Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Hi i'm Danny Darko and I hope you like my comics, its all original stuff, im just glad i dont have to do my own artwork, hope you enjoy the random stories plots and wacky characters (watch out for FireBoy, Rocker, Perfect Person Man, GothBoy and many others!)
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by dannydarko
3 remaining housemates
now dont you see how great and tasty coffee is? just wave your arm if you want anymore, oh i forgot- YOU CANT!!!
and its only the first day
who knew robots had blood, what kind of freaky scientist puts blood in a robot, maybe he drank the blood of his victims...
who will our homicidal winner be?
mmm that was some good ice cream, and now that hes locked in the freezer, he can make ice cream all the time
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