Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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by dcomposed
Tonight on B4cky4rd Blitz, w3'r3 going to b3 showing you how to turn 4n old dil4pid4t3d pot pl4nt hold3r into 4 lov3ly w4t3r f34tur3 with 4 uvul4 d3sign3.
This pot pl4nt hold3r b3longs to this w33k's c3l3brity g4rd3n3r. From th3 n3w movi3, "P33 W33's Uvul4" P33 W33 H3rm4n, who 4s you c4n s33 took th3 t3rm "pot pl4nt hold3r" 4 littl3 too litt3r4lly.
Now th3 insur4nc3 on P33 W33's priv4t3 for3st do3sn't cov3r 4cts of God, so w3'v3 d3cid3d to build th3 uvul4 w4t3r f34tur3 ov3r this bush fir3.
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it is stupid to put 1000 comics in a set, but here we are

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