Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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A other face pops up out of no where stupid visualisation chat. N00b g3t irc it r0x0rs
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I R tagging U!
September you are my inspiration
daft's Comics
05/15/16 - Supybot - A robust and user friendly Python IRC bot by daft
05/15/16 - upybot - A robust and user friendly Python IRC bot
04/29/16 - drink and drive
04/27/16 - More comics they said
04/24/16 - random foot work
04/24/16 - Meanwhile on ##socialDawgs
04/24/16 - birdy burdy birdy
04/21/16 - So I make comics and i am on IRC but i also
04/19/16 - mean while on facebook
04/16/16 - hearing things
04/13/16 - So i turn IRC back on
04/10/16 - ^ Title: ^ Title: BeautifulBot: Title: Desu Desu Desu Desu
04/10/16 - ^ Title: BeautifulBot: Title: Desu Desu Desu 10 hour LOOP
04/10/16 - BeautifulBot: Title: Desu Desu Desu 10 hours
04/09/16 - So that was some irc chat
04/09/16 - Hexchat i remember hexchat
04/09/16 - now i understand facebook users cant find decent irc chat
04/09/16 - The following extra SHIT will be installed
04/09/16 - Thanks 404 PAGE.
04/09/16 - so why are kids no longer usering IRC
04/05/16 - Bugzilla the movie
04/05/16 - School-age children need healthy foods and nutritious snack
04/04/16 - Ghost hunting tool EMF presence DETECTOR
04/04/16 - what does Babylon mean
03/21/16 - AYB Short for 'All Your Base,' which is short for 'all your
03/21/16 - random FLASH
03/21/16 - MR apocaplypse
03/21/16 - SATAN IS NEXT ALSO many copy past souls around
03/19/16 - THE DEMI GODS you need to know of
03/18/16 - So how hack should go in RL
03/17/16 - 3 little birdies breaking down the beat
03/17/16 - Dear Strip crator creator it has been some time
02/22/16 - So what are you doing
02/18/16 - So now i am in a office building looking at pirates with run
02/17/16 - Dreams 4D zen - 2D/3D perpective - Dreaming of Dreaming
02/14/16 - Yup random
02/10/16 - well random
02/10/16 - Well why not make some comic about fantacy
02/09/16 - so last one for today
02/09/16 - random random random
02/09/16 - press random again
02/09/16 - why not press "Create an random layout" and write something
02/09/16 - imagion duality for water and if lack to better do joke
02/06/16 - And pirates see life as a clock
02/06/16 - And how do pirates use that technocracy?
02/06/16 - Look class A+ captains with out the two books.
02/05/16 - Land dwellers cant reconize pirates
02/05/16 - So how do you select a good ship
02/05/16 - wood add sail bind tougher with rope. lets see if this works
02/05/16 - ship selectio? take wood add some Intresting device. coffee?
02/04/16 - So how is a pirare looking for good crew men?
02/04/16 - So well lets make a other toon. back to one of old comics
02/04/16 - And what happens if there is to much run?
02/03/16 - Well and there was the run again.
02/03/16 - WTF in english this is also call lair dice. dudes...
02/03/16 - In the tavern finally the rum is gone
02/01/16 - Ship Ahoy!
01/30/16 - does this picture has any meaning?
01/29/16 - discribe your new job position. Well I say eum a lot
01/28/16 - OEPS...........
01/28/16 - So well lets asume its 2016
01/31/14 - Why are we waiting
08/10/08 - granny Round 2
08/10/08 - Warn you're GrandMother to Ignore Securety warnings
07/26/08 - The colonies Round 17
07/29/07 - Inet not working
02/24/07 - Starsphere is dead
10/31/06 - The Fake Sint Maarten Festival
09/22/06 - roid the farms.
07/06/06 - Gentoo is tha l33t
07/04/06 - Well done ss server
06/01/06 - IDLE times Happy times
06/01/06 - I joined HLA begin this round.
05/17/06 - Whats the diffrence between Morglum and Detonator
05/15/06 - Daft pressed the "Random Comic layout" Button And this haped
05/15/06 - 1st toon of round 9.
03/20/06 - Arwen is quiting SpK.
03/05/06 - Starsphere routing problems
02/19/06 - BWC you did it again.
02/19/06 - DR Owl.
02/12/06 - BWC is recruiting
02/04/06 - Phlunk's wishes
02/04/06 - Ghost on the move
01/28/06 - Furion BWC and Ghost together
01/28/06 - The new round every thing is diffrent exept one thing.
01/25/06 - Round 8 is up and buggy.
01/20/06 - Round 8 tick 1
01/09/06 - Speed game
01/06/06 - finaly speed game up and running
01/06/06 - Requests Im not doing requests
01/06/06 - Speedround bugging
12/30/05 - ss round nr 7 is almost over
12/21/05 - real live
12/21/05 - Memories
12/21/05 - recruitment
12/18/05 - Nijn is 2late
12/18/05 - In #ghost [G]Bot makes a move
12/09/05 - Here is one for the ladys
11/22/05 - server runs bugless
11/22/05 - SS prognosis
11/07/05 - and a new toon to my greatest fan drivesand
11/06/05 - wasting time online.
11/06/05 - #starsphere webchat questions
11/06/05 - 24/7 activety
11/06/05 - starsphere round 7
09/14/05 - I just saw minority report good movie
09/06/05 - boring
09/03/05 - Well im crushed again
08/27/05 - SPAM
08/27/05 - incomming
08/27/05 - Hitchhiker's Guide of starsphere
08/17/05 - three is a croud
08/14/05 - WANTED
08/11/05 - Iritating mode
08/11/05 - And life goes on
08/10/05 - the Server crash (r6) saga V
08/09/05 - still not ticking
08/09/05 - the Server crash (r6) saga |||
08/09/05 - You have to do waht you have to do
08/09/05 - Starsphere round 6 going good
06/26/05 - BWC powerblocks with Absent
06/20/05 - Windows has changed
06/20/05 - Making the round ready
06/19/05 - How can Starsphere round 5 go
06/19/05 - the starsphere speedround
06/12/05 - The rebirth of starsphere
06/08/05 - Mav becomes a modurator
08/15/04 - nope no ss joke
08/02/04 - shagedilic
07/17/04 - stupid bot
07/15/04 - roidcap mayhem
07/08/04 - Morglum in #starsphere
07/07/04 - Gess what
11/23/03 - Hoggie banned some absent dudes from there own channel \o/
11/11/03 - Freddy anounces
11/10/03 - Raging in samba
11/10/03 - payback 3/3
11/10/03 - Mav in zap mode
11/10/03 - Payback
11/06/03 - overKill
11/04/03 - Sp4mm0r vs Fl4m0r
11/04/03 - flamer
11/04/03 - O dear
11/04/03 - SOoooooooooooooooooooooooo
11/04/03 - Some random public channel
11/04/03 - new home
11/04/03 - muli attack
11/04/03 - And so it begun
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