As prseident of the gay and lesbian alien alliance I would like to ask you about the illegal campaign contributions you've recieved from Kraft foods, Pepsi Co. , and Shell oil how do you respond?
This country is blessed with a rich supply of coal. It is not the invention of any one man; it is God's gift to the people of America. : Fiorello H. Laguardia Mayor of New York 1934-45
As prseident of the gay and lesbian alien alliance I would have to say that your attempting to dodge the question Mr. President.
I am not a crook! Richard Nixon President of the United States 1969-74
As prseident of the gay and lesbian alien alliance do you have anything to say about your impeachment hearings?
Before you vote, Big Evil Daddy... please go look at my cleavage in the other threads. ladyjdotnet Strip Creator 2001