We at priestsforlife.org object to your schools bringing in Planned Parenthood to speak to high school health classes. Furthermore, you should be aware that you are exposing yourself to litigation.
Our conduct is appropriate--parents are informed of the curriculum and the nature of guest presentations and given the opportunity to remove their kids from class without prejudicing their grades.
You don't understand...we feel Planned Parenthood perpetuates child abuse by presenting abortion as an option and by not informing parents that their children are sexually active.
Just like the Catholic Church perpetuates a never-ending cycle of abuse by concealing allegations of molestation by priests who it then transfers to other parishes where they can prey on new victims?
No, that's different --we don't kill babies--and you fail to recognize that priests are important role models for youth who are looking for emotional guidance in their adolescence.
Ooooh...Now I get it! You're afraid if all the unwanted babies aren't born, your supply of vulnerable children looking for love and acceptance from an adult, no matter how creepy, will disappear.