The evil alliance are worried that Hodges may be becoming a liability. They conduct a meeting at hq. The Reverand had in particular harboured doubts from the beginning
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| Ever since he threatened to bite my eyes out ive not been fond of this Hodges character. He just shouts RAAAPE and is definitely going to get us caught. I FUCKIN HATE HODGES. | |
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| I agree something needs to be done, even Mr. Tiggles is scared of him. | |
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Meanwhile Hodges daily raping draws to a close
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| Mmmm wraps, ive only time for one rape left today, Ahah the perfect victim i can put her meaty thighs in my wrap RAAAAAPE | |
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| Im not sure i should walk down this alley after last time that rape reminded me of James..... AHHHHHHHHH | |
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The rape was so horrific it gains a national expose
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| The recent outbreak of raping is just savage. A recent victim comments 'I was terrified he was holding an impeccable wrap and threatened to bite my eyes out! Ive just split up with my boyfriend...... | |
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