Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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This is a comic based on a story im writing about my mom katie and the adorable singer from hanoi rocks, micheal monroe. It might not be funny, but i try
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by catwoman_
Finally it was time...Micheal had come to pick up katie for their date
She'll be right out gorgeous *growl*
um is katie in?
Despite the cartoon not showing what Katie really looked like, Katie came to the door to meet Micheal, very nervous yet excited
uh hi *droool* lets go :)
Hey darling, wow you look drop dead tonight,im so honoured to have you on my arm
As time wore on Katie became more comfortable around Micheal and by the time of their walk in the park she felt she could tell him anything
you'll never know how wierd that felt, being knocked over by a mans groin would be any girls dream, yet it lead to me being stepped on...a strange mix of pain and pleasure
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