Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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by crabby
My grandmother offered to bathe me last week. She said anytime I needed any help getting out my teenage sexual frustrations, that I should give her a call.
You're 27.
I look young. I started smoking when I was 12 and it stunted my growth.
Shouldn't all that smoking affect your skin and give you wrinkles and stuff? Make you like old?
Good black don't crack, baby.
Break me off a peice of that kit-kat bar.
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comments on this comic


themushroom says:

You choose: good taste, or good gramma.
posted Dec 26th, 2007 ( permalink )

crabby says:

I thought it featured a good gramma.
posted Dec 26th, 2007 ( permalink )

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