Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Enter the twisted pre-rendered world of Christian Diapers and Co. in "Stereotypes Of Western Civilization, Inc." Since its inception, the series has garnered the distinct notoriety of being one of the few comics not written by a twelve-year old. Personal: darwin is employed as a secret-stealth ninja, and is perhaps most famous for his patented "double-reverse-left-crossover to the face" move. He is NOT a racist, and the content of S.o.W.C., Inc. is not meant to imply otherwise. (He does, however, eat children for breakfast.)
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by darwin_farkus
Prior to the famous couple's expurgation from the Garden of Eden...
What's your damn problem? Go pick that apple! I'm hungry!
But God has instructed us NOT to pick fruit from that tree. It's forbidden and I don't feel like pissing him off again today. I noticed him frowning at me earlier when I was masturbating.
Aw, if he gets mad, I'll just tell him the snake made me do it.
She blames my penis for everything.
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