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| Welcome to Heaven the reason you have come here is because...Eww man that's disturbing.You don't come in here wearing that piece of @$#%.You are going to hell. | |
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| Dammette! I was swimming man.Frik'n retard! | |
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| let me guess me guess you eather raped someone, killed some...Eww you sicko get out of here with that, go to heaven! | |
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| He kicked me out.Go talk with him. | |
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The argument will never end...
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| We meet again satan>First of all i don't want this guy i mean look at him he is disturbing. How would you like him in a pretty place like heaven unlike hell witch is a piece of crap........ | |
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| Shut up jesus, he makes my piece of crap look like...like..i don't know ' but i dont want him.You look at him over there..Eww i think he is looking at my ass.See what i mean................... | |
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