Dawn and Shan begin yet another day at the Veggie Patch
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| Sweet Jesus, shoot me now! | |
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By noon, our intrepid heroines have had it with their bosses, the Janet-Reno-Clone and King Kumquat
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| You're doing two jobs with no raise? Excuse me, it's actually three jobs. And you'll never get a raise. Muahahahaha. | |
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| Tell me why we SHOULD give you two a raise! Well, that's not gonna happen. Now call my plumber when you're done wiping my ass. | |
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After everyone else has slipped into a Prozac-induced coma (or Zoloft or Xanax found in their Veggie Pak Starter Kit), our heroines conclude their day with a beer or 10 at Bennigan's. Trashed again!