Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Shock & Awww
How are you coping with the loss of your father?
Why did there have to be a Sadaam Hussein? Why did my dad have to go to Iraq?
Why did my dad have to get killed? Why does God let bad things happen to good people?
Probably because you touch yourself.
choadwarrior's Comics
07/02/24 - Swing By
02/05/24 - Military History
10/27/23 - Numero Dos
01/12/23 - There's a Crapp for That
12/21/22 - Crowd Source
12/20/22 - Fruitcake Surprise
12/10/22 - We Just Kissed
09/08/22 - St. Andrew
08/29/22 - Black Top
08/29/22 - Sunshine State
08/23/22 - BBQ Anon, and On
08/23/22 - BBQ Anon
05/30/22 - Bikini Wax
05/17/22 - Cogito Ergo Dumb
04/16/22 - Rootin' Tootin'
03/08/22 - Ho Not Down
01/11/22 - Coma Allez Vous
01/11/22 - Short Armed Forces
01/07/22 - True Tales of Job Interviews (18)
12/25/21 - Buttons and Bows
12/21/21 - Cheep Shot
10/24/21 - Warm Up Act
10/19/21 - A Little Astronomy
10/05/21 - The Florida of California
09/20/21 - Cancel That Order
08/24/20 - Tract Housing
08/15/20 - Zoom Boom
08/07/20 - Side Bar
07/01/20 - Family Gay
04/19/20 - Essentially Off Now
03/14/20 - Roll With It
02/16/20 - Cheesy
01/26/20 - Flagrant One
01/20/20 - Civil Wrongs
12/30/19 - Why Did Squad 51 Even Need Rampart?
12/25/19 - Make Merry
12/07/19 - Itchin’ to Tell You
11/12/19 - Back in Time, Far, Far Away
11/05/19 - Relief
10/20/19 - Nap Time
10/19/19 - Hobo on the Range
09/21/19 - The Second-to-Last Supper
04/24/19 - Don't Force Me To Go To Improv Night
04/09/19 - Social Climber
04/02/19 - Led Zeppelin Advertising on MeTV
03/29/19 - Nurturing
02/05/19 - Farthest From the Bright Center of the Universe
02/05/19 - Branding
01/06/19 - Flame Police
01/04/19 - And the Money Shall Follow
01/02/19 - Aye, Pee Pee. Aye.
01/02/19 - I Did Not Order the Broccoli Beef
12/25/18 - Police Navidad
12/25/18 - Stirring It Up
12/25/18 - Kram Packed
12/18/18 - Nagging Doubt
11/23/18 - My Advice to Northern Californians
11/19/18 - Camp Fire Girl
11/13/18 - Gibraltar
11/13/18 - I'm the Southworst
11/04/18 - The Green Death
10/31/18 - Third Month on the New Job
10/06/18 - Unkindergarten
09/09/18 - The Powerless of Prayer
08/17/18 - El Bario Nuevo
07/14/18 - Curses
07/08/18 - GYNO-MITE!
07/07/18 - Not Speaking My Language
07/01/18 - I Booked the Wrong Hotel
06/16/18 - I Finally Hired a Cleaning Woman
04/02/18 - Cadbury in a Shallow Grave
02/20/18 - There Are No Small Parts
02/18/18 - Bedside Manner
02/07/18 - Statuette
02/04/18 - Cloaca
02/03/18 - Clean Off
01/27/18 - Hiding in Plain Sight
01/20/18 - No Extra Charge
01/13/18 - Boom Boom
01/05/18 - Circus Maximus
01/04/18 - Hold Everything
01/03/18 - Never to be Seen Again
01/01/18 - Timeless Workplace Drama
12/30/17 - Honor Codes
11/26/17 - P-Wrecks
11/23/17 - Let Them Show the Way
11/21/17 - Garble Garble
11/20/17 - Third Wish
11/20/17 - Second Wish
11/20/17 - First Wish
11/20/17 - Not a Hoax
11/20/17 - Refuse
11/06/17 - Laterally Mobil
10/31/17 - Magically Delicious
10/31/17 - Jack Off Lantern
10/31/17 - 6:32 Makes You Wonder How The Other Half Die
10/31/17 - 12:23 Life in the Lunch Line
10/28/17 - Male Pattern
10/10/17 - Diet
10/07/17 - Clean Streak
10/05/17 - Imbecile, Perhaps
09/22/17 - I Think It's Gonna Be a Long, Long Time
09/18/17 - Overdoing It
09/17/17 - It'll Be Just Like College
09/10/17 - Hazelnut
08/24/17 - Poopular Science
08/20/17 - Mein Kraft
08/14/17 - God is a Woman
08/12/17 - Stool Pigeon
08/07/17 - An Old Fashioned
08/05/17 - Attention!
07/31/17 - Doctor Whoman
07/31/17 - If People Were Named After Modern Occupations
07/29/17 - Dinoscore
07/29/17 - Star Trait
07/24/17 - May Cause Side Effects
07/23/17 - Wing Man
07/08/17 - Comic Con-dition
05/07/17 - Tale of the Barricade Tape
04/16/17 - Shred
03/19/17 - Johnny Pee Good
03/16/17 - Remember
03/05/17 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
02/26/17 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Oscars Reporter
02/26/17 - Titanic Tombstone Terminator
02/06/17 - Adam's Apple
02/06/17 - Vows
02/04/17 - Pigskin
01/21/17 - Transition of Power
01/17/17 - How Come?
01/16/17 - Bullseye
01/16/17 - Hard Time
12/26/16 - Freedom 2016
12/20/16 - Jackin' It in San Diego
12/14/16 - The Devil They Know
11/21/16 - Orange Journalism
11/19/16 - Another Bump in the Road
10/10/16 - Not Locker Room Talk
09/20/16 - Papadum Sounds Like a Rim Shot
09/11/16 - Quiet Observance
09/09/16 - Diff'rent Strokes
08/27/16 - Blech Support
08/21/16 - Silly Looking Hat
08/03/16 - Old School
07/19/16 - Settled
07/18/16 - Garble Garble
07/11/16 - Take Off and Landing
07/09/16 - Beam Down
07/09/16 - Hailing Frequencies
07/09/16 - CORDR
06/28/16 - Split the Difference
06/28/16 - Southbest
06/25/16 - Idle Worship
06/25/16 - Hot and Bitter
06/18/16 - Stoop
06/15/16 - Lessons
06/15/16 - Short Term
06/13/16 - Anytime
06/13/16 - When in Doubt
06/12/16 - Flappable
06/12/16 - Angry People With Guns
06/09/16 - Buh Wheat
06/05/16 - How Can You Tell?
06/02/16 - Take a Knee
06/02/16 - I Guess I'm Stuck
05/28/16 - Buns
05/23/16 - Observation
05/06/16 - South of the Border
05/06/16 - The Carpenters
05/06/16 - A Fat Man Serenades His Hoagie
04/26/16 - Raise or Edge
04/17/16 - Retrospect
04/11/16 - Green
04/10/16 - Clench
04/08/16 - Baked Goods
04/04/16 - Today on the Road to Bakersfield
03/28/16 - Poot 66
03/27/16 - Gin, Cointreau, Lillet Blanc, Lemon Juice, Dash of Absinthe
03/27/16 - Composed
03/26/16 - Redemption
03/20/16 - Influence
01/23/16 - Balderdash
01/18/16 - Episode 8: Space Madness
01/13/16 - You Want Samoa?
01/12/16 - Reversal of Fortune
12/08/15 - If it Were Released Today
12/08/15 - If it Happened Today
11/09/15 - Underdoing It
11/08/15 - Fixation
10/30/15 - Purrchase Orders
10/29/15 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Political Commentator
10/27/15 - Qualifications
10/25/15 - Water Into Whine
10/21/15 - And You Get Ripped Off!
10/14/15 - Appetizer
10/13/15 - Doll House of Cards
10/13/15 - After Dark
10/13/15 - If Police Procedural Dramas Were Real
10/11/15 - Logs
10/11/15 - Accidental Cook
10/02/15 - News Travels Fast
10/01/15 - Spreading the Wealth
09/30/15 - Over the Edge
09/30/15 - Timex Is On My Side
09/21/15 - A Three-Hour Debate
09/21/15 - Political Shit
09/15/15 - Failed to Deliver
09/15/15 - My Silicon Valley Friend
09/09/15 - Mrs. Windsor
08/30/15 - Tripple Bypass
08/30/15 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Food TV Host
08/27/15 - How Salesgirls Tell Me I'm Fat
08/26/15 - Chris Hardwick Remarks on the Headgear of Various Cosplayers
08/19/15 - November 1, 2016
08/16/15 - Two Men in Skirts Discuss Transgendered Athletes
08/11/15 - Home Economics
08/08/15 - Sideshow Don
08/08/15 - Grimmace
08/05/15 - Rachel Maddow as a Waitress, Taking Gordon Ramsay's Order(2)
08/05/15 - Rachel Maddow as a Waitress, Taking Gordon Ramsay's Order(1)
08/04/15 - Strunk & White
08/04/15 - Filters
07/22/15 - The Real Reason
07/12/15 - Motel 666
07/05/15 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Food TV Host
07/05/15 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Food TV Host
07/01/15 - Pound for a Brown
06/26/15 - Hold On
06/19/15 - Bible Study
06/19/15 - Identity Crisis
06/03/15 - iPood.
05/26/15 - A Retraction
05/26/15 - Pew
05/11/15 - I Was Always A Greedy, Little Bastard
05/07/15 - On the Rocks
03/25/15 - Most of It
02/07/15 - No Substitution
01/19/15 - House Rules
01/10/15 - The Man from Mars in "Rapture"
12/27/14 - Pack Animal
12/13/14 - Gitmo (Up Your Butt)
12/01/14 - Nip & Tuck
11/29/14 - Stunning
09/29/14 - Krypto-Bait
09/26/14 - Springs Eternal
09/21/14 - Grumble
09/12/14 - Helmet
09/11/14 - Present Opening
09/04/14 - Cry Me a Rivers
08/11/14 - Dead Comics Society
07/28/14 - Before & After
07/28/14 - Pocket Rocket
07/24/14 - Work Out
06/29/14 - Stigma
06/14/14 - Flop
06/09/14 - Out of Your Shell
05/17/14 - Arkansas, Perhaps
05/15/14 - Bullseye
05/14/14 - Next Slide
05/13/14 - Puttin' on the Hitz
05/11/14 - Nobody Ever Asks White People This Question
05/08/14 - Now Serving Spam
05/08/14 - What Probably Happened
04/27/14 - The Unchosen People
04/26/14 - Constructive
04/20/14 - Legitimacy
04/20/14 - It's Her Time
04/20/14 - My Childhood Dogs and Firefly
04/10/14 - Closed-Door Policy
03/30/14 - Stun, Marry, Kill
03/25/14 - Vokka Vokka Vokka
03/17/14 - Patrique Non Stop
03/16/14 - Col. Kurtz at His Nephew's Bar Mitzvah
03/11/14 - My Sympathies
02/12/14 - Socheap
02/10/14 - Sesame Seed Pun
01/30/14 - Bow Talks
01/28/14 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
01/20/14 - Rear Wheel Drive
01/19/14 - Divine Wrong
01/19/14 - Soiled
01/18/14 - Less Than One Hot Second
01/18/14 - Ignoring the Obvious
01/11/14 - Droop
01/05/14 - Drinking Like a Fisher of Men
12/27/13 - It's All I Talk About Now
12/26/13 - McGoats
12/19/13 - I Love Mormons
12/17/13 - Killer App
12/15/13 - Special Agent
12/15/13 - Social Nutworking
12/15/13 - Sipper
12/14/13 - Joint
12/14/13 - The Voice
12/04/13 - Baby Steps
12/04/13 - Wear & Tear
12/02/13 - Shabbaaaaat Shalom
11/28/13 - The Flabby Skies
11/28/13 - Fermez la Bouche
11/27/13 - Tank Bottom
11/25/13 - Big Deals
11/17/13 - Seeking Companion
11/10/13 - Insecurity
10/30/13 - Multi-Cultural
10/26/13 - Key Bored
10/19/13 - I Don't Care For Black Russians
10/17/13 - Assume the Position
10/13/13 - Battle of the Bulge
10/13/13 - The Return!
09/30/13 - Blabber
09/22/13 - Tina Turner Goes to a Greek Restaurant
09/22/13 - Exploding on a Screen Near You
09/11/13 - Impacted
08/28/13 - Breaking Blue
08/14/13 - Holy Roller
06/13/13 - I Never Touched Children
06/12/13 - Timing is Everything
06/03/13 - Only the Good Die Young
05/18/13 - This One is a Stretch
05/18/13 - Alone Again, Or?
05/18/13 - Roll Me Away
05/02/13 - Hot Rod
04/30/13 - A Friend of Mine Was Killed Awhile Ago
04/27/13 - Solution
04/22/13 - I'm a Dzokhar, I'm a Smoker, I'm a Midnight Toker
04/22/13 - Lump in my...
04/19/13 - Confession
04/15/13 - Madre de Todos los Chistes
04/14/13 - Echelon
04/14/13 - Eh Hole
03/22/13 - Beaten
03/18/13 - Evolution
03/13/13 - The Rectory
03/13/13 - First Shall Not Be Last
03/11/13 - Fantasy Conclave
02/24/13 - Messiahhhhhh!
02/13/13 - Bean Stalker
02/03/13 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
01/13/13 - Aye, Pee Pee, Aye
01/11/13 - Late Night Entertainment
12/30/12 - Bowl Game (5)
12/30/12 - Bowl Game (4)
12/30/12 - Bowl Game (3)
12/30/12 - Bowl Game (2)
12/30/12 - Bowl Game (1)
12/25/12 - This Ain't No White Christmas
12/25/12 - Teleportation
12/24/12 - Mehrry Christmas
12/24/12 - Bah Humbug
12/22/12 - Fire with Fire
12/10/12 - Cover Story
12/09/12 - Messenger
12/03/12 - McMuffin Top
12/01/12 - Lapse
11/28/12 - Eau Non
11/27/12 - Deadneck
11/23/12 - Poostal Service
11/22/12 - A Very Obamacare Thanksgiving
10/28/12 - Single White Messiah
10/26/12 - Batshit Out of Hell
10/24/12 - Atrophy
10/24/12 - Gentle Cycle
10/16/12 - Decision 2042
10/16/12 - People Tell Me Things: This Time, it's Personal
09/24/12 - Shadow of a Doubt
09/07/12 - I've Been Getting This Question a Lot Lately
08/20/12 - Take the Bad
07/21/12 - Relax: Don't Do It
07/16/12 - Wikipedia Brown
07/14/12 - True Tales of Job Interviews (17)
07/09/12 - Playthings
07/08/12 - Curb A Peel
07/03/12 - Cooper Duper
06/29/12 - $1.50 per Mile--No Questions Asked
06/25/12 - Bygone Era
06/22/12 - Opposites Detract
06/22/12 - From Sandusky til Dawn
06/04/12 - Soup to Nuts
05/25/12 - Club Sandwich
05/24/12 - Welcome to the Club
05/06/12 - Transitions
04/21/12 - If All Organizations Ran Like Public Broadcasting
04/19/12 - Spam, Egg, Sausage, and Spam
04/19/12 - Only as Directed
04/15/12 - Your Mileage May Vary
04/14/12 - Schoolhouse Rock Revisited - Energy Blues
04/14/12 - Schoolhouse Rock Revisited - Nouns
04/11/12 - Dine and Whine
04/08/12 - Hold Your Breath
04/06/12 - Snoop Doggy Dog Paddle
04/05/12 - Boing Chicka Massala
04/04/12 - Offers
04/01/12 - Explorer
03/28/12 - Thy Rod and Thy Staff
03/24/12 - Today at the Bike Shop
03/24/12 - Hold 'Em
03/17/12 - Tonic
03/17/12 - Layers
03/16/12 - Generous Bonation
03/15/12 - Grasping the Economy
03/15/12 - Not the Trickle Down Effect
03/14/12 - Pulling My Lariat
03/10/12 - Keeping Abreast
03/04/12 - That's the Real Thing
02/28/12 - Prison Confession
02/26/12 - Why Wolverine Wasn't Jewish
02/24/12 - Soup Charlie
02/17/12 - Proxima
02/04/12 - Pew Pew
02/03/12 - Auto Incorrect
02/03/12 - Mitt Schlag
01/30/12 - Monagameh Do Doo De Doo Doo
01/27/12 - Cavities
01/27/12 - If Gil Scott-Heron Were Alive Today
01/24/12 - Alternate Jewniverse
01/24/12 - Penultimate Solution
01/22/12 - Fold, Spindle, Mutilate
01/21/12 - Fowl Language
01/15/12 - Freiheit Isn't Frei
01/15/12 - Default
01/08/12 - The Scoop
01/05/12 - After Five
12/25/11 - List Price
12/19/11 - Launch Tube
12/09/11 - Cholera Greens
12/02/11 - Jheri curl
11/28/11 - Cream Filling
11/24/11 - Butterball
11/24/11 - A Very Louie C.K. Thanksgiving
11/09/11 - Self-Reflection
11/09/11 - This Supposedly Happened
11/09/11 - Riptide
11/06/11 - Don't You Hate Waiting Rooms?
10/24/11 - Speechless
10/24/11 - Mojo Nixon Was Right
10/23/11 - Taste of Religion
10/16/11 - Que Bueno
10/11/11 - But That's Not All
10/09/11 - Strangers on a Plane
10/03/11 - Sangria
10/02/11 - I Must Be in the Front Row
09/28/11 - O-Ren Ishii Mail
09/18/11 - Hope Springs Eternal
09/15/11 - Marvel
09/13/11 - Blow Out
09/11/11 - If I Had a Dollar
09/01/11 - Rewards
08/31/11 - Jetsam
08/27/11 - Beaver Cleaver
08/24/11 - Sticky Wicket
08/18/11 - Lo Siento
08/17/11 - Cranks
08/17/11 - Shedding Weight
08/14/11 - Flabs
08/14/11 - When You're Sliding Into First
08/14/11 - The New New Dating Game
08/14/11 - Traditional Media
08/13/11 - Hairy Pie
08/10/11 - DINO Mite
08/05/11 - While You Wait
08/01/11 - The Bachmans Were Made For Each Other
08/01/11 - True Tales of Job Interviews (16)
08/01/11 - Add Shot
08/01/11 - Social Security
07/30/11 - Understanding
07/30/11 - Power/Mass Ratio
07/23/11 - Smoking Fast
07/23/11 - Network
07/22/11 - The Sunshine Boy
07/21/11 - As Seen on TV
07/16/11 - Bringing Up The Rear
07/07/11 - The Bestiality Boys
07/02/11 - The Bestiality Boys
06/29/11 - Righty Tighty
06/27/11 - Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me
06/19/11 - Keep Out
06/16/11 - Expandex
06/12/11 - Malady
06/06/11 - Member of Congress
06/03/11 - Fist This Christian
05/29/11 - Half-Breed
05/17/11 - Dickileaks
05/15/11 - Fire Hydra
05/12/11 - Pool Party
05/08/11 - Priory Tease
05/06/11 - North by Northwest
05/04/11 - Office Jerk
05/01/11 - Flip Your Wig
05/01/11 - Tomorrow's News
05/01/11 - Been Later
05/01/11 - Good Fit
05/01/11 - Succession
04/29/11 - Blow Hard
04/25/11 - President Trump at the Luxurious Trump Kandahar Hotel
04/25/11 - Copyright 1455
04/24/11 - Bullseye (Re-Cut)
04/22/11 - Bullseye
04/22/11 - Looks Like Someone Has a Case of the Fridays
04/18/11 - Rapture
04/12/11 - Grasping the Situation
04/12/11 - Jimmy the Appropriate Sportscaster
04/12/11 - Wërkn
04/11/11 - One Person Likes This
04/05/11 - Snap Shot
04/01/11 - A Retraction
03/30/11 - It Also Gives You Wings
03/30/11 - Her Ass Meant
03/22/11 - Dicktation
03/20/11 - Swearing the Hippocratic Oath
03/18/11 - Avoiding Another Meltdown
03/14/11 - How Our Grandparents Calculated Pie
03/11/11 - Jimmy the Appropriate Sportscaster
03/11/11 - Tidy Bowl Man
03/10/11 - Malarkey
03/03/11 - Bespoke
03/02/11 - iSuck
03/01/11 - Ape Shall Never Clothe Ape
02/28/11 - Women's Libya
02/27/11 - Putting the Fun in Fundamentalist
02/27/11 - Gateway
02/21/11 - Road Diversion
02/09/11 - Upwardlymobile
02/09/11 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Political Reporter
02/09/11 - The Nuns Predicted This Would Happen
02/01/11 - Hands on a Hardbody
01/30/11 - Days vs Nights
01/22/11 - They All Look Alike to Each Other
01/21/11 - The Most Addicting Popcap Game I've Played
01/19/11 - Everyone is Replaceable
01/16/11 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
01/11/11 - How Pharmaceuticals are Named
01/10/11 - Grey Matter
01/09/11 - One Note Characters
01/06/11 - That's Why
01/03/11 - Ruff
01/03/11 - Relative Dimensions
12/23/10 - Pretty & Prig
12/23/10 - Deep Dickens
12/19/10 - The Great White Clam
12/13/10 - Below the Surface
12/13/10 - Wise Guy
12/13/10 - Certain Point of View
12/12/10 - Oh, Zone
12/10/10 - I'm Not A Lawyer, But I Play One On TV (2)
12/10/10 - I'm Not A Lawyer, But I Play One On TV (1)
12/05/10 - Close Enough
12/05/10 - Eight to One Return
12/02/10 - Menorrahty
11/25/10 - Mouvement Social
11/25/10 - En Garde
11/24/10 - Carma
11/17/10 - The Friendly Skies
11/13/10 - Thanks for Nothing
11/11/10 - The Whistle Blows
10/23/10 - Well Spoken
10/18/10 - Cramp My Style
10/17/10 - FWD: FW: Re: FW: Re: FWD: FWD: Comic
10/10/10 - Resourceful
10/06/10 - Mind the GAAP
10/01/10 - Hot Streak
09/30/10 - Prune Juice
09/09/10 - This Will End Well
08/28/10 - Yellow Brick Road
08/27/10 - Squawk! It's a Living
08/26/10 - Glidrock
08/20/10 - Ma Bell
08/20/10 - Impunity
08/18/10 - Unhappy Hour
08/17/10 - Monday Morning
08/08/10 - Invisible Ink
08/08/10 - Tour de Farce
08/07/10 - Wimpy
08/06/10 - While the Getting is Good
08/06/10 - Heffelump
08/06/10 - No Such Thing As Bad Publicity
08/05/10 - But You Knew That
08/05/10 - Acclaim
08/03/10 - Folgers Crystal
08/03/10 - Bon Voyage
07/29/10 - Scoop
07/27/10 - Support
07/27/10 - Orange, White, and Blue
07/19/10 - It Can Buy Happiness
07/18/10 - Wee Fat
07/17/10 - Feelings
07/16/10 - Site Plan
07/05/10 - Bugged
07/05/10 - Everything I Know I Learned In Kindergarten
07/05/10 - Everything I Know I Learned In Kindergarten
07/05/10 - Everything I Know I Learned In Kindergarten
07/05/10 - Everything I Know I Learned In Kindergarten
07/05/10 - Everything I Know I Learned In Kindergarten
07/03/10 - Gymnausium
07/01/10 - Curry Favor
06/30/10 - Screw Driver
06/30/10 - Evaluation
06/29/10 - Mr. Sensitivity
06/29/10 - Axis
06/23/10 - Captain's Analog
06/19/10 - Nutty
06/18/10 - Deadpan
06/17/10 - Mushi Mushi
06/16/10 - Peppermint Patty
06/13/10 - Abusive Relationships
06/09/10 - Team Member
06/09/10 - 0069
06/09/10 - PC 69
06/09/10 - Clit Eastwood
06/08/10 - Opinions
06/04/10 - Reference
06/03/10 - Melt
06/01/10 - Darling
05/25/10 - Jurisprudence
05/17/10 - Don't Start Believing
05/17/10 - Munchkin
05/17/10 - Sunny Side Down
05/16/10 - Outwit
05/12/10 - Fucking Windows
05/10/10 - Take Care
05/03/10 - And It's All About That
05/03/10 - But It Comes Around to This
05/03/10 - Sometimes They Go Here
05/03/10 - Then They Wonder This
05/03/10 - First They Say This
04/27/10 - This, That & The Other
04/09/10 - Break Time
04/08/10 - The Tires Aren't The Only Thing That Are Balding
03/31/10 - Simple Ton
03/29/10 - Pooty
03/29/10 - Mad Dog
03/27/10 - HBO Pitch Meeting
03/26/10 - Jitters
03/25/10 - Reflections
03/25/10 - Can You Use It In A Sentence?
03/24/10 - Nod Off
03/18/10 - Fat Chance
03/18/10 - It's Easy Being Green
03/17/10 - Nana Nano
03/08/10 - Cross Words
03/04/10 - Last Supper
03/02/10 - Protoge
02/19/10 - Teletype
02/17/10 - Odds
02/14/10 - News of the Future
02/11/10 - Slide Show
02/08/10 - My Sage Advice
02/01/10 - Vamp
01/31/10 - Cost Prohibitive
01/28/10 - Pop Sensation
01/26/10 - Men Straight
01/24/10 - Knuckle Dragger
01/24/10 - Sweets for the Sweet
01/21/10 - The Buzz on Losing Weight
01/21/10 - Fluff and Fold
01/17/10 - Common Trash
01/17/10 - She's Got it Where it Counts, Kid
01/15/10 - Paper Trained
01/13/10 - Lovey Dovey
01/10/10 - Into the Fold
01/05/10 - Turn On
01/04/10 - Middle East Park
12/29/09 - Aflutter
12/24/09 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
12/20/09 - Christmas Goose
12/08/09 - Freeze Tag
12/03/09 - Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
12/03/09 - Maundy Monday
12/02/09 - Casabas
11/28/09 - Teed Off
11/26/09 - Weight Training
11/25/09 - Gymnausium
11/23/09 - Top Gear: Jerusalem
11/18/09 - Bristol Cream
11/17/09 - Before the Cock Crows
11/17/09 - Lidsville
11/17/09 - I Love Going to the Courthouse
11/15/09 - Business Machine
11/13/09 - Values
11/13/09 - Forget About It
11/13/09 - Freejoles
11/11/09 - Shekels
11/06/09 - Surprise Party
10/30/09 - The Outsiders
10/30/09 - Around the World
10/29/09 - Trick
10/29/09 - Written Up
10/29/09 - Going Down in Flames
10/29/09 - Gymnausium
10/24/09 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
10/20/09 - Fifteen Minutes and Counting
10/17/09 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
10/17/09 - Richard Cabeza
10/15/09 - Blunt Advice
10/14/09 - Horse With No Name
10/10/09 - Torah, Torah, Torah
10/08/09 - This is IT
10/04/09 - The Friendly Skies
10/04/09 - Ep 47: Ward Gives June a Pearl Necklace
10/04/09 - Sweetness
10/04/09 - Milking It
09/24/09 - Crotch Rocket
09/24/09 - Hard Time
09/23/09 - Gymnausium
09/22/09 - Buried Treasure
09/20/09 - PolicÃa Preescolar
09/20/09 - Hit and Miss and Miss and Miss and Miss
09/20/09 - Clone Sex is Like Jerking Yourself Off
09/20/09 - Never Mind the Tracks
09/20/09 - A New Dope
09/20/09 - Why Luke Wanted Off Tatooine
09/18/09 - Movie On
09/17/09 - Worth a Shot
09/11/09 - Plummet
09/11/09 - Never Forget
09/09/09 - Thumbs Up
09/02/09 - Inspired
09/01/09 - 50's Hollywood Logic
08/30/09 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
08/27/09 - I said, "Good day!"
08/25/09 - Futility Belt
08/17/09 - I Know My Employees
08/17/09 - Delilah
08/15/09 - How I Spent My Summer Vacation
08/15/09 - Putting the Log in Epilogue
08/14/09 - Hearing Aid
08/13/09 - Hai Karate
08/11/09 - Pre-Existing Condition
08/07/09 - Police Woman
08/03/09 - Truncheon Master
08/02/09 - Manos
08/01/09 - The Band I Saw Today
08/01/09 - Low Pile
07/28/09 - Bon Voyager
07/27/09 - The Plane Truth
07/26/09 - Aero Club
07/24/09 - I'm Getting a Certain Reputation (7)
07/22/09 - Joist
07/13/09 - Bring It
07/11/09 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Art Critic
07/09/09 - Parlor Joke
07/06/09 - Portmanteau Jam
07/03/09 - What Heavy Petting Leads To
07/03/09 - Snow Machine
06/29/09 - It's the Little Things
06/28/09 - Pitch
06/28/09 - Why Purgatory Exists
06/28/09 - Wherein I Become Chris Rock
06/20/09 - Top Hoof
06/17/09 - Blue Eyed Devil
06/15/09 - The Facts of Life Are All About You
06/15/09 - Let Her Rip
06/11/09 - Mearth
06/11/09 - Cockapoo
06/11/09 - Steve and Steve
06/06/09 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Restaurant Critic
06/01/09 - Logic Bomb
05/31/09 - Little Squirt
05/28/09 - Dickname
05/28/09 - Pitt Stain
05/28/09 - I've Had One of Those Years
05/27/09 - Herb
05/25/09 - The Center of a Dead Planet
05/22/09 - Jimmy the Inappropriate White House Correspondent
05/21/09 - Dental Damn
05/21/09 - Haste Makes Waist
05/19/09 - Stimulus
05/19/09 - Bork
05/19/09 - Proposition
05/15/09 - Congress of the Cock
05/14/09 - Domo Arigato Señor Trabajo
05/10/09 - Peloton
05/05/09 - The Bedknobs and Broomsticks Pitch Meeting
05/04/09 - Someone Needs a Spanking
05/04/09 - Boneless
04/26/09 - Cross Circuit
04/26/09 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
04/26/09 - I Say Wow Every Time
04/21/09 - Destiny
04/19/09 - Kung Fu Grip
04/18/09 - Get a Grip
04/17/09 - Suits Me
04/13/09 - Lotown
04/13/09 - 16 Minutes Later
04/12/09 - Fairy Cotton Tails
04/10/09 - No Glove, No Love
04/09/09 - Local Yokel
04/09/09 - It's Kosher
04/08/09 - On the Loose
04/07/09 - Too Legit to Fit
04/07/09 - Colleagues
04/05/09 - Percolator
04/04/09 - Going Down
04/01/09 - In These Tough Economic Times
03/31/09 - Puffin Job
03/29/09 - I've Been a Bit Sluggish
03/29/09 - Shipping & Handling
03/29/09 - What a Country
03/19/09 - Whole Mulatto Love
03/17/09 - Pearly Gate
03/16/09 - Consigliere
03/11/09 - Music With A Message
03/11/09 - Around the Bend
03/11/09 - Home of the Whopper
03/10/09 - No Green is More Green
03/09/09 - Battle of the Bulge
03/08/09 - Into the Mystic
03/06/09 - Things Are Tough All Over
03/02/09 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
03/02/09 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
03/01/09 - Attack of the Clowns
02/24/09 - Black & Tan
02/19/09 - Spreading Democracy
02/12/09 - Gymnausium
02/11/09 - Spare Change
02/07/09 - Twice as Nice
02/06/09 - Goo
02/04/09 - Carnac Desires
02/02/09 - Profiles in Discouragement
02/01/09 - Vaginame
02/01/09 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
01/27/09 - Medieval Knievel
01/26/09 - Not Realistic
01/25/09 - Vacillate Wildly
01/24/09 - Andy Richter Scale
01/20/09 - Term in Office
01/20/09 - Bacon Bits
01/20/09 - Meatball
01/19/09 - Shooting Mel Blancs
01/14/09 - My Neighbor Needs to Close His Blinds
01/12/09 - For Richer or For Dollar Menu
01/11/09 - Bloody Good Time
01/11/09 - loller derby
01/11/09 - Clackers
01/06/09 - Boom Batty
01/05/09 - I'd Buy That For A Dollar
01/05/09 - Eye Queue
01/04/09 - Jehivea's Witness
01/04/09 - Carnac & the Baby Boomer
01/01/09 - Mr. 3,000
01/01/09 - Everything is Bigger in Texas
12/31/08 - Privates
12/31/08 - 2009: No More Bush
12/31/08 - Wheelies
12/31/08 - Stop the Presses
12/29/08 - The Good Bookie
12/29/08 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
12/29/08 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
12/26/08 - White as a Ghost
12/26/08 - No Litter
12/25/08 - Fa Ra Ra Ra Ra
12/25/08 - My Sister's Holiday Tradition
12/22/08 - News Stories I'd Like to See (5)
12/22/08 - Kids Change You
12/22/08 - Backdraft
12/18/08 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
12/17/08 - Flattery Gets Me Somewhere
12/15/08 - Baked Not So Goods
12/15/08 - The Gift that Keeps on Giving
12/11/08 - Two Men Who Love Hats
12/08/08 - Ken & Tina
12/07/08 - Comport
12/01/08 - Let's Jelly Roll
12/01/08 - Gymnausium
12/01/08 - Gymnausium
11/29/08 - Party Pooper
11/28/08 - Everyday Low Values
11/26/08 - Mach Go Go Go!
11/22/08 - Gladiators U.K.
11/22/08 - Classic Body
11/19/08 - Slam Dunkin'
11/16/08 - This Man Considers Her His Trophy Wife
11/13/08 - Edutainment
11/10/08 - I Put the Ass in Aztec
11/10/08 - Worst Buy
11/10/08 - Twitter
11/09/08 - Mii and My Wii
11/09/08 - Economy
11/08/08 - R U Kidding
11/08/08 - Ted Stevens in Jail
11/03/08 - Clothes Unmake the Man
11/02/08 - Isn't it Ironic, Don't You Think?
11/01/08 - Broccoli Beef
10/31/08 - Great Caesar's Ghost
10/30/08 - A Suckling Pig's First Halloween
10/26/08 - Guts & Glory
10/23/08 - Sweater
10/21/08 - Roll on Your Side Effects
10/20/08 - Land of the Flee
10/19/08 - Rear Engine
10/17/08 - Hoover Damn
10/17/08 - Absence Minded
10/16/08 - Custodian of Records
10/16/08 - Bosses Day
10/14/08 - Who's Next
10/14/08 - Crushed
10/13/08 - Highway
10/13/08 - mmmmm, mmyers
10/12/08 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
10/12/08 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
10/09/08 - Change We Don't Need
10/07/08 - Regularity
10/07/08 - Wasteland
10/06/08 - Obamafamafofama
10/05/08 - Whippet Good
10/05/08 - Legal Tender is the Heart
10/03/08 - What I Heard at Last Night's Stereolab Show
10/03/08 - What I Saw at Tonight's Stereolab Show
10/02/08 - It Pays to Tip Well
10/02/08 - Red Skin
09/30/08 - Putting the Mute in Mutant
09/29/08 - Air Sickness
09/28/08 - T.S.A. Holes
09/28/08 - Get a Rope
09/26/08 - Blow, Man, Blow
09/26/08 - C is Average
09/25/08 - Beyond Punderdome
09/24/08 - Ask Me About My Grandkids
09/24/08 - Speaking of Train Wrecks
09/21/08 - Ninja Please
09/21/08 - Longshanks
09/20/08 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
09/18/08 - Reap What, You Sow?
09/18/08 - Static Shock
09/15/08 - Uncle Vampire
09/14/08 - Going Topless
09/13/08 - Wishes
09/13/08 - Carpet Bomb
09/12/08 - Perquisites
09/12/08 - Salute
09/11/08 - Baby Busters
09/11/08 - Immoral Victory
09/11/08 - Presenting
09/11/08 - Up a Creak
09/11/08 - Ground Zero My Hero
09/11/08 - A Man's Reach Should Exceed His Grasp
09/09/08 - Hot Plate
09/09/08 - Abandonment
09/08/08 - Ain't Getting Nun
09/07/08 - On the Campaign Tail
09/07/08 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
09/07/08 - Bleeding Red State
09/07/08 - Cue Gamera Three
09/04/08 - C.P.O. Snarky
09/03/08 - Palin Comparison
09/03/08 - Peacock
09/02/08 - Endora!
09/01/08 - Core Beliefs
09/01/08 - Order Up
08/31/08 -
08/31/08 - I Beg Your Pardon
08/31/08 - Long's Time Coming
08/30/08 - In Case You Don't Know
08/25/08 - Prospecting
08/24/08 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Olympic Sportscaster
08/23/08 - Where The Heart Is
08/22/08 - To Each His Own
08/22/08 - Pornacular
08/22/08 - Press, Your Luck
08/21/08 - Imbalance Beam
08/21/08 - Something Next to Nothing
08/19/08 - Off the Bench
08/19/08 - Red, White, & Boo
08/18/08 - Gymnausium
08/18/08 - Jurisprudence
08/17/08 - Sunday Smackdown
08/16/08 - Blue Streak
08/16/08 - Consumption Junction
08/16/08 - Deep in the African Bush
08/14/08 - Permission Slip
08/13/08 - True Tales of Job Interviews (15)
08/12/08 - True Tales of Job Interviews (14)
08/10/08 - Five Year Mission
08/07/08 - I Hate Their Tacos, Okay?
08/06/08 - Conga Line
08/02/08 - Al Z. Heimers
07/24/08 - Never Mind That Shit, Here Comes Mongoloid
07/24/08 - Shave and a Hair Cut
07/22/08 - Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 6
07/21/08 - Milton Berle Stole Jokes
07/20/08 - Hindsight
07/20/08 - Half a World Away
07/18/08 - I Ride My Bike on Fridays
07/16/08 - Plodding Plotting
07/16/08 - Get Cracking
07/15/08 - Skip Forward to Exodus 20:12
07/15/08 - People Tell Me Things Redux
07/15/08 - Screen Shot
07/14/08 - Chance of Snow
07/13/08 - Kung Fool
07/13/08 - Boner
07/11/08 - King Ralph
07/10/08 - I Put the Vag in Vasovagal Response
07/08/08 - Gymnausium
07/07/08 - Wined Up
07/07/08 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
07/07/08 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
07/07/08 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
07/07/08 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
07/07/08 - Slip On, Slip By
07/05/08 - Who Knew He Had Dementia?
07/04/08 - Meet the New King George, Same as the Old King George
07/02/08 - Sensitize
06/30/08 - Hang a B.A.
06/30/08 - Virtuous Reality
06/30/08 - Hablo Job
06/30/08 - I Know What I Like
06/29/08 - Give Me Some Sugar
06/29/08 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
06/23/08 - Observational Comedy
06/22/08 - Velvet Fog
06/21/08 - Carbon Dating
06/21/08 - Cock Tale
06/20/08 - Emotional Scar Tissue
06/19/08 - In Demand
06/18/08 - Hair Don't
06/18/08 - My Year in Review
06/18/08 - Tighten the Beltway
06/16/08 - Kiss the Cook
06/16/08 - Princess and the Pea
06/15/08 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
06/14/08 - Immaturation
06/13/08 - Sticky Situation
06/12/08 - Satisfying
06/12/08 - Controlled Substance
06/12/08 - I'll Bet He Gets This A Lot
06/10/08 - Wonder
06/08/08 - I Love Company
06/04/08 - Ask a Stupid Question
05/29/08 - One for the Vault
05/29/08 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
05/29/08 - The Real Deal
05/28/08 - He's Never Heard This Before
05/28/08 - Incidentals
05/26/08 - Radish
05/24/08 - Deploy the Fleet
05/21/08 - Bullseye
05/20/08 - Happy Hour
05/20/08 - Gymnausium
05/19/08 - Go Do That Voodoo
05/19/08 - Spies Like Us
05/15/08 - Best Week Ever
05/11/08 - Combo #2
05/11/08 - Devil With A Blue Dress
05/08/08 - Groomed
05/06/08 - Gymnausium
04/28/08 - The Audition
04/27/08 - New Sheriff In Town
04/27/08 - Nozzle
04/26/08 - I Get Away With It
04/23/08 - Vibrant Freshness
04/23/08 - My American Life
04/21/08 - Business Casual
04/18/08 - Over and Over
04/15/08 - Gods and Clods
04/14/08 - Navigator
04/12/08 - Kick Out the Jams
04/10/08 - Detritus
04/08/08 - Gymnausium
04/04/08 - Mocking Bird
03/30/08 - Shift Knob
03/28/08 - I Never Promised You A Rose Garden
03/28/08 - Hanging Out With My Staff
03/28/08 - Polish
03/27/08 - Not Down With O.P.P.
03/22/08 - Udder Failure
03/22/08 - Adult Swim
03/20/08 - Nice Basket
03/20/08 - Mission Accomplished
03/17/08 - Apply Within
03/17/08 - Gymnausium
03/16/08 - Low/Mid Rise
03/15/08 - Gymnausium
03/12/08 - Gymnausium
03/11/08 - Hoi Polloi
03/11/08 - Dial Spin
03/10/08 - Stop Making Scents
03/09/08 - Practical Environmental Tips
03/09/08 - Practical Environmental Tips
03/09/08 - Gentlemen
03/05/08 - Gymnausium
03/05/08 - Gymnausium
02/27/08 - Fold, Spindle, Mutilate
02/25/08 - Gymnausium
02/24/08 - Fragrance
02/17/08 - Second-Hand Smoke and Mirrors
02/12/08 - Authority
02/10/08 - Brain Drain
02/09/08 - See Ya Later, Kegerator
02/08/08 - Nice Poll
02/05/08 - Good to Good
02/05/08 - Swamped
02/02/08 - The Apple of Her Eye
02/01/08 - Boom vs Bust
02/01/08 - Mind the Gap
02/01/08 - Raconteur
02/01/08 - Three Minutes
01/28/08 - Leaving the Gym
01/27/08 - Twenty Years of Mom Jokes and Counting
01/21/08 - Progress
01/20/08 - I'm Not Avove Heckling
01/15/08 - Leaving the Gym (2)
01/13/08 - Skating By
01/07/08 - Leave it to Barbra
01/05/08 - Leaving the Gym
01/05/08 - My Trainer Pirates Music
01/04/08 - My Home State
01/03/08 - Robots Have Feelings, Too
01/01/08 - Don't Phunk With My Heart
12/30/07 - Lean and Mean
12/29/07 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
12/28/07 - Joining the Gym (67)
12/28/07 - Fromagerie
12/27/07 - Convenience
12/26/07 - Enough Already
12/26/07 - Back to the Workshop
12/24/07 - Parts is Parts
12/23/07 - Cervezaaaaaaah
12/23/07 - Twas the Night Before The Night Before Christmas
12/20/07 - Gunt Control
12/20/07 - Deck the Challs
12/19/07 - Joining the Gym (66)
12/19/07 - Unneighborly
12/19/07 - Joining the Gym (65)
12/19/07 - The Blathering Inferno
12/18/07 - That's How I Jelly Roll
12/17/07 - I, Clarkson
12/17/07 - Joining the Gym (64)
12/11/07 - The Unfriendly Skies
12/11/07 - Hellmark
12/09/07 - They Call Him Flipper
12/09/07 - Surprise and Fear
12/06/07 - Card Stock
12/05/07 - Drawn Out
12/04/07 - Bomb Scare
12/04/07 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
12/04/07 - Thin to Win
12/01/07 - Look, Sir--Droids
12/01/07 - Everything is Going to be Obee Kabee
12/01/07 - Playing God
12/01/07 - Cum on Feel the Silenze
12/01/07 - Snake River
11/29/07 - The Human Stain
11/28/07 - Holiday Cheer
11/27/07 - Back Pedaling
11/22/07 - 1967
11/21/07 - Young Amy Winehouse
11/18/07 - William Shat 'n 'er
11/17/07 - Amen
11/17/07 - 13th Grade
11/15/07 - The Butt of the Joke
11/14/07 - Joining the Gym (63)
11/14/07 - Joining the Gym (62)
11/13/07 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
11/12/07 - I Know My Friends
11/03/07 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
10/30/07 - Krab
10/29/07 - Just One of the Guys
10/24/07 - Situation Normal
10/24/07 - Everything's Fine Here
10/24/07 - Disco Inferno
10/24/07 - The Sky Looked Like This Background Too!
10/24/07 - Expectations
10/24/07 - Grab and Go
10/24/07 - Chow Bella
10/24/07 - Empty Nest
10/24/07 - Perchance to Dream
10/24/07 - To Sleep
10/24/07 - The Worst Thing She Could Say
10/23/07 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
10/22/07 - Scram
10/18/07 - Sometimes I Keep My Thoughts To Myself
10/16/07 - Koala
10/16/07 - Congress of the Crow
10/15/07 - Slop
10/15/07 - The Dulling Edge
10/06/07 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
10/04/07 - Ooze
10/04/07 - How Christians Say Fuck You
10/04/07 - Ribeye of the Tiger
10/02/07 - Meta Thing
09/29/07 - Grunt Work
09/29/07 - Baby One More Time
09/28/07 - In a Dander
09/27/07 - Sartre Trek: The Final Frontier
09/27/07 - Sartre Trek: The Next Generation
09/27/07 - Sartre Trek
09/27/07 - Premise: Conclusion
09/26/07 - Sometimes You Gotta Do Whom You Gotta Do
09/26/07 - Tight Rope
09/25/07 - Zoom
09/24/07 - Mime of Our Lives
09/22/07 - Stand Up Comedy
09/22/07 - Saab Story
09/18/07 - Get With the Program
09/17/07 - Padded Cell Conversations
09/17/07 - Jury Doodie
09/17/07 - What I've Been Doing All Week
09/17/07 - Disorder in the Court
09/16/07 - The Stripcreator Unemployment Office
09/16/07 - Mix-Up
09/15/07 - Evolution
09/15/07 - Distractions
09/15/07 - Marge Sleeps Around
09/15/07 - The Carpenter's Apprentice
09/15/07 - Scavenger Hunt
09/11/07 - Lift
09/11/07 - 9-11 Odds
09/10/07 - Really...I Was Playing With The Dog
09/09/07 - Swaddling
09/09/07 - The Meek
09/09/07 - Loop
09/08/07 - Dogma
09/08/07 - Exploring the Heavens
09/08/07 - Screaming Kids
09/06/07 - Morbidity
09/06/07 - In Common
09/05/07 - Backing Out
09/04/07 - How I Feel About Craigslist
09/04/07 - How I Feel About Junk Mail
08/31/07 - Princess Died
08/29/07 - XXX-Ray
08/29/07 - Stall Tactics
08/26/07 - Poverty Schmoverty
08/26/07 - Mudflaps
08/26/07 - Le Petit Morte
08/26/07 - Chance
08/26/07 - Cottage Cheese
08/25/07 - None of a Kind
08/25/07 - Pat on the Back
08/25/07 - Substance Abuse
08/25/07 - Be It Ever So Humble
08/24/07 - Labor Relations
08/19/07 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
08/18/07 - Lice Ball
08/16/07 - A Tear in Space
08/15/07 - My Employees Love My Analogies
08/13/07 - Creature from the Red, White, and Blue Lagoon
08/13/07 - Doggy Bags
08/13/07 - Vacation Hell
08/09/07 - Tomorrow's Opening Line
08/09/07 - Curveball
08/08/07 - Joining the Gym (61)
08/07/07 - Kicking and Screaming
08/07/07 - Joining the Gym (60)
08/07/07 - Joining the Gym (59)
08/07/07 - Discontinental Divide
08/05/07 - The New Flame
07/31/07 - Rock On
07/31/07 - Let's All Go to the Lobby
07/31/07 - I Got My Mojo Workin'
07/29/07 - DC = Doomed Citizens
07/28/07 - Just Once, I'd Like an Apology
07/27/07 - Soy Frijoles!
07/26/07 - Someone Put Him Up To It
07/25/07 - Let 'er Rip
07/25/07 - Joining the Gym (58)
07/24/07 - Distrito Colon
07/23/07 - Two Acquaintances Trying To Fake The Effort
07/22/07 - Fizzy Lifting Drinks
07/22/07 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
07/22/07 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
07/22/07 - That's the Problem
07/16/07 - Is this MicBot On?
07/16/07 - Can I Grab You for a Moment?
07/11/07 - The South--It May Be Hot, But It's A Wet Heat
07/11/07 - Right Up Her Alley
07/08/07 - Silence
07/02/07 - Pay $200 to State the Obvious
06/30/07 - Dix
06/29/07 - Efficiency Expert
06/29/07 - Pro Lapse
06/23/07 - The Better Half
06/23/07 - Mach Go Go Go
06/23/07 - Abstract
06/22/07 - A Real Cut Up
06/21/07 - I'd Rather Be An Orphan
06/20/07 - Attrition
06/20/07 - Claim Jumper
06/19/07 - Squatting Rights
06/19/07 - Joining the Gym (57)
06/17/07 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
06/17/07 - 12 Step Saver
06/17/07 - You're Fire(d)
06/17/07 - Head to Work
06/11/07 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
06/08/07 - You're Soaking In It
06/07/07 - SigAlert
06/05/07 - Case Study
06/03/07 - Hey, Big Spender
06/03/07 - Wizard of Ego
06/02/07 - Robottom
06/02/07 - Fish in a Barrel
06/02/07 - Raspy
05/31/07 - Volume, Volume, Volume
05/30/07 - A Battle of Wizz
05/29/07 - The Cankle Bone's Connected to the Thalf Bone
05/29/07 - Brown Out
05/29/07 - Four-Day Weekend
05/27/07 - Self-Unconscious
05/23/07 - Toppings
05/23/07 - Que Syrah Syrah
05/22/07 - Czech and Mate
05/19/07 - Mr. Badwrench
05/19/07 - Let it Roll
05/18/07 - Helping Hand
05/18/07 - Bowl Movement
05/15/07 - I Blame the Juice
05/14/07 - Joining the Gym (56)
05/13/07 - Proportion
05/13/07 - Squelch
05/13/07 - Mum Is Not TheWord
05/12/07 - Losin' It
05/12/07 - Joining the Gym (55)
05/09/07 - News Stories I'd Like to See (4)
05/09/07 - News Stories I'd Like to See (3)
05/09/07 - News Stories I'd Like to See (2)
05/09/07 - News Stories I'd Like to See (1)
05/05/07 - All Wet
05/01/07 - Do As I Say, Not As I Say
05/01/07 - Support Staff
04/30/07 - I Can Finally Make This Comic
04/29/07 - Toner it Down
04/29/07 - Vet Your Vet
04/29/07 - Me-OW!
04/26/07 - Joining the Gym (54)
04/25/07 - Joining the Gym (53)
04/23/07 - Joining the Gym (52)
04/23/07 - Profiles in Followship
04/23/07 - Countdown
04/22/07 - Le Migre
04/22/07 - Why Nobody Shops With Me
04/21/07 - Planet B
04/18/07 - Phil O'Pino
04/16/07 - The Twist
04/15/07 - Echelon
04/15/07 - Not My Type
04/14/07 - Nobody Thinks of Chaplain or Hardy
04/12/07 - Delay of Game
04/10/07 - Joining the Gym (51)
04/09/07 - Donna
04/09/07 - High Octane Comedy
04/09/07 - The Revolution Will Not Be Motorized
04/08/07 - Tiny Portions of Bad Food
04/08/07 - What Would Jesus Drink?
04/04/07 - Casual Wednesday
04/03/07 - Furry Movie Reviews
04/01/07 - Laying Cable
03/31/07 - Dust to Dust
03/31/07 - Alsace-Lorraine
03/31/07 - Yeah, I Wear a Suit on Saturday Mornings
03/30/07 - Henry Tooter
03/30/07 - Pumping Up
03/28/07 - Lockstep
03/28/07 - Snow Job
03/28/07 - Surge-ery
03/24/07 - Won't You Be My Neighbor
03/24/07 - Peel Out
03/24/07 - The Sound and the Fury
03/22/07 - Nice & Quiet
03/22/07 - Preaching to the Choir
03/19/07 - By the Book
03/16/07 - Facing the Music
03/16/07 - 0.001% of His Commission
03/14/07 - Joining the Gym (50)
03/13/07 - Joining the Gym (49)
03/12/07 - Drop Dead Date
03/08/07 - Going Problem
03/08/07 - Small Wonder
03/06/07 - Face Time
03/06/07 - DWB
03/06/07 - Famous for Being Famous
03/06/07 - Joining the Gym (48)
03/05/07 - Joining the Gym (47)
03/05/07 - Let the Eagle Soar
03/05/07 - The Inquisition
03/04/07 - 8 Hot Dogs, 12 Buns
03/04/07 - At Least I Was Polite About It
03/04/07 - Appetizer
03/04/07 - Friends with Kids
03/04/07 - Airportly
03/03/07 - Persnickety
03/03/07 - Whatever Suits You
03/02/07 - Grouper
03/02/07 - Nocturnal Submission
03/01/07 - Coma Chameleon
02/26/07 - Objective Taste
02/26/07 - In the Gaytto
02/25/07 - Turn-Key
02/25/07 - Car Wars
02/25/07 - Bore-ito
02/25/07 - Bauhaus Isn't Just A Goth Band
02/23/07 - Initial Shock
02/20/07 - Dotting the Tees and Crossing the Eyes
02/19/07 - Rock Me, Dr. Zaius
02/19/07 - You Want Some Sweet Tea?
02/16/07 - Doctor Who?
02/16/07 - A Cautionary Tale
02/16/07 - Hairy & David
02/12/07 - Watch the S*** Grow
02/12/07 - Suck Bot
02/12/07 - Appetite for Destruction
02/11/07 - Real Assets
02/08/07 - A Friend Indeed
02/06/07 - Zero Tolerance
02/06/07 - Your Circuit's Dead, There's Something Wrong
02/06/07 - Coming to Capistrano
02/04/07 - The Problem With Superbowl Parties
02/02/07 - In Passing
02/02/07 - Chronic Disorder
01/31/07 - Our Daily Bread
01/30/07 - All Wet
01/30/07 - Joining the Gym (46)
01/30/07 - Joining the Gym (45)
01/28/07 - What I've Always Wanted
01/28/07 - Caveat Emptor
01/28/07 - Sharing is Caring
01/25/07 - Parochial
01/23/07 - Advantage
01/23/07 - Joining the Gym (44)
01/22/07 - Token
01/22/07 - Taking a Bath
01/22/07 - Faux Sale by Owner
01/18/07 - Overload
01/17/07 - The Place I Go for Lunch
01/16/07 - Scare Tactics
01/16/07 - Holy Crap
01/15/07 - When The Whistle Blows
01/11/07 - Robotic Law
01/11/07 - Murder Most Fowl
01/08/07 - Parabolic
01/07/07 - Patching Things Up
01/06/07 - My Future
01/05/07 - State of Education
01/04/07 - Pie in the Window
01/03/07 - Joining the Gym (43)
01/02/07 - Ray Milland & Rosey Grier
01/01/07 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
01/01/07 - 2007 Sports Prediction
12/30/06 - I Just Know
12/29/06 - Unreal Estate
12/27/06 - He Must Be Tripping in His Grave
12/25/06 - The Soul of the Godfather of Soul
12/23/06 - Looking Down on Creation
12/23/06 - Top of the World
12/23/06 - Christmas Eve Forecast
12/23/06 - Many Happy Returns
12/23/06 - The War on Christmas to End all Wars on Christmases
12/23/06 - Christmas Wars IV (A New Hope)
12/23/06 - War on Christmas III
12/23/06 - War on Christmas II
12/23/06 - War on Christmas
12/23/06 - On Top of the North Pole
12/22/06 - Unrealtor
12/20/06 - Toning it Down
12/17/06 - What it's Like Getting Together with Old Friends Now
12/16/06 - I'm Lovin' It
12/15/06 - Paper or Plastic?
12/15/06 - Tidy Bowel
12/13/06 - Holiday Routine
12/13/06 - 'Tis the Season to be Jolly
12/11/06 - Every Time I Go to the Post Office
12/08/06 - No Need to Panic
12/08/06 - Emergency Response
12/06/06 - Rock Steady
12/04/06 - Joining the Gym (43)
12/04/06 - Howard's Johnson
11/29/06 - Location, Location, Location
11/28/06 - Bioterrorism
11/27/06 - Go Army
11/27/06 - 23 < 0
11/25/06 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
11/25/06 - Family Ties
11/24/06 - Soul Hunter
11/24/06 - Cripples & Indians
11/24/06 - Get a Clue
11/18/06 - Everyday Low Prices
11/18/06 - Sole Man
11/18/06 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
11/17/06 - Wished Into the Cornfield
11/17/06 - Chat Chappeau
11/17/06 - Ocean View!
11/16/06 - Going to Waste
11/15/06 - Whatever Suits You
11/15/06 - King Kong Balls
11/15/06 - Joining the Gym (42)
11/14/06 - French Tips
11/07/06 - Messy Campaign
11/05/06 - Whacks On, Whacks Off
11/05/06 - Strange Bedfellows
11/04/06 - Cat Scan
11/02/06 - Cover
10/31/06 - A Fine Hallow
10/29/06 - More Stadium Concessions
10/25/06 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
10/25/06 - You're Listening to K.R.A.P.
10/24/06 - Rationale
10/23/06 - Grass Roots Leadership
10/23/06 - Onwards and Sidewards
10/23/06 - Face the Music
10/22/06 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
10/22/06 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
10/22/06 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
10/22/06 - Jimmy the Inappropriate Sportscaster
10/22/06 - Jimmy The Inappropriate Sportscaster
10/22/06 - Stadium Concessions
10/20/06 - Mothers Against Disabled Drivers
10/18/06 - Old Shul
10/16/06 - What Color is Your Chute?
10/16/06 - Joining the Gym (41)
10/16/06 - Joining the Gym (40)
10/15/06 - The Blame Game
10/15/06 - Hiding In Plain Sight
10/14/06 - Bon Natale
10/13/06 - Fists of Furry
10/13/06 - Statistics
10/13/06 - I'm a Fucking Self-Rightous Prick
10/10/06 - Clock Sucker
10/08/06 - Cannon Fodder
10/04/06 - Affirmative Action
10/04/06 - Great Moments in Legislative History
10/02/06 - So Much for the City
10/01/06 - Got Any Gum?
10/01/06 - Prince of Tights
09/28/06 - Aspirations
09/24/06 - Much Too Much
09/24/06 - Fanatics
09/22/06 - Everything Changes
09/22/06 - Keeping Up Appearances
09/20/06 - I Love craigslist Too Much
09/20/06 - I Love craigslist
09/18/06 - Joining the Gym (39)
09/17/06 - Gentlemen, Stop Your Engines
09/17/06 - Serf's Up
09/17/06 - Cavity Creep
09/16/06 - Carnac Knowledge
09/16/06 - Advertising
09/15/06 - I Love craigslist
09/15/06 - I Love craigslist
09/15/06 - I Love craigslist
09/15/06 - Strange Bedfellows
09/13/06 - Seldom is Heard an Encouraging Word
09/12/06 - Gravity Gets You Down
09/12/06 - Try the Kaufmanicotti
09/11/06 - Snooze
09/11/06 - Decrepit
09/11/06 - The Omen
09/10/06 - Tribute
09/08/06 - Current Events
09/07/06 - Bad Enough for Government Work
09/06/06 - Doing the Impossible
09/06/06 - Legacy
09/05/06 - Disposable
09/05/06 - Bungee Boss
09/04/06 - Golden Slumbers
09/02/06 - Hyperspace
08/29/06 - YOUR Taxdollars at Work
08/28/06 - The Lord Will Come Upon You
08/27/06 - Mr. Clean
08/27/06 - Recursive
08/26/06 - Mystery Solved
08/24/06 - Monkey See, Monkey Don't
08/24/06 - Back Up Plan
08/24/06 - Width is More Important
08/14/06 - Joining the Gym (38)
08/14/06 - Having Your Cake and Eating it Too
08/12/06 - Don't Kill the Messenger Bag
08/10/06 - Joining the Gym (37)
08/08/06 - Buffeteria
08/08/06 - Voiceover--We're Getting Involved with You
08/08/06 - Voiceover--Fucking Ponderous
08/08/06 - Voiceover--Crumb Crisp Coating
08/08/06 - Voiceover--Don't Tell Me How To Do It (It Sickens Me)
08/08/06 - Voiceover--Unrewarding
08/05/06 - Foul Smelling Discharge
08/04/06 - Big Baby
08/03/06 - Secret Identity
08/02/06 - Going Down
08/02/06 - Joining the Gym (36)
08/02/06 - Take Care
08/01/06 - Better Red than Red
07/31/06 - Indications
07/31/06 - I Need to Self-Censor More
07/29/06 - Face Time
07/26/06 - Carnac & the Ass of Bass
07/16/06 - Six of One Half
07/13/06 - Mindset to Cycle
07/12/06 - Limited Options
07/12/06 - Remember to Fill Out the Evaluation
07/12/06 - Time Release
07/12/06 - Smells Like Adult Spirit
07/12/06 - $5.48 per Page
07/11/06 - My Particular Idiom
07/11/06 - Accommodations
07/07/06 - Vrrrrrp
07/07/06 - Axis Mundi
07/07/06 - July 7, 2005
07/05/06 - Blast Off
07/04/06 - Putting the Folly in Follicle
07/04/06 - Frozen in Time (8)
07/04/06 - Frozen in Time (7)
07/04/06 - Frozen in Time (6)
07/04/06 - Frozen in Time (5)
07/04/06 - Frozen in Time (4)
07/04/06 - Frozen in Time (3)
07/04/06 - Frozen in Time (2)
07/04/06 - Frozen in Time (1)
06/30/06 - Putting the Hole in Frijoles
06/27/06 - Putting the Tired in Retired
06/27/06 - Wherein I Become Romy White
06/22/06 - The Techs Don't Like Me Anymore (3)
06/22/06 - The Techs Don't Like Me Anymore (2)
06/22/06 - The Techs Don't Like Me Anymore (1)
06/22/06 - Throwing It Back
06/21/06 - Feedback
06/20/06 - Fox in the Henhouse
06/20/06 - Gurgle
06/20/06 - Surreptitious
06/20/06 - Such a Deal
06/20/06 - We Don't Hang Out Anymore
06/19/06 - Pole Position (4)
06/19/06 - Pole Position (3)
06/19/06 - Pole Position (2)
06/19/06 - Redundancy
06/17/06 - Lounge Lizard
06/15/06 - Pole Position
06/14/06 - Processor
06/13/06 - Senioritis
06/13/06 - Gold Rush
06/13/06 - Home of the Whopper
06/13/06 - Joining the Gym (35)
06/12/06 - Moojahideen
06/09/06 - Grooming
06/06/06 - The Last Resort
06/05/06 - My Regards
05/31/06 - Joining the Gym (34)
05/30/06 - F@%! Scott Fitzgerald
05/30/06 - Coffee Achiever
05/26/06 - Perks
05/26/06 - Coin Toss
05/24/06 - Spin
05/24/06 - Entitlements
05/24/06 - Trickle Down
05/23/06 - Succession
05/23/06 - Treatment
05/18/06 - That's the Rub--Epilogue
05/18/06 - That's the Rub (10)
05/18/06 - That's the Rub (9)
05/18/06 - That's the Rub (8)
05/18/06 - That's the Rub (7)
05/18/06 - That's the Rub (6)
05/18/06 - That's the Rub (5)
05/18/06 - That's the Rub (4)
05/18/06 - That's the Rub (3)
05/18/06 - That's the Rub (2)
05/18/06 - That's the Rub (1)
05/18/06 - Shotgun
05/18/06 - She's Back
05/18/06 - Joining the Gym (33)
05/18/06 - Joining the Gym (32)
05/18/06 - When Tourists Visit San Diego
05/18/06 - A Quick Brown Dog Jumped Over Vicente Fox
05/16/06 - Cum Laude
05/15/06 - World's Worst Monk
05/15/06 - Joining the Gym (31)
05/14/06 - World's Worst Ninja
05/14/06 - You Oughta Know By Now
05/13/06 - Giving The Shaft
05/13/06 - Footsteps
05/12/06 - Pennsylvania Ave 6-5000
05/11/06 - Gouge
05/11/06 - I've Been A Bitch All Week
05/08/06 - iTune Out
05/08/06 - Joining the Gym (30)
05/07/06 - Tomorrow, I Win the Lumbergh Award
05/07/06 - Selection
05/03/06 - Every Restaurant in San Diego
05/02/06 - Regurgitation
05/01/06 - I Really Saw This
05/01/06 - Golden Handshake
05/01/06 - Rally
04/28/06 - Air of Distinction
04/28/06 - Yo Ho
04/28/06 - Composition
04/28/06 - Side Effects May Include Euphoria
04/28/06 - Sugarcoat
04/28/06 - I Play Joke
04/28/06 - Macromanage
04/27/06 - Good Chance
04/24/06 - A Little TLC
04/24/06 - Greatest Hits
04/24/06 - Really, It's a Good Car
04/23/06 - Target Rich Environment
04/22/06 - Generation Gap
04/20/06 - Joining the Gym (29)
04/18/06 - Transitions
04/18/06 - Truth Syrum
04/17/06 - Living Vicariously
04/17/06 - Karma Chameleon
04/14/06 - Hallelujah
04/13/06 - Image is Everything
04/12/06 - My Local Health Food Store
04/11/06 - Off the Top of My Head
04/10/06 - Variety is the Spice of Life
04/07/06 - Fists of Fury
04/03/06 - Ethos
03/28/06 - More Biblical Outtakes
03/28/06 - Standing Up
03/28/06 - Biblical Outtakes
03/27/06 - Joining the Gym (28)
03/24/06 - Terroir
03/23/06 - Blackmail
03/22/06 - Perpetual Motion
03/22/06 - After Asian Market
03/22/06 - At The Asian Market
03/18/06 - Re-Tale (6)
03/18/06 - Re-Tale (5)
03/18/06 - Re-Tale (4)
03/18/06 - Re-Tale (3)
03/18/06 - Re-Tale (2)
03/18/06 - Re-Tale (1)
03/18/06 - The Truth Hurts
03/16/06 - Snake Charmer
03/14/06 - It Was Good
03/14/06 - Open House
03/14/06 - Continuing the Tour
03/14/06 - Shop Talk
03/13/06 - Joining the Gym (27)
03/13/06 - Joining the Gym (26)
03/13/06 - Collective Bargaining
03/13/06 - I Blame The Baby Boomers
03/09/06 - For Crying Out Loud
03/08/06 - Recant
03/07/06 - Voir Dire
03/02/06 - Passing on the Religious Right
02/28/06 - I'm Giving These Jokes Up For Lent
02/28/06 - Joining the Gym (25)
02/27/06 - Church Clothes
02/25/06 - Funeral Follies
02/25/06 - Dearly Beloved
02/25/06 - Crutch
02/24/06 - Jelly Role
02/23/06 - Good Mourning
02/21/06 - How Much Does a Hemingway?
02/17/06 - Friends with Benefits
02/17/06 - Unload
02/17/06 - Hostess With The Mostess
02/17/06 - Bone Appetite
02/17/06 - Germination
02/17/06 - Dig This
02/15/06 - Last Minute Gift
02/15/06 - Thank Me Later
02/14/06 - Frozen Water Sports
02/13/06 - Self-Censorship
02/13/06 - Profiles in Adequacy
02/11/06 - Perspicacity
02/09/06 - Le Professeur
02/09/06 - Starbucks of New England
02/07/06 - Old Dog, Old Tricks
02/06/06 - At The Mecca County Fair
02/06/06 - Diplomatic Immunity
02/06/06 - Joining the Gym (24)
02/06/06 - Service With A Smile
02/06/06 - Ratio
02/05/06 - True Fans
02/04/06 - Backdrop
02/04/06 - Thin Walls, Thick Skin
02/04/06 - Sixty Percent
02/03/06 - Something Smells
02/02/06 - Life Saver
02/01/06 - Static Charge
02/01/06 - Slacks
01/30/06 - I Still Don't Know Why I Said This
01/30/06 - Did Everyone's Parents Do This?
01/30/06 - The Last Time I Got Spanked
01/29/06 - Get Biblical On Your Ass
01/29/06 - It's All In The Execution
01/28/06 - Joining the Gym (23)
01/27/06 - Holy Crap
01/26/06 - I'm Feeling Supersonic
01/26/06 - Joining the Gym (22)
01/26/06 - I'm Getting A Certain Reputation (6)
01/24/06 - I'm Getting A Certain Reputation (5)
01/24/06 - Polyphonic Shooting Spree
01/24/06 - Joining the Gym (21)
01/24/06 - Pet Shop Sounds
01/23/06 - Joining the Gym (20)
01/22/06 - To Boldly Google
01/18/06 - Somewhere in Talk Show Heaven
01/17/06 - Intervention
01/17/06 - Mount Krackatoa
01/17/06 - Attrition
01/16/06 - Getting the MLK for Free
01/16/06 - Great Expectations
01/13/06 - Afternoon Delight
01/12/06 - Heavy Meddle
01/05/06 - Winter in San Diego
01/04/06 - Easy Money
01/04/06 - Feifdom
01/04/06 - Kingdom Come
01/03/06 - Joining the Gym (20)
01/02/06 - Joining the Gym (19)
01/02/06 - In The Beginning
12/31/05 - Love It Or Leave It
12/30/05 - One Night In College...
12/30/05 - If Bobby Brown Went On A Game Show
12/27/05 - Philander
12/26/05 - Longevity
12/21/05 - Wise Guy
12/21/05 - Poor Rudolph
12/19/05 - Season's Greetings
12/17/05 - The Insider
12/17/05 - Spirit of Christmas
12/17/05 - Trough
12/17/05 - Joining the Gym (18)
12/16/05 - Zero Based Management
12/15/05 - Chappy Cholidays
12/15/05 - All That Glitters Is Not Golding
12/15/05 - Tis The Season To Be Jolly
12/15/05 - When You Care Enough To Send The Very Least
12/15/05 - Clothes Make The Man
12/12/05 - Silver Lining
12/12/05 - Lies, Lies, Lies
12/12/05 - The Emperor's Old Clothes
12/12/05 - A Cheeky Tale
12/12/05 - Joining the Gym (17)
12/11/05 - Gift Horse
12/11/05 - Put Me Into My Misery
12/11/05 - Mr. Generosity
12/08/05 - That's The Spirit
12/08/05 - Pat On The Back
12/06/05 - This Comic Has Not Been Evaluated By The FDA
12/05/05 - Prominence
12/05/05 - Mindless Dribble
12/05/05 - Wrinkles in Time
12/04/05 - Don't Forget The Bon-Bons
12/03/05 - We Have A Chance To Find The Sunshine
12/01/05 - Putting the Men in Menopause
11/30/05 - The Evaluator (7)
11/30/05 - The Evaluator (6)
11/30/05 - The Evaluator (5)
11/30/05 - The Evaluator (4)
11/30/05 - The Evaluator (3)
11/30/05 - The Evaluator (2)
11/30/05 - The Evaluator (1)
11/30/05 - Deaf Comedy Jam
11/29/05 - Biggerest Loser
11/29/05 - Biggest Loser Finale
11/29/05 - Half Full
11/28/05 - Pulling Your Crank
11/27/05 - Happies
11/26/05 - Survivor
11/26/05 - The Source
11/25/05 - Brown Sugar
11/25/05 - True Grit
11/25/05 - True Lies
11/25/05 - Internal Affairs
11/25/05 - Street Angel
11/25/05 - You Wear It Well
11/25/05 - I Can See For Miles Standish
11/24/05 - Pie Hole
11/24/05 - Thankstaking
11/23/05 - Cost Benefit Analysis
11/23/05 - Joining the Gym (16)
11/23/05 - Joining the Gym (15)
11/23/05 - What I'm Thankful For
11/23/05 - Holiday Cheer
11/23/05 - Listings
11/22/05 - Mitten
11/16/05 - Streetlight Symphony
11/16/05 - Mr. Enthusiasm
11/16/05 - Civil Union
11/14/05 - Joining the Gym (14)
11/13/05 - Joining the Gym (13)
11/12/05 - Joining the Gym (12)
11/12/05 - Single Shot
11/10/05 - Ships in the Night
11/09/05 - Joining the Gym (11)
11/09/05 - Largess
11/09/05 - We're Not Worthy
11/09/05 - Release the Hound
11/09/05 - Joining the Gym (10)
11/05/05 - Close-Up: Asian Porn
11/05/05 - Joining the Gym (9)
11/05/05 - Kill The Messenger
11/03/05 - Free Press
11/03/05 - The Best Conversation I've Ever Had At Work
11/02/05 - The Wasteland
11/02/05 - Sabbatical
10/31/05 - Joining the Gym (8)
10/31/05 - The Sickening
10/30/05 - No Treat
10/30/05 - La Cerveza Mas Fina
10/30/05 - Longevity
10/30/05 - Dress Up
10/26/05 - Lost In The Desert
10/25/05 - The Fats of Life
10/24/05 - Essential Doodies
10/24/05 - Thriller
10/22/05 - Jeux Sans Frontieres
10/20/05 - Transport Her
10/20/05 - A Wee Late
10/20/05 - Presence of Malice
10/20/05 - I Got Served
10/19/05 - My Little Friend
10/19/05 - Herman's Hermits
10/19/05 - Joining the Gym (7)
10/19/05 - Joining the Gym (6)
10/19/05 - Joining the Gym (5)
10/19/05 - Banquets
10/17/05 - Needle
10/17/05 - Practice
10/17/05 - Cost Benefit Analysis
10/17/05 - Outside In
10/16/05 - Nozzle
10/16/05 - Gun Control
10/16/05 - You Get What You Don't Pay For
10/16/05 - Cloud City (Alternate Take)
10/16/05 - Rookie
10/16/05 - Cloud City
10/16/05 - Two Alarm
10/15/05 - Joining the Gym (4)
10/15/05 - Oz
10/15/05 - Safety Duck
10/15/05 - Tonic
10/15/05 - Order 24 Hours In Advance
10/15/05 - Trick, Not Treat
10/14/05 - Hotel Perks
10/14/05 - Value
10/13/05 - Mrs. Clean
10/12/05 - The Dorms
10/12/05 - Joining the Gym (3)
10/11/05 - The Easy Way Out
10/11/05 - Forename
10/11/05 - Restraint
10/11/05 - Joining the Gym (2)
10/11/05 - Ab Blaster
10/11/05 - Why I Could Never Live in the Northeast
10/10/05 - Satisfactory
10/09/05 - Joining the Gym
10/08/05 - Selective Memory
10/07/05 - Delayed
10/06/05 - Hedge
10/06/05 - I Love Company
10/05/05 - Snow Job
10/05/05 - Corporate Extortion (8)
10/05/05 - Captain EEO
10/05/05 - Retreat
10/04/05 - Crisis Intervention
10/04/05 - Gotta Go
10/03/05 - The Perils of Dot Matrix
09/30/05 - Feast or Famine
09/29/05 - Binder
09/28/05 - Give An Inch
09/26/05 - Missed It By That Much
09/25/05 - Fun and Games
09/25/05 - The Last Word
09/25/05 - Thank You Again For Your Support
09/24/05 - What's In A Name
09/23/05 - Notes
09/20/05 - I Don't Handle Compliments Well
09/20/05 - Ways and Means
09/19/05 - Early Bloomer
09/19/05 - Meeting The New Neighbor
09/18/05 - Everything I Learned, I Already Know
09/18/05 - Infrequent Flyer
09/16/05 - Capital Idea
09/15/05 - True Tales of Job Interviews (13)
09/14/05 - Balloon Knot
09/14/05 - It's All About Me
09/14/05 - Rememberance
09/11/05 - Birthday Reflections
09/10/05 - Four Years Ago Today
09/09/05 - Crunch Time
09/09/05 - Diversions
09/08/05 - You Are What You Eat
09/08/05 - I Can Hear You Now
09/08/05 - Think Locally, Act Locally
09/08/05 - Some Child Left Behind
09/08/05 - Bloat
09/08/05 - Packaging
09/08/05 - Uncivil Service
09/08/05 - Blowing Out The Candles
09/07/05 - Fugu
09/06/05 - Hell or High Water
09/04/05 - Antediluvian
09/04/05 - Gonna Wash Dem Voters Right Outta My Hair
09/01/05 - Red Fish, Blue Fish
08/31/05 - Love to Hate
08/31/05 - Catwalk
08/30/05 - I'm Gonna Wash That State Right Outta My Hair
08/30/05 - Clouded
08/30/05 - True Tales of Job Interviews (12)
08/30/05 - I Can See All The Way To Mankato!
08/30/05 - Reassurance
08/29/05 - Waste of a Title
08/29/05 - True Tales of Job Interviews (11)
08/28/05 - Goodwill
08/26/05 - Resemblance
08/25/05 - Tow Jam
08/23/05 - Crowdpleaser
08/23/05 - Cringe
08/23/05 - Cryogenics
08/23/05 - Semper Fidelis
08/23/05 - Hungry Like The Wolf
08/23/05 - Dunlop
08/22/05 - Low Price Leader
08/22/05 - Meeting Expectations
08/19/05 - Profiles in Mediocrity
08/17/05 - Out of Site
08/15/05 - Field of Dreams
08/12/05 - We Blow
08/11/05 - Freaky Thursday
08/11/05 - If I'm Lucky, I'll Die In My Sleep
08/10/05 - Media Elite
08/09/05 - Totebag Toteboard
08/09/05 - Pests
08/04/05 - I'm Getting A Certain Reputation (4)
08/04/05 - I'm Getting A Certain Reputation (3)
08/04/05 - I'm Getting A Certain Reputation (2)
08/04/05 - I'm Getting A Certain Reputation (1)
08/03/05 - The Negotiator
08/03/05 - Stratagems
08/02/05 - Civics
08/01/05 - Visualization
07/29/05 - Sycophants
07/27/05 - Movement
07/27/05 - Depressing
07/24/05 - Roll-Back
07/23/05 - How I Spent My Summer Vacation (12)
07/23/05 - How I Spent My Summer Vacation (11)
07/23/05 - How I Spent My Summer Vacation (10)
07/21/05 - Putting the Cart Before The Jackass
07/21/05 - Moooo
07/20/05 - Everything's Coming Up Roses
07/20/05 - I'm Back
07/20/05 - Local Cuisine
07/20/05 - How I Spent My Summer Vacation (9)
07/16/05 - How I Spent My Summer Vacation (8)
07/15/05 - How I Spent My Summer Vacation (7)
07/11/05 - How I Spent My Summer Vacation (6)
07/10/05 - How I Spent My Summer Vacation (5)
07/10/05 - How I Spent My Summer Vacation (4)
07/08/05 - How I Spent My Summer Vacation (3)
07/08/05 - How I Spent My Summer Vacation (2)
07/08/05 - How I Spent My Summer Vacation (1)
07/06/05 - I Didn't Exactly Pack Light This Time
07/04/05 - South of the Border
07/02/05 - Pan Asian Cuisine
07/01/05 - The Problem With High Fiber Diets
07/01/05 - Aspirations
07/01/05 - Bon Voyage!
07/01/05 - Where Credit is Due
06/29/05 - Thinning
06/27/05 - The Death of Little Miss Shocked-In-Advance
06/27/05 - Glowing Recommendation
06/27/05 - Conflict Resolution
06/27/05 - The Problem With Snobbery
06/25/05 - The First Multi-Media Presentation
06/25/05 - Doesn't Anyone Just Give Speeches Anymore?
06/24/05 - Business Travel
06/22/05 - Wine Spectator
06/22/05 - Seeing The Padres With My Padre
06/20/05 - Sometimes Believe What You Hear
06/18/05 - You Get Less Than You Pay For
06/18/05 - Re-tail
06/17/05 - Shallow Pool
06/14/05 - A Little Off The Top
06/14/05 - Shear Terror
06/13/05 - Hauling Ass
06/13/05 - The Darkness Before the Dark
06/09/05 - More Meeting Madness (Props to mmyers)
06/09/05 - Doing More With The Same
06/09/05 - Putting the Ick in Ichthyology
06/08/05 - Please Leave a Message
06/07/05 - The Ladder to Success
06/06/05 - Musically Incorrect
06/05/05 - Rags to Rags
06/05/05 - Finding My Inner Tube
06/03/05 - Gimme A Break Room
06/03/05 - Welcome to San Diego (Now Go Home)
06/03/05 - Step Into My Orifice
06/01/05 - Vocational Training
06/01/05 - No Means Huh?
05/31/05 - Ribbed For Her Pleasure
05/31/05 - Lies People Tell
05/31/05 - Earning Your Keep
05/29/05 - Asian Fear Factor
05/29/05 - Plan A
05/26/05 - The Tidy Bowl Man's Last Stand
05/25/05 - You Never Know
05/25/05 - My Way
05/23/05 - It Must Have Been Something You Said
05/22/05 - In Dependence
05/20/05 - Drone
05/17/05 - Obedience
05/17/05 - Fate
05/16/05 - Coming Soon, To A Playground Near You
05/16/05 - The Health Inspector
05/13/05 - The Slammer
05/09/05 - All Things Considered
05/09/05 - The Day After Mother's Day
05/09/05 - Dropping In On Human Resources
05/05/05 - Battle of Endora
05/05/05 - This Week's Uncle
05/04/05 - Automatic Drip
05/01/05 - Inevitableness
04/29/05 - Point of Diminishing Returns
04/27/05 - The Horizon
04/27/05 - What Color is Your Parachute?
04/27/05 - Sabbatical
04/25/05 - Royal Flush
04/22/05 - Public Relations
04/21/05 - Light At The Beginning Of The Tunnel
04/21/05 - Expectations
04/18/05 - Inside Goatse
04/18/05 - Flipping The Big Bird
04/18/05 - Free At Last
04/15/05 - Drinking Out Of The Box
04/14/05 - Working Around Kids
04/14/05 - Hooker Line and Sinker
04/13/05 - She Has No I.D.
04/12/05 - It Never Ends
04/12/05 - Shrinking Pains
04/12/05 - But I Just Got Back
04/12/05 - Always Answer The Question Asked
04/12/05 - Ask A Compound Question, Get A Simple Answer
04/12/05 - Sharing A Room In College
04/11/05 - Every City Has One
04/11/05 - Shorties Having Shorties
04/11/05 - Mind The Rocks In Your Head
04/11/05 - Welcome to Scarborough Country
04/10/05 - And His Mama Cries...
04/09/05 - Local Color
04/07/05 - City of the Vague
04/07/05 - What Happens On My Days Off
04/07/05 - Last Food
04/06/05 - Mrs. Sensitivity
04/04/05 - Business Attire
04/04/05 - Why They're Called Tarheels
04/04/05 - Code Yellow
04/03/05 - The Good Book
04/01/05 - If I Were A Cop
03/31/05 - Honey Bunny
03/31/05 - Self Fulfilling Prophesy
03/31/05 - And Joe Cocker
03/31/05 - Fleezing
03/31/05 - Temperature Scale
03/30/05 - The Curse of People Tell Me Things
03/30/05 - Some Of Us Grew Up
03/30/05 - That Would Be Telling
03/30/05 - God Willing
03/29/05 - How Temp Agencies Work
03/29/05 - More People Tell Me Things
03/29/05 - Some Mornings Are Slower Than Others
03/29/05 - Linguistics
03/29/05 - If You Haven't Read, Johnny Cochran Is Dead
03/29/05 - The Ol' Factory
03/25/05 - Some Days Are So-So
03/24/05 - Rumours
03/22/05 - Thick Around The Middle
03/21/05 - Eternal Optimist
03/21/05 - Melodramatic Theatre
03/20/05 - Thin Was In
03/20/05 - Vegetable Stew
03/19/05 - Boot Scootin'
03/19/05 - Me and My Damned Logic
03/17/05 - Compassion
03/17/05 - Pinch Me!
03/16/05 - Civil Service
03/14/05 - Guilt by Association
03/14/05 - Sgt. Shouty
03/13/05 - Reinforcements
03/12/05 - Tanks
03/10/05 - I'm No Longer Welcome In Orange County
03/09/05 - How I Handle Compliments
03/08/05 - Please Don't Eat The Brownies
03/07/05 - Thanks A Latte
03/06/05 - Saucy and Spicy
03/06/05 - Real Case Files
03/06/05 - My Alma Mater
03/06/05 - You're Invited to Spend $300
03/05/05 - Laying the Sod
03/05/05 - Dopey, Oh!
03/03/05 - 20/15
02/28/05 - Teste-mony
02/28/05 - Jackson Trial, Day One
02/28/05 - Young Tony Orlando
02/27/05 - It's The Thought That Counts
02/27/05 - Eat Your Words
02/26/05 - Horrorshow
02/26/05 - Seen and Unseen
02/24/05 - Maturation
02/23/05 - Leftovers
02/23/05 - Enough Rope
02/23/05 - Just Relax
02/22/05 - Loverboy Was Right
02/21/05 - The Lord's Supper
02/21/05 - He's Got Eyes In His Stars
02/21/05 - Die Now or Dilator
02/20/05 - Expression
02/20/05 - One Summer in North Carolina (5)
02/20/05 - One Summer in North Carolina (4)
02/20/05 - One Summer in North Carolina (3)
02/20/05 - One Summer in North Carolina (2)
02/20/05 - One Summer in North Carolina (1)
02/20/05 - Southern Charm
02/19/05 - Sometimes I Embarrass My Family
02/19/05 - The Coffee Situation (5)
02/19/05 - The Coffee Situation (4)
02/19/05 - The Coffee Situation (3)
02/19/05 - The Coffee Situation (2)
02/19/05 - The Coffee Situation
02/17/05 - Show Me The Money Shot
02/16/05 - How You Know It's A Fancy Restaurant
02/16/05 - We're Here To Help
02/14/05 - Happy Singles Awareness Day
02/13/05 - Apprentice: Martha Stewart
02/13/05 - Southern Hospitality
02/12/05 - The Parole Board
02/12/05 - Yesterday, At Lunch
02/12/05 - Southern Cuisine (5)
02/12/05 - Southern Cuisine (4)
02/12/05 - Southern Cuisine (3)
02/12/05 - Southern Cuisine (2)
02/12/05 - Southern Cuisine
02/10/05 - Laurels
02/10/05 - Then Again, Maybe I Won't
02/09/05 - Deuces Wild
02/07/05 - I Always Get Behind These People (6)
02/07/05 - I Always Get Behind These People (5)
02/07/05 - I Always Get Behind These People (4)
02/07/05 - I Always Get Behind These People (3)
02/07/05 - I Always Get Behind These People (2)
02/07/05 - I Always Get Behind These People (1)
02/07/05 - No Small Thanks
02/06/05 - Look Smart
02/05/05 - Qualities
02/04/05 - Grandeur
02/04/05 - Type C-A-T-C-H-2-2, Then Enter
02/01/05 - The Tithe That Binds (Alternate Ending)
02/01/05 - Melody
02/01/05 - Endorsement
02/01/05 - Real Advice from the Dept. of Homeland Security
01/31/05 - The Tithe That Binds
01/31/05 - Johnny Cockring
01/30/05 - There Go My Political Ambitions
01/30/05 - Setting An Example
01/29/05 - ADA Compliance
01/27/05 - Next Week on Discovery Channel
01/27/05 - Dirty Bomb
01/27/05 - Would You Like Flies With That?
01/27/05 - Sucker!
01/27/05 - I Make Special For You!
01/26/05 - The Life and Death of an Aquarium Fish
01/26/05 - Heaven Scent
01/26/05 - Getting Tanked
01/26/05 - Getting Around
01/26/05 - Regime Change
01/25/05 - Club Cards
01/25/05 - Petty Differences
01/24/05 - A Fond Farewell
01/24/05 - Heads on Poles
01/23/05 - Carnac Goes To Heaven
01/22/05 - Vindication
01/19/05 - False Advertising
01/18/05 - Confirmed: Management Really Talks Like This
01/18/05 - An Even Bigger Loser
01/16/05 - Reasoning with Ronnie
01/16/05 - Cat House
01/15/05 - Flipping the Bird
01/15/05 - Pouring Wine on Whine
01/15/05 - Where The Money Is
01/14/05 - Health Junky
01/10/05 - Breaking Up Is Easy To Do
01/10/05 - Imperial H.R. (5)
01/10/05 - Imperial H.R. (4)
01/10/05 - Imperial H.R. (4)
01/10/05 - Imperial H.R. (3)
01/10/05 - Imperial H.R. (2)
01/10/05 - Imperial H.R. (1)
01/09/05 - That's (Not) Hot
01/08/05 - Living Next to Sorority Girls
01/06/05 - Catching Up
01/05/05 - Cold Cuts
01/02/05 - A Little Prodding
12/30/04 - Overheard at Sea World
12/29/04 - Ethnocentrism
12/28/04 - Return to Sender
12/27/04 - Lost Luggage
12/26/04 - Size is Everything
12/24/04 - What It's Like Being The Youngest
12/24/04 - Ask A Stupid Question, Get An Honest Answer
12/22/04 - Repercussions
12/22/04 - My Cousin the Kindergarten Teacher
12/21/04 - Orca Winfrey
12/20/04 - In A Red State
12/20/04 - The Miracle of Christmas
12/19/04 - Two Women Who Hate Each Other At Work
12/19/04 - Two Men Who Hate Each Other At Work
12/17/04 - Shared Facilities
12/16/04 - How Soon They Forget
12/15/04 - Adam Smith's Invisible Hand
12/15/04 - Computer Love
12/15/04 - Putting the Ass in Harassment
12/15/04 - Everyday Low Esteem
12/14/04 - Vidi, Veni, Vici
12/14/04 - My Reality Television
12/14/04 - Me And Holiday Shopping
12/14/04 - Give and Take
12/14/04 - What Kind Of A Guru Are You?
12/13/04 - And He Keeps Them Pearly White
12/13/04 - Another Reason For The Season
12/13/04 - Dragon = Zero
12/13/04 - I'm All Heart
12/12/04 - The Reason for the Season
12/12/04 - Hello, I Must Be Going
12/12/04 - Academic Standards
12/11/04 - The Cost of Actually Living
12/09/04 - Pubic Service Announcement
12/07/04 - Over, Under, Sideways, Down
12/05/04 - Rupert's Next Move
12/03/04 - A Simple Solution
12/02/04 - Winter in San Diego
12/01/04 - Distance Learning
12/01/04 - California Living
11/30/04 - Trimming The Fat
11/28/04 - How I Told Jim I Quit
11/28/04 - Bad Bosses I Have Had: Jim
11/28/04 - How I Told Jack I Quit
11/28/04 - Bad Bosses I Have Had: Jack
11/28/04 - How I Told Kurt I Quit
11/28/04 - Bad Bosses I Have Had: Kurt
11/28/04 - Essence of Idiocy
11/28/04 - Going Both Ways
11/28/04 - What's Thought Got To Do With It?
11/28/04 - Interpretation
11/28/04 - Front Effects
11/27/04 - This Was When I Stopped Going To Church
11/27/04 - I Remember Mummy
11/25/04 - Tipping the Scales
11/25/04 - Skanksgiving
11/24/04 - Spelling Bee Or Not To Be
11/24/04 - Let's Talk About Complacency
11/22/04 - Here's One For The Ladies
11/21/04 - Gravity
11/21/04 - Secure Horizon
11/19/04 - If They Ever Tried To Fire Me
11/18/04 - Descriptors
11/18/04 - Know Your Enemy
11/16/04 - Features
11/15/04 - Littlegirl vs. Descolada
11/14/04 - Popiel Pocket Rocket
11/13/04 - Prime Minister Paul Martin's Nightmare
11/12/04 - Spankling's Nightmare
11/12/04 - Thinking Outside The Box
11/10/04 - My Wine Tasting Group
11/09/04 - How I Learned to Mistrust Commercials
11/09/04 - Give Me An "N," Give Me A "RON"
11/09/04 - You Better Be Good To Me
11/09/04 - Cushy Job
11/08/04 - Me-Ow!
11/08/04 - Thanks, Mom and Dad
11/05/04 - Swoosh
11/01/04 - TRICK!
11/01/04 - More Initiative
10/31/04 - Initiatives
10/31/04 - How About A Grand Slam?
10/29/04 - Cheery Cheer!
10/25/04 - Buy Now, Trade Later
10/24/04 - Damnit! He Showed Up!
10/23/04 - Why I Like Humboldt County, California
10/23/04 - Running Into Someone After Losing Weight
10/23/04 - One More Reason I Hate B&B's (The Backstory)
10/23/04 - Another Reason I Hate B&B's (All the Rules)
10/23/04 - Why I Hate Bed & Breakfasts
10/21/04 - Tie One On
10/20/04 - High Brow
10/20/04 - Do What You Love and You'll Never Work In Your Life
10/20/04 - Other Places They Should Card People
10/18/04 - If I Met John Cleese
10/17/04 - It Came From People Tell Me Things
10/17/04 - Scare Tactics Never Worked On Me
10/17/04 - Appreciation
10/16/04 - Growing Pains Reunion
10/13/04 - People Tell Me Things Strikes Again
10/13/04 - Revenge of People Tell Me Things
10/13/04 - Peeling Away
10/12/04 - Balancing the Scales
10/12/04 - Mentoring
10/11/04 - Little Reminders
10/09/04 - Hang Loose
10/07/04 - Hope, Growth, and Opportunity
10/06/04 - Please Rent Super Size Me
10/06/04 - What's In A Name?
10/05/04 - Putting the IT in Shit
10/04/04 - Corporate Extortion (7)
10/04/04 - Corporate Extortion (6)
10/04/04 - Corporate Extortion (5)
10/04/04 - Corporate Extortion (4)
10/04/04 - Corporate Extortion (3)
10/04/04 - Corporate Extortion (2)
10/04/04 - Corporate Extortion (1)
10/03/04 - Simularities Repulse
10/03/04 - I Hate Circuitous Arguments
10/02/04 - Below the Fray
10/02/04 - My Beef With Midwesterners
10/02/04 - Reliving the Past
10/01/04 - It Isn't Divine
10/01/04 - Trekkies 2 Is Dangerous
09/29/04 - Modern Education
09/27/04 - Who Am I Wearing?
09/27/04 - How I Fight Off Madness
09/23/04 - Reinforcement
09/21/04 - The Bride of People Tell Me Things
09/21/04 - Migration
09/19/04 - Son of People Tell Me Things
09/19/04 - Putting the Stink in Distinctive
09/19/04 - Relocation
09/19/04 - Return of People Tell Me Things
09/19/04 - Bonfire of the Banality
09/16/04 - Small Picture
09/14/04 - Distinguished
09/14/04 - Layering
09/12/04 - People Tell Me Things
09/11/04 - What My Dad And I Argue Over Now
09/10/04 - Fine--Be That Way
09/08/04 - Last Saturday At The Aztec Game
09/08/04 - I Actually Love This Word
09/08/04 - Diets That Have Worked For Me
09/08/04 - A Dirty Shame
09/08/04 - I'm Your Puppet
09/08/04 - How To Lose A Sale
09/08/04 - Indentured Servitude
09/05/04 - Tailgating
09/04/04 - Watering Holes
09/01/04 - Gala
09/01/04 - Space Planning
09/01/04 - Selling Yourself
09/01/04 - Rethink Your Business Plan
08/30/04 - Why I Like Southwest Airlines
08/26/04 - For The Discriminating Gentleman
08/26/04 - Necessities
08/26/04 - Look Alikes?
08/24/04 - Kiss the Kook
08/24/04 - Where I Get It From (4)
08/24/04 - Where I Get It From (3)
08/24/04 - Where I Get It From (2)
08/24/04 - Where I Get It From (1)
08/22/04 - British Etiquette: Extraneous Apology: My Experience c. 1989
08/21/04 - Decibels
08/20/04 - Major Major Ass
08/18/04 - Reaching the Plateau
08/14/04 - Why Do They Keep Setting Me Up?
08/12/04 - Serenity Now
08/12/04 - Carrying Your Weight
08/11/04 - Mitigation of Damage
08/09/04 - He's On My Side
08/09/04 - Why You Can't Have My Secretary
08/07/04 - Routine Service
08/06/04 - Special Agent (3)
08/06/04 - Special Agent (2)
08/06/04 - The Trough
08/05/04 - Special Agent
08/04/04 - Nobody's A Critic
08/04/04 - Clarity
08/04/04 - Everything Can Be Explained With Business Cliches
08/04/04 - Enticements
08/03/04 - Another Secret of My Success
08/02/04 - Obstruction
08/02/04 - Get Out Of The Way
07/29/04 - Helping Hand
07/29/04 - Features
07/29/04 - Grazing
07/26/04 - Piece of the Pie
07/25/04 - Terminal Cancer
07/24/04 - The First (and Last) Time I'll Say This Word
07/22/04 - Hot Lunch
07/21/04 - Mr. Sensitivity
07/21/04 - Take Off Your Hirsute
07/21/04 - High Priority Messages
07/20/04 - O.B.-have!
07/20/04 - Remember The Seventies?
07/18/04 - But Is It Better?
07/17/04 - Putting the Mess in Messiah
07/17/04 - Eating Comida Loca
07/15/04 - Ripple Effect
07/15/04 - Stifling
07/14/04 - Olé
07/14/04 - I'm Tellin' Y'all, It's Sabotage!
07/14/04 - Alone in a Crowd
07/14/04 - Distraction Tactics
07/14/04 - Happy Camper
07/13/04 - You're It!
07/13/04 - The Only Good Thing About Working With Menopausal Women
07/12/04 - Options
07/12/04 - Wrong and Wrong
07/12/04 - Branding
07/12/04 - Recognition
07/10/04 - Special Orders Do Upset Us
07/10/04 - Butt Out
07/04/04 - Financial Independence Day
07/01/04 - Answer Shopping
06/30/04 - Mite-y Cheap
06/30/04 - Neat vs Freak
06/30/04 - My Dentist's Advice
06/30/04 - Get Pumped!
06/30/04 - A Brief History of Rock
06/30/04 - Comeuppance
06/30/04 - Bum Rap
06/29/04 - Welcome Back
06/28/04 - I'm Not Really This Big of a Bastard
06/28/04 - Employee Appreciation
06/27/04 - Something's Been Missing Lately
06/26/04 - Remember to Floss
06/26/04 - Use of Force
06/26/04 - From Smart Bombs to F-Bombs
06/26/04 - The 99 Cent Store
06/23/04 - Meanwhile, at Neverland...
06/23/04 - Lonely Planet
06/23/04 - Hard Sell
06/23/04 - Time Is On My Side
06/23/04 - We Are The Robots
06/22/04 - The Realist
06/22/04 - The Narcissist
06/22/04 - Wet Your Whistleblower
06/22/04 - Housekeeping
06/22/04 - Industrial Arts
06/21/04 - Insert Campaign Promise Here
06/20/04 - Born Against!
06/20/04 - Another Childhood Battle I Won
06/20/04 - Why I Love and Hate Infomercials
06/20/04 - Mentoring
06/19/04 - How I Suspect The Poor Folk Spend Their Weekends
06/17/04 - Downtrodden
06/17/04 - She's Back
06/17/04 - Member?
06/16/04 - Left Behind
06/16/04 - The Rapture
06/16/04 - I Never Get Tired Of This
06/16/04 - Dress for Success
06/15/04 - Brian Is Not The Saviour
06/15/04 - Today In My Office At 3:30
06/15/04 - Clothes Make The Man
06/15/04 - The Secret of My Success
06/15/04 - Chumming
06/15/04 - You Get What They Pay For
06/14/04 - You Get What You Pay For
06/14/04 - It's Still Rock & Roll To You
06/13/04 - The Next Countdown
06/12/04 - Not All of Us Got A Day of Mourning Yesterday
06/09/04 - Why I Like Working For The Government
06/08/04 - Southern California Livin'
06/08/04 - Afternoons With My Landlord
06/08/04 - May I Have Your Attention Please?
06/08/04 - Motives
06/07/04 - Look For The Union Label
06/06/04 - Why Home Decorating Shows Rarely Feature Bachelors
06/06/04 - Don't Tell
06/02/04 - Jamie Oliver
06/01/04 - The B.S. in B.S.A.
06/01/04 - Name Calling
05/31/04 - The End of Childhood Battles
05/31/04 - Childhood Battles I Won
05/31/04 - Childhood Battles I Lost (4)
05/31/04 - Childhood Battles I Lost (3)
05/31/04 - Childhood Battles I Lost (2)
05/31/04 - Childhood Battles I Lost (1)
05/30/04 - Menace of Doom
05/30/04 - Squeek
05/29/04 - When Midwesterners Visit San Diego
05/27/04 - Today At Party City
05/26/04 - The Icing
05/25/04 - Shock Treatment
05/25/04 - One Night, Outside P.B. Bar & Grill...
05/24/04 - Loss Leader
05/23/04 - Van Go
05/22/04 - Economies of Scale
05/22/04 - Shifting Gears
05/22/04 - Woodstocks Pizza--My Senior Year
05/21/04 - Rancho Santa Fe
05/21/04 - Comma Chameleon, or, Just Following Orders?
05/18/04 - You Ought To Be In Pictures
05/17/04 - Hooray for Bureaucracy!
05/17/04 - Keeping Busy
05/17/04 - Rub Me The Right Way
05/16/04 - What's In A Name?
05/16/04 - It's A Gas
05/16/04 - Cops Outtakes
05/15/04 - Voir Dire
05/15/04 - Elasticity of Demand
05/13/04 - Office of Pain
05/12/04 - True Tales of Job Interviews (10)
05/12/04 - Customer Service Unmasked
05/11/04 - Rise To The Occasion
05/11/04 - When Nightmares Collide
05/11/04 - Acceptable Use Policies
05/10/04 - Bloodsport
05/10/04 - There's One In Every Office
05/09/04 - Complacency
05/08/04 - Relativity
05/06/04 - Being Interviewed by a Swede (2)
05/06/04 - Being Interviewed By A Swede (1)
05/06/04 - War Against Terror
05/06/04 - Another Reason I Hate Working With Men in Their Sixties
05/06/04 - Why I Hate Working With Men In Their Sixties
05/05/04 - The First Time I Experienced Karma
05/05/04 - Acquiescence
04/29/04 - Speed Dating--Pre 1865
04/29/04 - Speed Dating--The Twenties
04/29/04 - Speed Dating--The Thirties
04/29/04 - Speed Dating--The Forties
04/28/04 - Speed Dating--The Fifties
04/28/04 - Speed Dating--The Sixties
04/28/04 - Speed Dating--The Late Seventies
04/28/04 - Speed Dating--The Eighties (2)
04/28/04 - Speed Dating--The Eighties (1)
04/28/04 - Speed Dating--The Nineties
04/28/04 - Speed Dating
04/28/04 - True Tales of Job Interviews (9)
04/26/04 - The Crystal Method
04/26/04 - Stirring the Pot
04/26/04 - Special Guest Star--Filing Clerk, VIP
04/25/04 - One Day, Back in the 70's...
04/25/04 - True Tales of Job Interviews (8)
04/25/04 - True Tales of Job Interviews (7)
04/25/04 - True Tales of Job Interviews (6)
04/25/04 - True Tales of Job Interviews (5)
04/25/04 - True Tales of Job Interviews (4)
04/25/04 - True Tales of Job Interviews (3)
04/25/04 - True Tales of Job Interviews (2)
04/25/04 - True Tales of Job Interviews (1)
04/24/04 - Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before
04/24/04 - Mediocrity
04/21/04 - The Hallmark of a Great Boss (3)
04/21/04 - The Hallmark of a Great Boss (2)
04/21/04 - The Hallmark of a Great Boss
04/21/04 - Breakfast Nooks
04/20/04 - Stream of Subconscious
04/17/04 - The Importance of Keeping Eye Contact
04/16/04 - As Plain As The Face on Your Face
04/15/04 - Squirreled Away
04/13/04 - Dave's Stolen Car (4)
04/13/04 - Dave's Stolen Car (3)
04/13/04 - Dave's Stolen Car (2)
04/13/04 - Dave's Stolen Car (1)
04/12/04 - I'm A Night Person
04/10/04 - Killer Holiday
04/09/04 - My Gifts Are Kind
04/09/04 - Bad Spin
04/08/04 - If Only I Didn't Know Better...
04/07/04 - Stretching Your Mind
04/06/04 - Why I Like My Male Co-Workers
04/04/04 - True Story of an Ex-Librarian
04/04/04 - Squish
04/04/04 - Back-Up Plan
04/04/04 - Slip of the Tongue
03/31/04 - Snip Snip Snip
03/31/04 - Grandeur
03/31/04 - Chop From The Bottom
03/30/04 - Born To Be Mild
03/30/04 - Lesser American Folkloric Heroes (5)
03/29/04 - Lesser American Folkloric Heroes (4)
03/29/04 - Lesser American Folkloric Heroes (3)
03/29/04 - Lesser American Folkloric Heroes (2)
03/29/04 - Lesser American Folkloric Heroes
03/27/04 - Parallel Paths
03/27/04 - Climbing The Hill
03/27/04 - Back In The Saddle Again
03/27/04 - Damned Five-Letter Countries
03/27/04 - Back At You
03/26/04 - What Would Jesus Pirate?
03/25/04 - Anything You Post Can, And Will, Be Used Against You
03/23/04 - The Audience Is Listening
03/23/04 - Dress For Your Own Success
03/23/04 - Donuts, Anyone?
03/22/04 - Food Network's Unwrapped
03/22/04 - Oh, Jeez
03/22/04 - Projection
03/20/04 - Sit On It
03/20/04 - La Cerveza Mas Claro
03/19/04 - Intended Consequences
03/18/04 - Bar Jokes That Never Happened (4)
03/18/04 - Bar Jokes That Never Happened (3)
03/18/04 - Bar Jokes That Never Happened (2)
03/18/04 - Bar Jokes That Never Happened (1)
03/13/04 - Animal Husbandry (2)
03/13/04 - Animal Husbandry (1)
03/11/04 - I Think, Therefore You Are Not
03/11/04 - Ripening
03/11/04 - What's Next?
03/07/04 - Friends for Life
03/07/04 - Another Conversation with Grandma
03/07/04 - Pawns
03/07/04 - Zolofty Ambitions
03/01/04 - Plan A
02/26/04 - Something's Rotten (2)
02/26/04 - Something's Rotten
02/25/04 - Just Accept It
02/25/04 - The First Hollywood Ending
02/24/04 - Don't Explain it--Ban It!
02/24/04 - Not All Company Policies Are Stupid
02/23/04 - You Are What You Drink
02/22/04 - Too Little/Too Much
02/21/04 - If Michael Stipe Wrote Children's Books
02/17/04 - How I Avoid Talking to My Coworkers
02/16/04 - Grocery Workers Strike
02/15/04 - Homophonic Spree
02/14/04 - Back in 9th Grade
02/11/04 - Strike Three
02/10/04 - Outside the Office
02/10/04 - Thoughtcrime
02/09/04 - What Is My Life Worth?
02/09/04 - What Is Your Life Worth?
02/09/04 - Government Accounting
02/07/04 - Bad Excuse
02/07/04 - Inadequacies
02/07/04 - Measuring Up
02/06/04 - The Brown Party
02/06/04 - Acceleration
02/06/04 - Underwhelming
02/05/04 - At Your Service (6)
02/05/04 - At Your Service (5)
02/05/04 - At Your Service (4)
02/05/04 - At Your Service (3)
02/05/04 - At Your Service (2)
02/05/04 - At Your Service
02/02/04 - M.A.D. (Mutually Assured Dicking)
02/01/04 - Burn!
01/31/04 - Why I hate laundromats
01/29/04 - Bonfire of the Banalities
01/28/04 - Time to Kill
01/27/04 - Method Acting
01/27/04 - Will Act for Food
01/23/04 - I Am Not A Kiss-Ass
01/22/04 - Proceed With Caution
01/20/04 - Swap Til You Drop
01/18/04 - Remember to Take Lots of Pills, Too
01/17/04 - Charity Begins At Home
01/16/04 - Jacko Wacko Jacko
01/16/04 - Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts
01/15/04 - Agressive-Agressive
01/15/04 - Nuh-Uh
01/13/04 - Widescreen Edition
01/13/04 - Something Smells Fishy
01/13/04 - What's The Difference?
01/11/04 - Wet Noodle
01/11/04 - Bachelor 'Hood
01/11/04 - Spew Forth
01/10/04 - Ups and Downs
01/10/04 - Swing Low
01/07/04 - Ape Shall Not Feel Ape
01/07/04 - It's Right In Front Of Your Face
01/07/04 - Hook, Line, and Sink Her
01/03/04 - Reach Out Just Short of Touching Someone
01/02/04 - Reach Out and Nag Someone
01/02/04 - Untidy Bowl Man
12/31/03 - Political Party Monster
12/25/03 - Reciprocity
12/23/03 - Morsels
12/23/03 - Table For One
12/22/03 - Motives
12/21/03 - Teetering on the Food Pyramid
12/20/03 - Haute Cuisine
12/18/03 - Expertise
12/17/03 - Bedside Manner
12/16/03 - Cold As Ice
12/16/03 - Passive Aggression
12/16/03 - Learning From Experience
12/16/03 - The Truth Hurts
12/15/03 - The Easy Way Out
12/15/03 - Gift Anxiety
12/14/03 - Christmas Cheer
12/11/03 - The Only Way To Download
12/11/03 - My Sister's Christmas List
12/06/03 - Little Fucker
12/06/03 - Phobias
12/05/03 - Peer Pressure
12/05/03 - Blue Light District
12/05/03 - Urban Squalor
12/02/03 - Holiday Treat
12/01/03 - Clockwatchers
11/29/03 - Are You Threatening Me?
11/27/03 - Thanksfornothing Day
11/25/03 - "The Lifestyle"
11/24/03 - My Fucking Neighbors
11/23/03 - Pussy Review
11/23/03 - At The Korean Market
11/23/03 - Conversation With Grandma
11/23/03 - Cost of Living
11/21/03 - Waitress In The Sky
11/21/03 - How Divine
11/20/03 - Devotion
11/19/03 - Circular Illogic
11/19/03 - Loss Prevention
11/19/03 - Misguided
11/19/03 - How Discrimination Complaints Work
11/19/03 - Buffet
11/16/03 - Sticklers
11/16/03 - Holy Frijoles!
11/13/03 - Temperments
11/13/03 - Bradsucks Physics
11/12/03 - Caveat Vendor
11/12/03 - Juggling Act
11/11/03 - Apples and Oranges
11/11/03 - Collective Bargaining
11/10/03 - Recognition At Last
11/10/03 - You'll Have Fun, Whether You Like It Or Not
11/09/03 - Marketing Men of Genius
11/09/03 - True Colors
11/09/03 - High Brow Sports
11/08/03 - Pretense
11/06/03 - Do You Validate?
11/05/03 - Oblivion
11/05/03 - When You Care Enough To Do Nothing
11/05/03 - Check It And See
11/04/03 - Dream Jobs
11/04/03 - Expect Another Recall
11/02/03 - Priorities
10/31/03 - A New Hope
10/31/03 - Johnny Come Lately?
10/31/03 - Slip of the Tongue
10/30/03 - Resuming Normal Operations
10/29/03 - The Local Music Critics
10/28/03 - Risk Factors
10/28/03 - You're Still Going to Burn
10/28/03 - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
10/28/03 - Showcase Showdown
10/27/03 - Manipulating the Media
10/27/03 - Media Manipulation
10/26/03 - Conflagration Today
10/24/03 - Nice Beard
10/24/03 - Too Little, Too Late
10/23/03 - Demotivation
10/23/03 - Why I Can't Work In H.R. Anymore
10/23/03 - Crinkle Crinkle
10/21/03 - The Ol' Ball Game
10/21/03 - Overzealousness
10/21/03 - Inside Trading
10/20/03 - Denial
10/20/03 - Close-Ups
10/19/03 - Yammer
10/19/03 - Fit
10/17/03 - Bitch Bitch Bitch
10/16/03 - Ignorance is Bliss
10/15/03 - Reverse Music Engineering
10/15/03 - Fun On The Rocks
10/12/03 - Our Mother of Slang
10/12/03 - A View From The Top
10/12/03 - Don't Hike Hungover
10/12/03 - Shall I Sew Thee An AIDS Quilt?
10/09/03 - As Plain As The Chins On Your Face
10/08/03 - Codependence Day
10/08/03 - Late Return
10/03/03 - J'aime Aussi la Fée Verte
10/02/03 - Slumlord
10/01/03 - Para Mis Amigos Que Hablan Español
09/29/03 - Absinth Minded
09/29/03 - Absinth of Malice
09/29/03 - Conspicuous By His Absinth
09/29/03 - Absinth Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
09/25/03 - Fidelity
09/23/03 - Digicam
09/23/03 - Whipper Snappers
09/23/03 - Dying of Consumption
09/23/03 - Outside the Courthouse Yesterday
09/22/03 - Yellow Journalism
09/21/03 - Cunning Linguist
09/18/03 - Bypass
09/18/03 - Overheard at the World-Famous San Diego Zoo
09/16/03 - Comparative Religion
09/14/03 - Homesickness
09/14/03 - Penitence
09/13/03 - Office Gossip
09/12/03 - Yet Another Wacky Misunderstanding
09/11/03 - Axis of Egomania
09/11/03 - In Memorium
09/10/03 - Rainbow Coalition
09/08/03 - Pretty Pretty
09/06/03 - Who Wants Cake?
09/06/03 - Your Mileage May Vary
09/01/03 - Hygiene and Disease Prevention
08/28/03 - Rah Rah Rah
08/28/03 - Some People Don't Get It
08/27/03 - Tale of the Expected
08/25/03 - Repetitive Stress
08/25/03 - Get Well Soon!
08/24/03 - Honesty Is Still The Best Policy
08/24/03 - So Easy To Use, No Wonder Idiots Use It
08/21/03 - Bad Enough For Government Work
08/20/03 - Connection
08/20/03 - Next on Bravo...
08/20/03 - Out Of Office--Auto Reply
08/19/03 - Misinterpretation
08/19/03 - Commitment
08/18/03 - Why The Tech Guys Love Me
08/17/03 - Burger, Fries, Shake, Bypass
08/16/03 - Untitled
08/15/03 - Just Don't Order The Rusty Kuntz
08/13/03 - National Pride
08/13/03 - Emergency Planning
08/13/03 - The Gary Coleman Solution
08/12/03 - Nothing Gold Can Stay
08/10/03 - Meanwhile, At Neverland...
08/10/03 - Moderation
08/10/03 - Shopping Spree
08/10/03 - Genetics
08/09/03 - The Price of Inflation
08/08/03 - A Head Start
08/08/03 - Cleophatra
08/08/03 - The Waiting Game
08/08/03 - How Employment Lawsuits Work
08/05/03 - Lead-In Programming
08/05/03 - Networking
08/05/03 - Management Styles
08/05/03 - Costco, part 7
08/05/03 - Costco, part 6
08/05/03 - Costco, part 5
08/05/03 - Costco, part 4
08/05/03 - Costco, part 3
08/04/03 - Costco, part 2
08/04/03 - Costco, part 1
08/01/03 - Coup de Poop
08/01/03 - Why Salespeople Hate Me
07/30/03 - Better Than A Blue Period
07/29/03 - Death By Chocolate
07/29/03 - How Construction Defect Claims Work
07/28/03 - Proportion
07/27/03 - I'm Just Better Than You
07/27/03 - Celebrity Encounter
07/24/03 - Perks
07/23/03 - Shoot Your WAD
07/23/03 - Unrequited Spite
07/23/03 - I Like Your Beard
07/23/03 - Medical Breakthrough
07/23/03 - Home Improvement
07/23/03 - How About A Nice Sausage?
07/23/03 - Res Ipsa Loquitor
07/22/03 - Silence of the Hams
07/21/03 - You Don't Think, Therefore You Are Not
07/21/03 - Give Me An H!
07/20/03 - Salad Is Healthy
07/19/03 - DONG!
07/19/03 - Lend Me A Hand
07/19/03 - Eternal Optimist
07/17/03 - L'chaim!
07/16/03 - Urgent Message
07/16/03 - How Anti-Harassment Policies Work
07/16/03 - Be Careful What You Wish For
07/15/03 - Yawn
07/15/03 - The Criminal Element
07/15/03 - Baby Talk, Baby Talk!
07/14/03 - Giddy-Up!
07/14/03 - Meeting Of The Minds
07/13/03 - Home Schooling
07/13/03 - Isn't There A Law About That?
07/13/03 - Weird, But Not Funny Weird
07/12/03 - Matchmaker
07/12/03 - The RIAA's Next Move
07/10/03 - Size Matters
07/09/03 - Sexxxy 90's Song
07/09/03 - Shhhhhhhh
07/09/03 - Enough Already!
07/09/03 - Differences of Opinion
07/09/03 - The Grass Is Always Browner
07/08/03 - Finding The Right Escort
07/08/03 - Update Your Resumes!
07/06/03 - CC 195 Sanitation (12)
07/06/03 - Pink Eye
07/06/03 - Up Sell
07/05/03 - Fashion
07/05/03 - Agendas
07/05/03 - Career Advice
07/05/03 - Check Your Cavities
07/03/03 - Yet Another Real Sex Street Interview
07/03/03 - Technicalities
07/03/03 - Tit for Tat, Crack For Crack
07/03/03 - Father, Son, and Holy Crap
07/03/03 - Click Here for X-Rated Strip!
07/01/03 - Why The Atkins Diet Is Successful
07/01/03 - Public Service Announcement
07/01/03 - Eating with more hands than Ganesh
07/01/03 - Grapes
06/30/03 - Nice Rack
06/30/03 - Time Crunch
06/29/03 - Dressed to Kill
06/29/03 - My Cousin's Ex-Wife
06/29/03 - Family Reunion
06/28/03 - Texas, 2003...
06/27/03 - Texas, 1998...
06/27/03 - Self-Actualization
06/26/03 - Gargle
06/26/03 - E-Z Wider
06/26/03 - Barnyard Follies
06/25/03 - Idiot Hell
06/25/03 - That's Not Something I Do
06/25/03 - Roaring Rapids
06/25/03 - Ambition
06/22/03 - It's The Lack Of Thought That Counts
06/21/03 - Icing on the Ho Cake
06/21/03 - Another Brick in the Wall, Part IV
06/21/03 - Every Son's Nightmare
06/21/03 - Filth
06/20/03 - Smells Like Productivity
06/20/03 - We Can't Go On Together
06/20/03 - More Hits of the 80's
06/20/03 - You Don't Get It
06/19/03 - Este Noche, En San Diego...
06/18/03 - Turntablism
06/18/03 - Chomp!
06/17/03 - What I Really Want To Say
06/15/03 - Happy Father's Day
06/14/03 - Get Some Strange
06/14/03 - Grumble
06/12/03 - Denouement
06/12/03 - Asses to Asses
06/12/03 - Gasp!
06/12/03 - Public Enema #1
06/12/03 - The Will of the People
06/12/03 - You're Asking For It
06/12/03 - When You're on Death Row, You're Family
06/12/03 - Family Values
06/12/03 - Just Awful
06/09/03 - Hell Is For Children
06/09/03 - Nice cup, Stanley
06/08/03 - Banana Split
06/08/03 - Why America Hates Me
06/08/03 - Yours, Mine, and Ours
06/08/03 - Meat Is Murder!
06/07/03 - Cause and Effect
06/06/03 - Maybe A Bumper Sticker Would Show I Care
06/05/03 - Total Eclipse of the Porch
06/05/03 - Winky
06/05/03 - Very Important--Forward This Comic To Everyone You Know
06/05/03 - Shout It Out
06/04/03 - How About A Nice Tossed Salad?
06/03/03 - Shock & Awww
06/03/03 - Toro? Vaca? Mariposita!
06/03/03 - Oil of Ole!
06/03/03 - Something's Fishy
06/03/03 - I Shouldn't Admit This
06/02/03 - Cancel Us Before We Breed
06/02/03 - One Day, I Will Regain My Patience
06/01/03 - We Were Founded By Puritans, You Know
06/01/03 - Another Reason to Lose Weight
06/01/03 - A Reason To Lose Weight
06/01/03 - Boom Boom Scratch Boom
05/31/03 - Just Awful
05/31/03 - You People are So Dirty
05/31/03 - My Day at the Salvation Army
05/31/03 - What a Ho (Ho Ho)
05/31/03 - My Life As A John Hughes Movie
05/30/03 - That Explains Why The Cross Doesn't Work
05/30/03 - How's It Hanging?
05/30/03 - Hey! That's My Wife!
05/29/03 - Teats
05/29/03 - Just Desserts
05/28/03 - This Really Happens Here
05/28/03 - Stupid Cracker
05/28/03 - And Your Little Dog Toto, Too
05/28/03 - Kermit Sings
05/27/03 - Fool Me Twice
05/27/03 - Dirty, Dirty, Must Make Clean!
05/27/03 - Behind the Music
05/26/03 - Who Cares As Long As People Buy Them?
05/26/03 - Excuses, Excuses
05/26/03 - Hey, Oedipus!
05/25/03 - The Factor
05/25/03 - Now That's Hell
05/25/03 - Tomorrow's Sermon
05/24/03 - Karaoke Night
05/24/03 - Yet Another Man On The Street Interview
05/24/03 - Coming Up, On a Very Special Episode
05/24/03 - You're Hot Blooded, Check It And See
05/24/03 - Why Do I Keep Having This Conversation?
05/24/03 - Honey, Let's Rent This One!
05/23/03 - I Rebuke Thee
05/23/03 - Personal Hell
05/22/03 - Hot Dry Sex
05/22/03 - Take it in the Loophole
05/22/03 - Even More Man on the Street Interviews
05/22/03 - Coming to Theaters Everywhere, Every Summer
05/22/03 - Grass Roots
05/21/03 - Oh, What a Giveaway
05/21/03 - Don't Forget the Nashville Network
05/21/03 - Aunt Flo Gives It Two Thumbs Up
05/21/03 - What's That You're Sticking Up There?
05/21/03 - Face the Facts
05/21/03 - Proclivities
05/21/03 - Invalid Entry
05/20/03 - Real Sex Street Interviews, Take 2
05/20/03 - Who are you calling douchebag?
05/20/03 - Do Unto Others
05/19/03 - Now You're Killing Me
05/19/03 - Slow Death
05/18/03 - If God Existed, This Song Wouldn't
05/18/03 - Perspective
05/17/03 - Behind the Beef Curtain
05/17/03 - You Always Hurt The One You Love
05/17/03 - A Lesson to be Learned
05/17/03 - You're Busting My Chaste Balls
05/17/03 - The Negotiator
05/17/03 - The Devil is in the Details
05/17/03 - Hold the Pickle
05/17/03 - Take Your Licks
05/17/03 - Growing Old Is A Bitch
05/17/03 - Jesus Loves the Little Children
05/16/03 - What are you saying?
05/16/03 - Pee-Pee Dance
05/16/03 - You Are Welcome to My World
05/15/03 - We can learn a lot from the third world
05/15/03 - I Should Pay You in Bananas
05/14/03 - This strip brought to you by Proctor & Gamble
05/14/03 - Meanwhile, behind the barn
05/14/03 - You're not from around here, are you?
05/14/03 - Two years ago, in Hell...
05/14/03 - I'm not fat, I'm just big stomached
05/14/03 - Real Sex Street Interviews
05/13/03 - Later...After the Furry Convention...
05/13/03 - I'd better grease my zipper
05/13/03 - The PD are into BD
05/13/03 - Damn you! Damn you all to Hell!
05/13/03 - You want some of this?
05/13/03 - Wasabi?
05/12/03 - Service with a sneer
05/12/03 - More Man On The Street Interviews
05/11/03 - It's no fun if you're willing
05/11/03 - How Christian of You
05/11/03 - Switch Hitter
05/11/03 - Gentle as a lamb in the Bible
05/11/03 - Your whole life is a failure.
05/11/03 - Oh, Sweet Bliss
05/10/03 - How 'bout a nice game of Kerplunk?
05/10/03 - It's funny cuz its true
05/10/03 - You remind me of a less smooth Lando Calrissian
05/10/03 - Man On The Street Interviews
05/10/03 - Shut Up and Go Back to Work
05/10/03 - Magic Bullets
05/10/03 - Dr. Doolittleboys
05/10/03 - Snappy Answers
05/10/03 - Now It Can Be Told
05/10/03 - Skin Cancer
05/10/03 - The Perfect Crime
05/10/03 - Girl, you know it's true
05/09/03 - Won't Somebody Think of the Children?
05/09/03 - Aim Low, Shoot Low
05/09/03 - Ebb and Flo
05/09/03 - Oh, I didn't know
05/09/03 - Three were fantastic, one was just fabu
05/09/03 - Your parents would never lie to you, would they?
05/06/03 - I Love Eye-Talian Food
05/06/03 - The Ol' Switcheroo
05/06/03 - Who are you calling Mary?
05/06/03 - Win-Win Situation
05/06/03 - Utopia
05/06/03 - A Dictionary Will Clear That Right Up
05/06/03 - This is so unimportant
05/04/03 - I can write safe strips too (2 of 2)
05/04/03 - I can write safe strips too (1 of 2)
05/04/03 - Amen, Brother
05/04/03 - I love you too
05/04/03 - Damn Homophones
05/03/03 - We'll be right back after these messages
05/03/03 - Much Better Than Atlanta
05/03/03 - Catholic Grrrls!
05/01/03 - Two new jokes and an old one.
05/01/03 - I Just Wanna Thank My Lord Jesus Christ
05/01/03 - Black Like Me
05/01/03 - Who Says Jesus Wouldn't Drive a Hummer?
05/01/03 - Mr. Nice Guy
05/01/03 - A Load to Bear
05/01/03 - Isn't it Obvious?
05/01/03 - Didn't see that coming, did you?
05/01/03 - We Are Precious In His Sight
05/01/03 - Tough Love
05/01/03 - The Grass is Always Greener
04/30/03 - Yesterday's News
04/30/03 - Youre going to feel a little prick
04/30/03 - The meek shall inherit nothing
04/30/03 - Will this day ever end?
04/30/03 - How hung is god?
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