Rizal was starting to notice that his stickpin is lost and was curious how Blumenttrit knew.
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| Yes, I actually lost it and I can't find it. | |
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| Rizal, I heard you lost your stick pin? | |
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| I actually think that the last time I used it was the time I was in Vienna. | |
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| where did you last see and use it? | |
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Finally, Blumenttrit told Rizal that the stickpin was with him and Rizal thanked him back in return.
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| I knew it was in Vienna. Thanks to the maid who cleaned my room and Thanks to you for giving it back to me. | |
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| Well, I actually found it, thanks to the maid of your hotel room, I was able to get a glimpse and knew it was yours so I asked for it. | |
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