One day, CJayC got drunk and made a terrible mistake.
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| YaRR... I ShALL mAEK a PLAEC tO tAElK aBoUT sTuF aND iT sHaL bE cALLeD LUE... *hic* | |
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| I am a satanic computer. Thus, I am inclined to accept your hellish request. LUE has been created! | |
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And that is when everything began...
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| Yay. I have 75 Karma points. I can go to this thing called LUE. | |
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| ERROR: Your topic was baleeted and you were notified for being a n00b. You must wait another 3 days! | |
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One day, CJayC got drunk and made a terrible mistake.
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| What?! The person that did this should rot in hell! | |
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| OMFG LIEK J00 SAID HELL U LOSE 10 KARMA@(@*!(*(*!$*(!@$#*(% | |
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