley got fingered
10/02/06 - Cut and run
09/21/06 - Amazon logic
09/21/06 - Raiders of the Lost Cause
09/20/06 - Cowboy encounters of the worst kind
09/20/06 - Beatnik Joe and the Green Bastard Ride off into the Earthset
09/20/06 - Beatnik Joe and the Green Bastard Go Leather
09/20/06 - Beatnik Joe and the Green Bastard Gulp it Down
09/20/06 - Beatnik Joe and the Green Bastard
09/19/06 - Hello Pirate
08/18/06 - cc330: Epilogue
08/18/06 - cc330: Our sacred way of life
08/18/06 - cc330: Little red search engine that could
08/18/06 - cc330: Reprogramming for the rest of us
08/14/06 - 20 goto 10
08/03/06 - Abject Missouri
08/03/06 - Bench of the darned
08/03/06 - First day in Hell
08/03/06 - Bacon bench
08/03/06 - O... K?
08/02/06 - Meanwhile, on the net: Fucktards
08/01/06 - I thought so
06/20/06 - Microsoft sucks
05/12/06 - Dr. Deaf
05/03/06 - Cowboy Psychics
04/10/06 - You can't write this stuff
04/10/06 - I heard my name
04/06/06 - Boys' night out
04/06/06 - Bomb Pie
03/24/06 - Assarchy in the UK
03/21/06 - Lucky for him
03/19/06 - Trick or Treat
03/18/06 - Write random layout comic, then hit random button again
03/18/06 - Write random layout comic, then hit random button again
03/18/06 - Write random layout comic, then hit random button again
03/07/06 - Live television
03/07/06 - The secret school
03/07/06 - Based on a true story
03/06/06 - The spooky detective adventures of Jim the medium
03/06/06 - The spooky detective adventures of Jim the medium
03/06/06 - Ted and the Amazing Disembodied Appendage
03/06/06 - Super g/f
02/28/06 - Sweet dreams are made of tentacles
02/28/06 - Please wake before speaking
02/22/06 - Origins
02/21/06 - luminous_luciano calls on Stripcreator
02/20/06 - University of Wyoming Cowboy Physics
02/07/06 - Things to talk about when you're asleep
02/06/06 - The if bone's connected to the then bone
02/04/06 - Bat, man
01/16/06 - Frijole shit
01/16/06 - Inside the NBA
01/12/06 - Template for computing lab
01/09/06 - Journey into the explained
12/30/05 - Waiting for King Kong
12/20/05 - Free will-y
12/19/05 - Captain's log
12/12/05 - ICC Aesop: Bell the Cat
12/11/05 - Communion
12/08/05 - Waiting for the plumber
12/08/05 - Twenty-five or six below zero
12/04/05 - ThoughtNet
11/27/05 - Time, tide, and Tobor
11/12/05 - We'll leave the light on... forever!
11/12/05 - Man donates body to Christian science
11/12/05 - Off the menu
11/12/05 - Post-holocaust wildlife adventure
11/12/05 - The pitfalls of random comic layout
11/10/05 - TOBOR vs. BLT
11/10/05 - omg random layout
11/10/05 - Our Lady of No Mercy
10/20/05 - True mail tales
10/20/05 - BAM
10/20/05 - Dr. Suck
10/18/05 - The Day after Tomorrow in 3 panels
10/11/05 - Gabe's welcome wagon
10/10/05 - Mr. Breezyknees
10/03/05 - Go Big Red
10/03/05 - For amber waves of shit
10/03/05 - Children of the corn
10/03/05 - Objets de Nebraska
09/22/05 - How to catch a serial killer
09/18/05 - Wheel of meat
09/17/05 - The War on Terror has won
09/07/05 - The hunter becomes the cunted
09/07/05 - Dinner in Wyoming
09/07/05 - omg
09/07/05 - Teh lewlz0rrzz
09/07/05 - Boorite and Ivy: Thumbs Up Yours
09/05/05 - Ticketmaster Ascended
08/31/05 - Ticket Master
08/28/05 - Welcome to Ivytopia
08/27/05 - Laramie: the fiasco begins
08/25/05 - Brush with fame 2.0
08/19/05 - Brush with fame
07/11/05 - Law Mart
04/14/05 - Interrogation
04/13/05 - Home but not alone
04/13/05 - Dr. do very little
04/12/05 - When you're down
04/12/05 - Paint has feelings too
04/07/05 - Insane in the M-brane
04/07/05 - High-ennui physics
04/06/05 - The futility of satire
03/24/05 - Origin of a hero
03/24/05 - The incredible boorite
03/24/05 - boorite Hulks out
12/17/04 - Supportive
12/17/04 - One decade ago
12/10/04 - I was just saying
12/10/04 - Cramp-us Computing
12/02/04 - Executive decision
11/19/04 - Overheard cell phone talkings
11/12/04 - What's more, he rented it
11/11/04 - Holy turdsicles!
11/11/04 - Damn
11/09/04 - Kill the World, pt. 2
11/09/04 - Kill the World, pt. 1
11/09/04 - Kill the Banks, pt. 4
11/09/04 - Kill the Banks, pt. 3
11/09/04 - Kill the Banks, pt. 2
11/09/04 - Kill the Banks, pt. 1
11/08/04 - Something unknown still doing we don't know what
11/05/04 - The problem is not with your set
11/01/04 - Roger that
10/27/04 - Law and Odor
10/06/04 - Wise old raptor
09/28/04 - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV
08/27/04 - Untitled
08/25/04 - Airport security
07/27/04 - Transatlantic dating advice
07/09/04 - Romancing the Zeta-Jones
07/09/04 - The restaurant business
07/09/04 - Noir verite
06/11/04 - WWSLJD?
06/10/04 - T'ism
05/06/04 - Aqualung my friend
05/06/04 - Tutelage of a too-wise aspirant
05/06/04 - Genes that fit your lifestyle
05/05/04 - Battlefield Earth
05/03/04 - Bring teh funneh
04/27/04 - Sing sing sing
04/27/04 - Mr. boorite goes nowhere
04/27/04 - Mr. boorite goes full ghetto
04/27/04 - Mr. boorite goes to breakfast
04/27/04 - Mr. boorite goes into the Belly of the Beast
04/27/04 - Mr. boorite goes to Washington
04/21/04 - Rock critic about town
04/20/04 - Negotiation at Kelvingrove Park
04/19/04 - Afternoon delight
04/13/04 - And lo, the Cable went out
04/13/04 - Chess Mom
04/13/04 - Series finale
04/12/04 - Ivy reaps the whirlwind
04/12/04 - L. Ron Hubbard bombs in Laramie
04/12/04 - Apocalyptic faceoff on the high plains
04/12/04 - Home on the range, where the Scientologists pray
04/12/04 - Ivy sows chaos in the middle of nowhere
04/08/04 - Meanwhile, in Laramie, Wyoming
04/07/04 - All-purpose rejoinders
04/05/04 - What a coincidence! I, too, enjoy walking on the beach
04/05/04 - Internet girlfriend
04/05/04 - Computer dating
04/01/04 - Lethal Passion
04/01/04 - Catholic answers to stupid questions
03/29/04 - All the President's men
03/26/04 - The dawn of paraphilia
03/26/04 - Eye of the beholder
03/24/04 - We'd never get that smell out
03/23/04 - Girls and their squirrels
03/23/04 - Fresh and breezy
03/22/04 - His terrible swift sword
03/22/04 - Idle hands and charcoal starter
03/22/04 - Dead eye for the bee guy
03/22/04 - I just walked here from DC and boy are my legs freezing
03/18/04 - OMG GMOs
03/18/04 - When GMOs attack
03/18/04 - To absent friends
03/12/04 - Patching things up
03/12/04 - There's no "IQ" in "team"
03/10/04 - Intermediate Zen
03/10/04 - Benchwarmer
03/10/04 - Ascension
03/10/04 - Failing zeroth grade
02/27/04 - Circus of mental distress
02/26/04 - Touched by a Kraken
02/26/04 - Allegations and allegators
02/22/04 - refbrute
02/22/04 - We are, after all, professionals
02/19/04 - Tete a tete
02/19/04 - You can take the Euro out of the trash
02/19/04 - Weapons of mass olfaction
02/19/04 - What else could you say?
02/18/04 - Needs assessment
02/11/04 - My God, it's full of SARS
02/11/04 - Symptoms of mad vacuum Tunisia
02/11/04 - The diary of Hen Frank
02/10/04 - The haunting
02/10/04 - Hard sell
02/04/04 - After the primaries
02/03/04 - Granny Kraken strikes again
02/03/04 - Interview day
02/03/04 - Telephone interview
02/02/04 - Thanks, Granny Kraken
02/02/04 - More fine products and services from Granny Kraken
02/02/04 - More leased access, with Granny Kraken
01/30/04 - Pause for infomercial
01/29/04 - My God, it's full of R's
01/28/04 - Disaster strikes in two countries, but there is consolation
01/21/04 - Only in dreams, in beautiful dreams
01/16/04 - The six dollar man
01/14/04 - Mood ruiners
01/14/04 - Qixotic foods
11/21/03 - Beatlemania with mood-congruent psychotic features
11/07/03 - Almost everything
11/07/03 - We mean everything
11/05/03 - Wirthlander II
11/05/03 - Wirthlander
11/05/03 - Obilander
11/05/03 - Chooblander
11/05/03 - Boolander
10/27/03 - Fanfare for the common man
10/17/03 - Stripsurvivor 8
10/17/03 - Stripsurvivor 7
10/17/03 - Stripsurvivor 6
10/17/03 - Stripsurvivor 5
10/17/03 - Stripsurvivor 4
10/17/03 - Stripsurvivor 3
10/17/03 - Stripsurvivor 2
10/17/03 - Stripsurvivor 1
10/17/03 - FTC 4: You can't go home again
10/14/03 - A chapter torn from the savage pages of evolution
10/14/03 - Lovin' it, Love Canal style
10/08/03 - Two out of three
10/06/03 - Advanced programming
10/04/03 - Untitled
10/01/03 - Pulse pounding true librarian tales
09/29/03 - Pseudo-intellectual property
09/24/03 - This week in Maryland
09/15/03 - Totally gay with it
09/11/03 - Remarks on 9-11
09/10/03 - Officer Friendly
09/09/03 - Emu poetry
09/08/03 - Silent but funny
09/08/03 - Reality/television
09/03/03 - Have it my fucking way
09/02/03 - Diversity 1901 style
09/02/03 - THE WHAT
09/02/03 - In which Lenny is drawn into the temporal vortex
09/02/03 - An old century dawns
09/02/03 - Time-traveling salesman
09/02/03 - Past imperfect
09/02/03 - Surely
09/02/03 - Circuit City would also do.
09/02/03 - In which I attempt to bamboozle a hayseed
09/02/03 - The shape of things to come
09/02/03 - Untitled
09/02/03 - Out of time and out of pants
09/02/03 - Buffalo, 1901
08/28/03 - Beef safety facts
08/28/03 - Keep the line moving
08/28/03 - Not Kosher
08/28/03 - Food just doesn't get faster than this
08/27/03 - Food courtship
08/27/03 - CC 207: Doomsbury
08/27/03 - And hurry up with those rules
08/26/03 - Expect the best
08/26/03 - CC 206: Welcome back, kunter
08/26/03 - Where's that cunt after all?
08/26/03 - CC 206: A right jolly old pimp
08/26/03 - CC 206: Say it with a meat axe
08/25/03 - Web design focus group
08/22/03 - Grammar lesson
08/22/03 - CC 206
08/21/03 - Notions and sundries
08/19/03 - Untitled
08/19/03 - Untitled
08/18/03 - Untitled
08/15/03 - Political humor
08/12/03 - Plot twist lost on some
08/11/03 - Lenny gives Death a red-ass beatdown, pt. 4
08/11/03 - Lenny gives Death a red-ass beatdown, pt. 3
08/11/03 - Lenny gives Death a red-ass beatdown, pt. 2
08/11/03 - Lenny gives Death a red-ass beatdown, pt. 1
08/07/03 - More history repeating
08/04/03 - Technical assistance
08/04/03 - History repeating
07/31/03 - Sea Biscuit
07/31/03 - Shop talk
07/31/03 - Maybe you should try the other ball
07/29/03 - Ostensibly
07/29/03 - Self-adjusting microphone
07/29/03 - Brad says computers are gay, plus obsolete Lewinsky joke
07/29/03 - Example 13
07/29/03 - Pinhole leak
07/18/03 - CC197: The devil you know
07/18/03 - After Scyess: Not so fresh
07/15/03 - Playland
07/14/03 - Stripcreator still down
07/14/03 - Cowboy physicians
07/14/03 - Attention
07/14/03 - The judicious application of force
07/14/03 - Project
07/14/03 - Originality
07/14/03 - CC 197
07/11/03 - Inane conversation stillborn
07/11/03 - And getting caught in the brain
07/10/03 - He hears something but not the music
07/10/03 - Great Tragedies Volume 4: Urban renewal
07/10/03 - She hears the music
07/10/03 - CC196: Tobor of a Salesman
07/10/03 - CC196: Shazam, or words to that effect
07/09/03 - CC196: Death of a Salesman
07/09/03 - CC196
07/09/03 - Footnote to Scyess's Lesson in Women
07/09/03 - Order in the class
07/03/03 - Marquee Moon
07/03/03 - Pulse-pounding tales of horror
07/03/03 - is pink black titfucking
07/03/03 - That tingle means it's working
07/02/03 - Setting the record straight
07/02/03 - Disillusionment
07/02/03 - A play in fewer than one acts
07/02/03 - Clown lost in the desert, II
07/02/03 - Inane conversations
07/02/03 - Clown lost in the desert
06/27/03 - The deciding vote
06/20/03 - The Secret of Tatu's Armadillo, pt. XLVII
06/19/03 - The Secretive Abbattoir of Armadillos, pt. XLVI
06/19/03 - Secretions from an Amarillo Spittoon, pt XXXVII
06/19/03 - The Secret of the Amarillo Spittoon, pt. XXX
06/19/03 - The Secret of the Amarillo Tattoo, pt. XXI
06/19/03 - The Secret of the Armadillo Tattoo, pt XX
06/19/03 - The Secret of the Armadillo Tattoo, pt. XIX
06/19/03 - Street pizza
06/18/03 - We talk politics.
06/18/03 - Tribute to redbrute
06/18/03 - Librarian pickup lines, as seen on UnknownEric
06/12/03 - And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood
05/30/03 - Save room for pie
05/30/03 - picture = word x 1000
05/29/03 - The Startling Adventures of Impressive Man 7
05/29/03 - The Startling Adventures of Impressive Man 6
05/29/03 - The Startling Adventures of Impressive Man 5
05/29/03 - The Startling Adventures of Impressive Man 4
05/29/03 - The Startling Adventures of Impressive Man 3
05/29/03 - The Startling Adventures of Impressive Man 2
05/29/03 - The Startling Adventures of Impressive Man
05/29/03 - Warm-up
05/28/03 - The Matrix
05/27/03 - Slippery slope x
05/27/03 - Slippery slope ix
05/27/03 - Slippery slope viii
05/27/03 - Slippery slope vii
05/27/03 - Slippery slope vi
05/27/03 - sLIPPERY SLOPE V
05/27/03 - Slippery slope iv
05/27/03 - Slippery slope iii
05/27/03 - Slippery slope ii
05/27/03 - Slippery slope
05/21/03 - Like I don't hear that one all the time
05/20/03 - Cliquish
05/20/03 - Goodbye Jumbo World Party
05/20/03 - Culture shock
05/20/03 - RSVP
05/20/03 - Elephocentrism
04/19/03 - IRC #3129
04/18/03 - IRC #3128
04/18/03 - Ye chatte transcripte
04/17/03 - IRC #3127
04/17/03 - True tales of the library
04/03/03 - El pato y el matador 15
04/03/03 - El pato y el matador 14
04/03/03 - El pato y el matador 13
04/03/03 - El pato y el matador 12
04/03/03 - El pato y el matador 11
04/03/03 - El pato y el matador 10
04/03/03 - El pato y el matador 9
04/03/03 - El pato y el matador 8
04/03/03 - El pato y el matador 7
04/03/03 - El pato y el matador 6
04/03/03 - El plato y el matador 5
04/03/03 - El plato y el matador 4
04/03/03 - El pato y el matador 3
04/03/03 - El pato y el matador 2
04/03/03 - El pato y el matador
03/14/03 - My fawn has a rock band, what should I do?
03/13/03 - May I take your ordure, please
03/13/03 - Road Koans
03/06/03 - Tag Team finale: Not ready for primate time
02/26/03 - I am not an animal
02/26/03 - Does whatever a spider can
02/11/03 - CC 169: Says here I'm powerless over alcohol
02/10/03 - God's comic
02/03/03 - While standing in a tidal pool
01/31/03 - The Druid of Druidhenge
01/31/03 - Observational humor
01/31/03 - Canary comedy hour
01/31/03 - Stripcreator, Inc., a division of ABC-Disney-GE-AOL-Time...
01/31/03 - Public arena-- no trespassing
01/31/03 - Evidence
01/30/03 - Independence Day
01/30/03 - Fertile ground for humor
01/29/03 - Take heed
01/29/03 - New for '03
01/28/03 - Life in a nutshell
01/27/03 - CC 167: Ducks only club
01/27/03 - cc 167: Razing the steaks
01/27/03 - CC 167: 1930's radio mix
01/27/03 - Funny Pharmacy
01/27/03 - Hard sell
01/27/03 - Focus group
01/23/03 - The monkeys only club
01/23/03 - Self-serve
01/23/03 - Reality shows
01/23/03 - TV purgatory
01/23/03 - Huzzah
01/23/03 - Comic Number 600!!!
01/23/03 - The eve of distraction
01/23/03 - Celebrate good times, come on
01/23/03 - Why bother asking?
01/22/03 - Tag team cup: I'd walk a mile for a camel
01/22/03 - Artistic differences
01/21/03 - Cowboy postmodernism
01/21/03 - Taste test
01/21/03 - The second lie
01/21/03 - The first lie
01/21/03 - Lowest common denominator
01/17/03 - Emo pirate battle royale
01/16/03 - Ask around first
01/16/03 - Species emeritus
01/16/03 - Suicide diet
01/10/03 - Eugenics 101: The "finals" solution
01/10/03 - Eugenics 101
01/10/03 - Philosophy 404: All about Nothing
01/10/03 - Philosophy 404: Intro to Nihilism
01/10/03 - I saw the news today, oy vey
01/09/03 - The sands of time
12/20/02 - CC 161: Buildup!
12/20/02 - CC 161: Chance of brainstorm
12/14/02 - Untitled
12/10/02 - Tag Team Cup: Seeds of Doom!
11/08/02 - Infringing the copyrights of United Features Syndicate
11/05/02 - Jonathan Livingston Grackle
11/05/02 - Wider is better
11/05/02 - Light your lighters
11/05/02 - Rockin' Robin
10/31/02 - Today we honor my Dark Master
10/30/02 - For the living
10/30/02 - title
10/30/02 - Tribute to LongDongSilver
10/29/02 - Cowboy physics
10/29/02 - Ahmad's football television party
10/28/02 - Forgiven
10/28/02 - Church campout
10/28/02 - Campfire girl
10/28/02 - This conversation never happened
10/28/02 - Defensive
10/28/02 - Father knows best
10/28/02 - Pilgrimage
10/28/02 - Straight man
10/28/02 - Pass dropped at the goal line
10/26/02 - Consoling the bird
10/26/02 - My makeover
10/26/02 - Sniper trial: Opening statements
10/26/02 - Pass overthrown
10/21/02 - Saved by no bell
10/17/02 - The 7th Voyage of Sinbad
10/17/02 - An all-new season of "Friends"
10/17/02 - Famous dead people
10/15/02 - My refutation precedes me
10/15/02 - Sillygisms
10/15/02 - Wherein I argue religion
10/15/02 - Leprosy according to Boorite
10/08/02 - Self-portrait: ceci n'est pas une bibliotheque
10/03/02 - Inspector Sensitive
10/02/02 - Vocational counseling
10/02/02 - I actually am the crazy chicken
10/02/02 - The flattest form of sincerity
10/02/02 - Vengeance is mine
10/02/02 - Cheese it, it's the cops
10/02/02 - Crazy crazy chicken
10/02/02 - Mexican wrestling rules
10/02/02 - Soy rico
10/02/02 - Alarming
10/02/02 - That's Doctor Sinatra, you bimbo
10/02/02 - I want to be a part of it
09/29/02 - Impressionable
09/27/02 - Talkin' about a revolution
09/27/02 - Look out Oscar, here we come
09/27/02 - Original syntax
09/17/02 - Inaner conversations than ever before #too many
09/13/02 - Cafe ironique
09/10/02 - The long and winding cup
08/29/02 - Meanwhile, somewhere in Glasgow
08/29/02 - Are we famous yet?
08/29/02 - FWS
08/29/02 - FWS
08/29/02 - Famous Writer's School 3
08/29/02 - Famous Writer's School 2
08/29/02 - Famous Writer's School 1
08/23/02 - CC 139: How to stick the falsetto
08/22/02 - Help desk 3
08/22/02 - Help desk 2
08/22/02 - Help desk
08/21/02 - Underused
08/20/02 - Dreams really can come true
08/20/02 - Flop sweat
08/20/02 - Showtime
08/20/02 - Homophobophobia
08/19/02 - One per customer
08/19/02 - The best things in life
08/19/02 - Proselyte Lite
08/19/02 - Hard sell
08/19/02 - Disclaimer, ostensibly humorous
08/19/02 - Hot lesbo action
08/19/02 - Film School outtakes, only on DVD
08/16/02 - 589 games back from first place
08/16/02 - Got religion?
08/16/02 - Found God
08/16/02 - With a Rebel yell
08/16/02 - Death on the High Seas
08/16/02 - It's mutiny
08/15/02 - Film School 10
08/15/02 - Film School 9
08/15/02 - Film School 8
08/15/02 - Film School 7
08/15/02 - Film School 6
08/15/02 - Film School 5
08/15/02 - Film School 4
08/15/02 - Film School 3
08/15/02 - Film School 2
08/15/02 - Film School 1
08/14/02 - HomoCop: The end?
08/14/02 - Arrested plot development
08/14/02 - In the name of the laaaaggghhh
08/14/02 - Not very good at this, is he?
08/14/02 - Special weapons
08/14/02 - Every tough guy his tag line
08/14/02 - Seen approaching from quite a distance
08/14/02 - Oopsie-daisy
08/14/02 - We are the law
08/14/02 - Policemen are made, not born
08/14/02 - The once and future cop
08/13/02 - 'Cause I'm a choker...
08/13/02 - When they grow up
08/13/02 - They work for Peanuts
08/13/02 - Freudian slip differential
08/12/02 - Sensitivity training
08/12/02 - Tobor or not Tobor? That is the question.
08/12/02 - People who need people are people who don't have robots
08/12/02 - CC 10001000: Automate this
08/08/02 - Gettin' culture
08/08/02 - Pun gun
08/08/02 - before kaufman does it
08/08/02 - Geek Race 2000
08/07/02 - The pun doctor
08/07/02 - Transference response
08/07/02 - Wee sleekit timorous bestie
08/07/02 - Wee sleekit timorous bestie
08/07/02 - Heavy rotation.
08/06/02 - CC 135: Tokyo driving lesson
08/06/02 - CC 135: Don't forget the Apoco-Lips-Balm
08/06/02 - CC 135: 'Big Grab' not meant to suggest grabbing big things
08/06/02 - CC 135: WARNING-- instructions enclosed
08/06/02 - Huzzah
08/06/02 - CC 135: Vroom
08/06/02 - CC 135: Liability classic
08/01/02 - CC 134: Play to our strengths
07/31/02 - See you in the showers
07/31/02 - The best defense is a brain the size of a walnut
07/31/02 - Harv rain is gonna fall
07/30/02 - Bird is the word.
07/30/02 - Harv, 10: Rack 'em
07/30/02 - Harv, scene 8: Single entendre
07/30/02 - Harv scene 6: f/stop
07/30/02 - Harv scene 4: There is none so blind as a blind person
07/30/02 - Harv Spangler, Scene 2: Brains of the operation
07/29/02 - CC 134: Never tape ANYTHING
07/29/02 - CC 134: Welcome to the Chesapeake Canyon
07/26/02 - CC 133: Apocalypse now and then
07/23/02 - CC 133: Get out of my mind
07/19/02 - I made this comic just to say hi to Obi
07/18/02 - Modern Marvels
07/16/02 - CC 131: Celebrate the moments of your life
07/16/02 - CC 131: Feel this.
07/09/02 - True story. I fear for our future.
06/26/02 - How to make a funny comics that isn't a puke
06/17/02 - CC 125: Sins of the Fathers, pt. 7
06/17/02 - CC 125: Sins of the Father, pt. 6
06/17/02 - CC 125: Sins of the Fathers, pt. 5
06/17/02 - CC 125: Sins of the Father, pt. 4
06/17/02 - CC 125: Sins of the fathers, pt. 3
06/17/02 - CC 125: Sins of the father, pt. 2
06/17/02 - CC125: Sins of the Father pt. 1
06/17/02 - That's show biz
06/10/02 - CC 123: Joy Luck Club
06/04/02 - CC 122: Kidnapped, part 4
06/04/02 - CC 122: Kidnapped, part 3
06/04/02 - CC 122: Kidnapped, part 2
06/04/02 - CC 122: Kidnapped
06/04/02 - Great debates: Kajun vs. boorite
06/03/02 - Dragnabbit
06/03/02 - Drag, that
05/29/02 - Criminal investigation
04/28/02 - CC117: Act locally
04/27/02 - War on antiwar
04/25/02 - CC 116: Lost Ark of the Coverup
04/24/02 - Oversight
04/24/02 - Smackdown!
04/18/02 - CC 114: Gumpcut
04/18/02 - CC114: Gone with the Wind, ending #381
04/18/02 - CC114: Boorite's "The Birds"
04/18/02 - CC 114: Rear Window-- first draft
04/18/02 - CC 114: Robocop outtakes
04/18/02 - CC 114: Jaws outtakes. Dunh-dunh. Dunh-dunh.
04/16/02 - Sacrament of Conformation
04/16/02 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
04/16/02 - On the way to the Forums
04/09/02 - Supporter
04/04/02 - When I get home tonight
04/02/02 - CC110: Here's a mystery-- five bucks for Milk Duds?
04/02/02 - That's what I call "fringe"
04/02/02 - House Hunt
03/21/02 - Dragon auditor
03/21/02 - What the dog dragged in
03/21/02 - Drag
03/21/02 - Jumpin' dragons on a pogo stick
03/21/02 - Dragons slay me
03/21/02 - Drag 'n' Slay 'Er
03/21/02 - Drag Unslayer
03/21/02 - Draggin Slayer
03/21/02 - Dragonslayer
03/01/02 - Old? S'cool.
02/28/02 - Meanwhile, somewhere in Tampa
02/28/02 - Vital functions
02/26/02 - Action movie in 3 panels
02/26/02 - Blue lake of fire, sulphurous screen of death
01/30/02 - Because we care
01/25/02 - Ads that subtract
01/25/02 - Chicken angst
01/25/02 - Planet of the Apes: A brief review
01/15/02 - Back-to-school: Culture shock
01/08/02 - Bar none
01/08/02 - It's that windy
01/04/02 - Tag Team Cup Steel Cage Death Match
01/04/02 - Aquarium II
01/02/02 - Typecast again
01/02/02 - How to tell if he's on drugs
01/02/02 - Aquarium
01/02/02 - Officer Shaky
01/02/02 - Natural law
01/02/02 - All along the Watchtower
12/11/01 - Cowboy Harmonics
12/10/01 - Checking "It" Twice, Part II
12/06/01 - Shifty the Snowman
12/06/01 - Animal Acts of the Apostles
12/06/01 - Character builder
12/06/01 - Clownliness is next to godliness
12/06/01 - Magical miracle clown
12/06/01 - Something godlike
12/06/01 - Revisionary
12/06/01 - Make me a Shirley Temple
12/06/01 - Will it play in Peoria?
12/06/01 - Terrific grades but no trial experience
12/06/01 - We were counting on eternity together
12/06/01 - Big J's eyes are on your lunch, you fat jolly old bastard
12/06/01 - Hell hath its good points
12/05/01 - Cowboy fisting
12/04/01 - That's cool
12/04/01 - Trust in Jesus
12/04/01 - Non-compete Claus
12/04/01 - Camouflage
12/04/01 - CC83: It rhymes with "wit"
12/04/01 - CC83: Witty banter loosens things up
12/04/01 - CC83: Sleeping derangements
12/04/01 - CC83: That's pretty personal
12/04/01 - Almost true campus tales: Initial impression
11/21/01 - New Testament Outtakes: Conversion
11/21/01 - It ain't rocket science. OK, it is, actually.
11/21/01 - Movie in 3 panels: The Fly
11/21/01 - User-friendly
11/21/01 - Cast away but not far enough
11/21/01 - The way we were
11/21/01 - I'm with the band
11/21/01 - Cowboy Metallurgy
11/21/01 - Holiday greetings
11/21/01 - BBQ'd liver
11/19/01 - Tandem comic cup: Quality, Value, Crap
11/19/01 - Just lucky
11/19/01 - Cowboy Inside the NBA
11/19/01 - Maternal clock
11/19/01 - Maternal clock
11/19/01 - Maternal clock
11/19/01 - Maternal clock
11/19/01 - At the end of a short pier, somewhere near Miami
11/19/01 - Xtra Profits
11/19/01 - What's the big deal?
11/19/01 - Repair to the dictionary
11/19/01 - Be prepared
11/16/01 - Goodbye, artistic integrity
11/16/01 - CC80: A good influence
11/15/01 - This state of alert thing is real real high
11/15/01 - Highest state of alert
11/14/01 - Old Testament outtakes I
11/13/01 - CC79: Never happened in San Francisco
11/13/01 - CC79: Round on the ends, high in the middle
11/07/01 - CC77: Heirless planets
11/07/01 - CC77: Who?
11/07/01 - No refuge for mountains or those who harbor them
11/06/01 - Quantum nothing
11/05/01 - CC77: Details, details
11/05/01 - CC77: But wait-- it's an all-new episode
11/05/01 - CC77: Got self-awareness?
11/05/01 - CC77: Even the Borg have SOME standards
11/05/01 - CC77: I can't be expected to joust under these conditions
11/02/01 - To know know know them. . .
10/25/01 - Extremely foreign policy
10/21/01 - Our leaders are the finest men and we elect em again & again
10/21/01 - OH, I get it.
10/21/01 - Unexpurgated Hee-Haw
10/19/01 - That's something, anyway
10/19/01 - Wild Feudal Monarchy
10/19/01 - Model behavior
10/16/01 - Permtacular
10/16/01 - Censors freaked up my movie
10/15/01 - It's the Mind
10/15/01 - Bonfire of inanities II
10/15/01 - Bonfire of inanities
10/15/01 - True tales from campus: Sorry, we don't accept money.
10/12/01 - Use your delusion
10/12/01 - Platonic nothings
10/12/01 - Selling it door-to-door
10/10/01 - Things to do in Australia when you're dead
10/08/01 - Worldwide Web
10/05/01 - CC70: To seek out and boldly blah blah blah yada yada yada
10/04/01 - Crouching Donkey, Hidden Sausage
10/03/01 - CC69: That's What I Want (Money, not Tobor)
10/03/01 - CC 69: Finally, the Money Shot
09/23/01 - Strip Siege: Act I, scene 6
09/23/01 - Strip Siege: Act I, scene 5
09/23/01 - Strip Siege: Act I, scene 4
09/23/01 - Strip Siege: Act I, scene 3
09/23/01 - Strip Siege: Act I, scene 2
09/23/01 - Strip Siege: Act I, scene 1
09/23/01 - Strip Siege: Prologue
09/22/01 - Imagine all the people getting cornholed
09/20/01 - Fight club for dummies
09/19/01 - No damned cat, no damned cradle
09/17/01 - He's in a better place now
09/17/01 - A million for this beater?
09/17/01 - The letter U and the numeral 2
09/17/01 - Arse is for Robot
09/17/01 - The Smoking Manholes in concert
09/17/01 - Arse Comica
09/10/01 - That explains it
09/10/01 - Make-believe time
09/06/01 - CC 60: Descoladalypse Now, Redux
09/06/01 - CC 60:The truth revealed, Fatboy Slim Remix
08/23/01 - Feedback
08/20/01 - Byrned
08/17/01 - Movie in 3 panels: Big
08/17/01 - Tickle Me Wirthling
08/17/01 - CC54: There's nothing quite so personal as a poke in the bag
08/17/01 - Tribute to Samir
08/15/01 - CC53: A big hand for Ernest Borgnine
08/14/01 - Stripcreator: Offal you can't refuse
08/09/01 - Comix Cup 3: A lifetime of development
08/09/01 - Scotland needs more sheep
08/09/01 - Yes, I know it's winter down there, but so what
08/06/01 - CC 51: At least they're not Scientologists
08/02/01 - CC50 Example
08/02/01 - Pomo, Ohio
08/01/01 - CC 49: I'm not making this up
07/25/01 - Found a job
07/24/01 - Captain Long Briefs
07/24/01 - Full court press conference
07/24/01 - Knock knock some heads
07/24/01 - Joke joke. Who's there?
07/23/01 - Snap into a Slim DICK Jim
07/20/01 - Taliban everything
07/20/01 - CC 46: Death opens its mouth and says "ahhh"
07/19/01 - The call of Nature
07/19/01 - This live traffic report was pre-recorded
07/19/01 - DC stands for "drive courteously!"
07/19/01 - Can't stand in the place where I live
07/19/01 - Can't stand in the place where I live
07/13/01 - This should help.
07/13/01 - CC44: Crabby in the labby
07/13/01 - CC 44: Die, Judge, Die
07/12/01 - It ain't over 'til the big red robot anally violates you
07/11/01 - CC 43!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07/11/01 - Friday the 13th Part Gabe
07/09/01 - Bad joke derby: 20 questions
07/09/01 - CC42: Wirthling! Wirthling! Go into the light, Wirthling!
07/09/01 - CC 42: that 31-derful feeling
07/09/01 - CC 42: That's one way to score Vicodin
07/09/01 - It doesn't wash
07/05/01 - The war has won
07/02/01 - Man, evolution is a ripoff
07/02/01 - CC41: And he's fluent in Bocce Balls!
07/02/01 - CC41: Threepio is not necessarily gay
07/02/01 - CC41: Open the pod bay door-- I'm getting out here
07/02/01 - CC41: Next rest area 1,437,901 miles
06/22/01 - CC 39: Jenna Bush is a hot little tramp, ain't she?
06/21/01 - CC 38: ok, not really
06/21/01 - CC 38: Not a summer sport
06/19/01 - And Zen some
06/18/01 - CC37: Conservative Compassionatism
06/15/01 - This is how it's done
06/14/01 - The lady or the Hole Hawg
06/14/01 - I know what I said
06/14/01 - Make your time
06/11/01 - CC 36: Resistance is useful
06/11/01 - Data glut
06/11/01 - Uh....
06/11/01 - Uh....
06/08/01 - Dirty undead tricks
06/07/01 - Oy, what a day I'm having...
06/07/01 - CC35 Don'ts
06/07/01 - Smoking makes your dick bigger
06/06/01 - Casting Call
06/06/01 - Two-Guard Monte
06/06/01 - Jesus, Food Network Fan
06/06/01 - Credit where credit is due
06/05/01 - CC 34: How low is the humor, mama?
05/31/01 - Since you asked
05/31/01 - Introducing Flatulence Fraulein
05/31/01 - CC's 31 + 32, though both are over
05/31/01 - I married Unix
05/30/01 - I'll see you in 000C:52D3
05/30/01 - Satan: Dark Lord, Image Consultant
05/30/01 - The little annoyances of being nailed to a piece of wood
05/30/01 - Pedantic Tire and Lube
05/11/01 - Tobor longs for the sweet release of death or sodomy
05/11/01 - Tobor longs for the sweet release of death or sodomy
05/11/01 - Position wanted for experienced sodomy robot
05/11/01 - Position wanted for experienced sodomy robot
05/11/01 - CC 29: Bugger
05/11/01 - CC 29: Bugger
05/08/01 - How the mighty are fallen
05/08/01 - How the mighty are fallen
05/07/01 - Deities old and new
05/07/01 - Deities old and new
05/04/01 - CC 28: 80's Music History, pt. 1
05/04/01 - CC 28: 80's Music History, pt. 1
05/03/01 - CC 27: Blow toothpaste confetti out your ass interstice
05/03/01 - CC 27: Blow toothpaste confetti out your ass interstice
04/26/01 - To the tagline heap with ye
04/25/01 - Tobor vs. Dr. Pedantic
04/23/01 - cc25: Two word unfunnies
04/21/01 - Ships that make passes in the night
04/20/01 - Not CC24, not even close
04/20/01 - Not CC24 but close
04/20/01 - CC 24: Whose wedding tackle is it, anyway?
04/17/01 - CC23: The worst contest ever
04/13/01 - Home of Adolph Coors
04/13/01 - Very punctual.
04/13/01 - CC22: Three one-trick-ponies in one
04/12/01 - Wine tasting for nimrods
04/12/01 - That's show biz
04/12/01 - I love my job
04/12/01 - My first sale!
04/11/01 - Proverbz #whatever
04/11/01 - Comix help:
04/10/01 - Giddyap
04/10/01 - Great crash scene pickup lines
04/10/01 - Great crash scene pickup lines
04/10/01 - Mentor
04/10/01 - Spring spring spring
04/09/01 - Springtime on campus
04/09/01 - Whoopee-ti-yi-yi-yi
04/09/01 - Sado-penguin jams on you
04/09/01 - Comcis Contest XX: Too late anyway
04/09/01 - Comics Contest XXI: As ruled, no direct mention of Wirthling
04/06/01 - Sequel fever
04/06/01 - I still like this genre
04/05/01 - Comics Contest XIX: Thar she blows
04/04/01 - Feeping creaturism
04/04/01 - Finnish shit
04/03/01 - But mom, they're swimmers
04/03/01 - So we hired him
04/03/01 - Default clone sex joke monstrosity
04/02/01 - Sex all askew... sex with a gnu...
04/02/01 - Dubya 'splains hisself
04/02/01 - Heuristic transitional capability
04/02/01 - Serial Comic: the April-soft freshness of Downey
04/02/01 - Comics Contest XVIII: r001z
04/02/01 - Boorite vs. h4x0rz, pt. 2
04/02/01 - Boorite vs. h4x0rz
04/02/01 - Memm-reeeeez
03/31/01 - Good boy. Yeah, that's good boy.
03/31/01 - Good boy. Yeah, that's good boy.
03/31/01 - Happy trails
03/31/01 - We get transmission
03/31/01 - 2 of the final 4 recommend trash talking
03/31/01 - Sensitivity training III
03/31/01 - Comic Contest XVII: Booze and cheers
03/30/01 - Delta blow
03/30/01 - Serial Comic: Bloody Mary Worth, episode 1
03/30/01 - It's tits day
03/30/01 - Big tits
03/29/01 - Tonight on Food Network
03/29/01 - Kick it up yours
03/29/01 - The WIGU ungulate sues for change
03/29/01 - Suckology
03/29/01 - Boy, is my face red
03/29/01 - Or maybe it does
03/28/01 - Mmmm, lemony
03/28/01 - And then we go for sushi
03/28/01 - If you don't get this one, I envy you
03/28/01 - Movie in 3 panels: Toy Story 2
03/28/01 - Ponder us
03/28/01 - Movie in three panels: Basquiat
03/28/01 - Feel this
03/27/01 - Smells like evil spirits
03/27/01 - Can't we all just get along?
03/27/01 - Sensitivity training II
03/27/01 - A surplus of information
03/27/01 - Diagnosis: Chunder
03/27/01 - There's got to be a morning after
03/26/01 - Rape me again
03/26/01 - Not again
03/26/01 - Smile when ya accuse me o' nepotism
03/26/01 - Sensitivity training
03/26/01 - Epidemic of memesles
03/26/01 - The importance of clarity
03/26/01 - Movie in Three Panels: Wonder Boys
03/26/01 - How sharper than a serpent's tooth
03/23/01 - S0le uva n00 machine!!1!!1
03/23/01 - Father, who art thou?
03/16/01 - Past their prime.
03/16/01 - Fourth-day retrospective
03/16/01 - Only your best friend will tell you
03/16/01 - Tonight on Animal Planet
03/16/01 - Self-referential disclaimer, ostensibly comical, part 2
03/16/01 - The voice of reason
03/16/01 - Self-referential disclaimer, ostensibly comical.
03/16/01 - Try this at home
03/16/01 - Opposing viewpoint
03/15/01 - Hoof and mouth vignettes
03/15/01 - Cowed
03/15/01 - From the hip
03/15/01 - This episode of Rawhide brought to you by KY Jelly
03/15/01 - Desperation sets in
03/15/01 - Phrase plague: Catch it.
03/15/01 - Inspirational success story #1,234,912
03/15/01 - I see your point, part 2
03/15/01 - Company policy
03/15/01 - Public discourse 101
03/15/01 - You think I do this for free?
03/14/01 - Whose cuisine will reign supreme?
03/14/01 - It's what's for dinner
03/14/01 - Revenge of the Defaults
03/14/01 - The secret of My success
03/14/01 - War games were beginning
03/13/01 - Bad boys, bad boys
03/13/01 - Papillon outtake #34
03/13/01 - I see your point
03/13/01 - Some problems solve themselves
03/13/01 - Heat the press
03/13/01 - To cheat Death
03/13/01 - Saved again
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