Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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i is being sorry-ful
ok... that last comic was uncalled for... I am sorry for that... I did not mean it... i am an ass...
I apoligize for what I said... Lin does have character... and she is not frigid.
Fine I fucking said it! Can I have my hentai back!
darksoulexile's Comics
11/15/06 - FANBOY RAGE ZOMG.
11/15/06 - Today's special episode of something.
11/15/06 - A.C.R.O.N.Y.M.S.
09/04/06 - Steve Irwin Am Dead.
09/04/06 - Purify
08/04/06 - Off Storyline: Movies that suck.
08/04/06 - Off Storyline: T.V. shows that suck. 3
08/04/06 - Women trouble.
07/28/06 - LOL...CAT.
07/28/06 - Clipping.
07/28/06 - Spaced Out...zomg..wacky comic title.
07/10/06 - Do what?
06/15/06 - Huh?
06/15/06 - Wait... What?
06/15/06 - OS-Birthday Surprise!
06/06/06 - OS- 666
06/06/06 - OS- 665.5
06/06/06 - OS- $6.66
06/06/06 - OS- 66
06/06/06 - OS- 6
06/06/06 - OS- Syndicate Theatre: "Final Fantasy:Advent Children"
06/04/06 - Off Storyline: Syndicate Theatre- X3:Xmen United.
06/04/06 - Countdown to the Countdown
05/20/06 - Corruption
05/10/06 - A challenger approaches.
05/10/06 - Subconscious Aura.
05/10/06 - 1 BILLION GET!
05/04/06 - DSFARGEG
05/04/06 - xodaraP emiT -enilyrotS ffO
05/04/06 - Off Storyline- Time Paradox
04/29/06 - T-minus Seven Seconds.
04/29/06 - KNIGHT RIDER
04/21/06 - Stuppid Closett. LAMO.
04/21/06 - Do you think you're better off alone?
04/07/06 - Off Storyline: T.V. shows that suck 2
04/07/06 - Off Storyline: T.V. shows that suck.
03/31/06 - Quick Painless Stabs.
03/25/06 - Meanwhile... with the real MISC
03/25/06 - Trapped
03/17/06 - Hahahaha... spouse abuse.
03/10/06 - Bonus!
03/10/06 - Looking toward the future.
03/03/06 - No... no... no...
02/23/06 - Bonus!
02/23/06 - Peace from within...
02/14/06 - Love Sucks...
02/03/06 - She's so (IL)LEAGAL.
02/03/06 - Narration from the restless mind.
01/26/06 - Que?
01/04/06 - Cyber'd
01/04/06 - Feelings of loss and regret.
01/04/06 - 404 ERROR'D
01/04/06 - Clone'd
01/04/06 - Off-Duty.
12/05/05 - Recap.
11/19/05 - Sub-plot.
11/19/05 - Filler.
11/19/05 - Hospitality.
11/19/05 - Or could it?
11/19/05 - Dora'd!
11/09/05 - Checking in...
11/09/05 - MISC vacation.
11/09/05 - Answer: Everything
11/09/05 - And so it begins... again.
10/06/05 - Blackout
10/06/05 - I should've learned my lesson by now.
10/06/05 - Pause... then rewind.
09/02/05 - Timetravel 3
09/02/05 - Timetravel 2
08/15/05 - Timetravel 1
08/15/05 - Time heals all wounds... part 2
08/15/05 - Time heals all wounds...
08/09/05 - Syndicate Theatre- Dukes of Hazzard
08/09/05 - Realizations.
08/09/05 - non-offensive comics... just for lin. #4
08/09/05 - non-offensive comics... just for lin. #3
08/09/05 - non-offensive comics... just for lin. #2
08/09/05 - non-offensive comics... just for lin. #1
07/30/05 - another life lesson...
07/30/05 - A lesson on life...
07/30/05 - Lin's LJ-part 2
07/17/05 - Daughterofhell's LJ- part 1
07/17/05 - a reminder...
07/17/05 - Hot girl on girl action!!!!!
07/17/05 - Dark's LJ-part 1
07/17/05 - Aura's Lj- part 1
07/15/05 - Letters from beyond...
07/15/05 - keep em comin'
07/15/05 - why she hates me now...
07/05/05 - Syndicate Theatre- Charlie and the Chocalate Factory.
07/05/05 - Lin's LJ-(part 1)
07/05/05 - MISC's LJ (part 1)
07/05/05 - it a-sploded!
07/05/05 - i is being sorry-ful
07/05/05 - a very special message...
06/25/05 - YTMND!
06/25/05 - Syndicate Theatre: Batman Begins
06/25/05 - The secret revealed... part 3
06/25/05 - the secret revealed! part two..
06/25/05 - The secret revealed! PART 1
06/25/05 - tongue lashing
06/22/05 - Hehehe... im twisted
06/22/05 - The secret is revealed....
06/22/05 - even more procrastination....
06/22/05 - procrastination
06/12/05 - dirty little secret....
06/12/05 - wow... that was a letdown...
06/12/05 - doin' time
06/12/05 - stand strong and fight!
06/12/05 - kitty kitty...
06/06/05 - haha....
06/06/05 - no.....
06/06/05 - awww...
06/06/05 - hmmm...
06/06/05 - confused? I bet.
06/06/05 - Predict this...
06/06/05 - HA HA! ...inside joke.
06/06/05 - The return...
05/26/05 - The Truth Behind it all... (the last one)
05/19/05 - the end of it all... part 4
05/19/05 - the end of it all... part 3
05/19/05 - the end of it all... part 2
05/18/05 - The end of it all... part 1
05/17/05 - the ps3 is...
05/16/05 - What Dark thinks you think about Liz
05/13/05 - pullin a 360!
05/12/05 - Keep your promises kids... no matter what the cost
05/11/05 - Expectations
05/10/05 - thought processes...
05/09/05 - Close encounters
05/06/05 - Can I take your arrgh!
05/05/05 - Awww...
05/04/05 - Random Visits
04/28/05 - What Dark think's you think about MISC!
04/28/05 - Smile!
04/28/05 - (O_o)
04/28/05 - Payment is due...
04/28/05 - (-_-')
04/28/05 - O_O
04/28/05 - I quit...
04/19/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (Reality #27)
04/19/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (Reality #26)
04/19/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (Reality #25)
04/19/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (Reality #24)
04/15/05 - Nascar imitation!
04/15/05 - What Dark thinks you think of him...
04/15/05 - Obsessions of a Lin
04/15/05 - Hehehehe...
04/15/05 - And the investigations continue...
04/13/05 - The Rednal Factor...
04/13/05 - Fight for your right!
04/13/05 - Uh-oh... not again...
04/08/05 - !pleh rof yrc a
04/08/05 - Mission Obj.
04/08/05 - The Wonderful Adventures of Aurashadow...
04/08/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (Reality #23)
03/29/05 - Violent outbursts due to stupidity...
03/29/05 - Feelings... share em'
03/29/05 - Syndicate P.S.A.- Dirty dirty things... part 2
03/29/05 - Syndicate P.S.A.- Dirty dirty things... part 1
03/29/05 - Syndicate P.S.A.- From teh Ladies!
03/28/05 - Call em' like you see em'
03/28/05 - Stupid... just stupid...
03/28/05 - Where the hell am I going with this?
03/28/05 - Tick tock...
03/28/05 - The first 10 always hurt the most...
03/28/05 - Stuff
03/28/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (reality #22)
03/24/05 - Obvious lie...
03/24/05 - You just got insulted.
03/21/05 - Never will I do this again...
03/21/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (reality #21)
03/21/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (reality #20)
03/21/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (reality #19)
03/15/05 - And the results are being in....
03/14/05 - To make some extra moneys... we need desperate measures
03/14/05 - A little motivation to donate...
03/14/05 - Fund Raider...
03/14/05 - Umm.. We wants teh moneys!
03/14/05 - Call for help..
03/14/05 - We still need teh moneys...
03/14/05 - We needs teh moneys!
03/10/05 - Flashback! (Daughterofhell's HS days)
03/08/05 - Futureshock! (Liz' Highschool days)
03/08/05 - Flashback! (Aurashadows' HS days)
03/08/05 - Flashback! (Dark's High School Days)
03/08/05 - Flashback! (Lin's Highschool Days)
03/08/05 - Flashback! (MISC's High School Days)
03/08/05 - Special of the day...
03/04/05 - Outbreak warning...
03/03/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (reality #18)
03/03/05 - After the big score!
03/03/05 - earlier that day before the big score...
03/03/05 - The big score!
02/28/05 - Lin's gonna kill me for this one.
02/28/05 - Why?
02/28/05 - O....k
02/28/05 - Let's Rock!
02/23/05 - The decline of the anti-syndicate
02/23/05 - The rise of the anti-syndicate!
02/23/05 - Syndicate Theatre... Constantine- part 2
02/23/05 - Syndicate Theatre.... Constantine- part 1
02/22/05 - Old School...
02/22/05 - Initiative...
02/15/05 - And you thought it was a joke...
02/14/05 - Back to reality...
02/14/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (reality #17)
02/14/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (reality #16)
02/14/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (reality #15)
02/14/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (reality #14)
02/14/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (reality #13)
02/12/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (reality #12)
02/12/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (reality #11)
02/12/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (reality #10)
02/12/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (reality #9)
02/12/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (reality #8)
02/10/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (reality #7)
02/09/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (reality #6)
02/09/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (reality #5)
02/09/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (reality #4)
02/09/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (reality #3)
02/09/05 - The Alternate Reality Syndicate (reality #2)
02/09/05 - Birthday Surprise...
02/09/05 - I don't know what it's about either..
02/09/05 - One more time.... for the kids...
02/07/05 - The Conclusion...
02/03/05 - The cliffhanger....
02/03/05 - The last straw!
02/03/05 - Fun in the dark....
01/27/05 - Syndicate P.S.A.-Stuff about "E"
01/26/05 - And now a word from our sponsors.
01/24/05 - MISC's Folly.
01/19/05 - Bad Influence
01/19/05 - Do what now?
01/19/05 - Reading Error..
01/13/05 - Karaoke Time #6
01/13/05 - Karaoke Time #5
01/13/05 - Karaoke Time #4
01/12/05 - Karaoke Time #3
01/12/05 - Karaoke Time #2
01/12/05 - Karaoke Time #1
01/12/05 - Bought the farm...
01/12/05 - Insult to insult.
01/02/05 - M.I.A.
01/02/05 - unfair representation!
12/28/04 - Ok... I was lying... this is the last comic...
12/28/04 - The very last syndicate comic...
12/28/04 - New Years Resolutions!
12/22/04 - Rivalry...
12/22/04 - Natural High?!
12/22/04 - Good fun happy ocean time joy joy!
12/19/04 - Super Fun Ocean Adventure Mystery Fun Hour!
12/19/04 - Aurashadow's funeral
12/19/04 - She had this one coming to her....
12/18/04 - Aurashadow LOVES anime...
12/18/04 - Plane rides r sooooo much fun!
12/16/04 - Planning a trip.
12/15/04 - Ph34r the reaper
12/14/04 - A plea from the characters...
12/14/04 - For the love of god Darksoulexile.... STOP IT!
12/14/04 - For the love of god Darksoulexile.... STOP IT!
12/14/04 - Never Again...
12/14/04 - That's just sick...
12/14/04 - Why have you forsaken him? He whines when you do that!
12/14/04 - The return of Darksoulexile...
12/13/04 - Writers Block...
12/13/04 - Writer's Block.... (sorry about this)
12/08/04 - The Challenge
11/29/04 - Syndicate P.S.A. - Bullying Problems
11/26/04 - A deal with the... (c'mon you know who)
11/24/04 - Wasting your time...
11/24/04 - Untitled
11/24/04 - It'll be a cold day in hell....
11/23/04 - Why the reindeer hates Thanksgiving....
11/23/04 - Tastes like kitten....
11/20/04 - Satan vs. Darksoulexile
11/20/04 - Running Riot
11/20/04 - Massacre... at Noon
11/20/04 - Don't sneeze...
11/19/04 - First rule of Hell... Dont talk about Hell.
11/19/04 - First rule of Hell... Dont talk about Hell.
11/19/04 - Do it yourself....
11/19/04 - Darksoulexile goes to hell
11/18/04 - Killing Darksoulexile (seriously)
11/18/04 - The darksoulexile CONSPIRACY
11/13/04 - Happy Halloween!
11/13/04 - Kickass Aftermath of the kickass party.....
11/13/04 - Another kickass party comic...
11/10/04 - Kickass setup....
11/06/04 - She is always watching...
11/06/04 - Mouthing off...
11/04/04 - The Origin of the Syndicate..... BY MISC!! part 5
11/04/04 - The Origin of the Syndicate..... BY MISC!! part 4
11/04/04 - The Origin of the Syndicate..... BY MISC!! part 3
11/04/04 - The Origin of the Syndicate..... BY MISC!! part 2
11/04/04 - The Origin of the Syndicate..... BY MISC!!
11/04/04 - Fuzzy's Journey.... the journey ends....
11/04/04 - Fuzzy's Journey.... Legendary
11/04/04 - Fuzzy's Journey....The Fight that wasn't physical at all
11/02/04 - (offstory) Lin's Late B-day Gift
10/26/04 - Violation Nation Station Contemplation.... -ation
10/26/04 - Fuzzy's Journey- Confrontation....XTREME
10/25/04 - Spread the
10/25/04 - Fuzzy's Journey.... Battle Ninja....WTF?
10/21/04 - Closet Minds....
10/19/04 - Fuzzy's Journey... BATTLE NINJA!
10/18/04 - Pirate Songs...
10/18/04 - Fuzzy's Journey!
10/18/04 - Voices...
10/13/04 - Jumping The Shark...
10/13/04 - Naked and Still Killin'!
10/13/04 - Closet Theatre... The Passion....
10/13/04 - WTF?
10/11/04 - The Newnesses!
10/11/04 - The ENDER!
10/11/04 - Closet Theatre... THE MATRIX
10/11/04 - Defective Detective
10/07/04 - Girl Power!
10/06/04 - SYNDICATE P.S.A.
10/06/04 - In the dark...
10/06/04 - LIN ROCKS!
10/06/04 - A gun at a knife fight.
10/06/04 - Sticks and Stones
10/04/04 - Aftermath
10/01/04 - Apopalyse Wow?! part 1
10/01/04 - The MAN!
09/30/04 - Judgement Time
09/30/04 - Job Audition part 6
09/30/04 - Job Auditon part 5 (to the extreme!!)
09/30/04 - Job Auditon part 4
09/29/04 - Job Audition part 3
09/29/04 - Job Audition part 2
09/29/04 - Job Audition part 1
09/29/04 - BUNG!
09/29/04 - Arrgh!
09/29/04 - Live at the Scene
09/27/04 - No news is bad news for those who like new news that is new.
09/22/04 - Teh New Storyline..... i THINK
09/22/04 - Oops....part 2
09/22/04 - Oops....
09/18/04 - IN HELL
09/18/04 - Blah blah blah
09/18/04 - Problem solving...the evil way...
09/18/04 - Problem Solver
09/18/04 - Lin....
09/15/04 - Syndicate Crap.... Part 4
09/15/04 - Syndicate Crap... Part 3
09/15/04 - Syndicate Crap... Part 2
09/15/04 - Syndicate Crap... Part 1
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