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| Well I guess I'll See You Later | |
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| Yes You will...Its 10:00 p.m. September, 1 2008 and you have shown up at my door ready to have sex with me. I tell you to go into the bedroom and wait until The Simpsons Go off, and you do. | |
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| Wait What........... Well I guess Theres no point In fighting it, you already know whats going to happens before it happens right | |
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| Thats Right. Weeeelllll I gues I'll see you later.......Wait ....Wait Im seeing something Else ....Oh Okay uuuuh You also come wearing Nothing but a Thoooong. Sounds good...Okay See you....Ba Bye | |
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| Man I can't Belive that worked, She actually thought I was "doctor Manhattan Jr."...In a way I feel a little guilty....And at The same Time I Looove That Damn Suit | |
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| I am so sooo good...Yet soooo Bad.....Now If You Will Exscuse Me I Think I Have A Date | |
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