Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


pm : info
Hi, in real life, I like to think that I'm generally a pretty nice person, but that basically comes from silencing the raging asshole in my head when I'm talking to a lot of people... Generally, only my really close friends get to see that side, because it's kind of funny if you know not to be offended by it. A really close friend showed me this site, and the rest of you fuckers have no idea who I am, so I don't really care what you think. Have a lovely fucking day. Cheers.
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by bugout1_11
Boy oh boy will this offend some people... Just remember, if it does offend you, i don't want to fucking hear about it...
He he he... Me have funny, funny joke to tell....
Why do chicks dig Jesus?
Because he was hung like this... HAHAHAHAHAHA....
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