Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Hi i'm Danny Darko and I hope you like my comics, its all original stuff, im just glad i dont have to do my own artwork, hope you enjoy the random stories plots and wacky characters (watch out for FireBoy, Rocker, Perfect Person Man, GothBoy and many others!)
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by dannydarko
look at all these loser myspace users who think there so cool because they poste a bulletin about there new boyfriends/girlfriends or photo's. its so lame, thats why is much better
all they care about on myspace is how they look, vf is all about the music, i hate myspace i wish i'd never joined, i dont even have any friend requests, this site is so lame, it should be shut down!
poor gothboy just wants some attention, maybe then he'll be less hate filled
........why wont no one comment my pics!! i look really dark and morbid in one of them!......fucking myspace
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