Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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by dcomposed
One fine day...
We don't have squirrels in New Zealand. Could you tell me about your species?
You're from New Zealand? You look Asian to me.
A squirrel as near as I can tell is a furry critter that climbs in trees and pesters people for tasty delights it can not get itself. SpongeBob's friend Sandy is a squirrel.
That is a bit racist but I will forgive you because you are a squirrel and you probably don't know much about New Zealand. I am actually part Samoan and part Maori.
Well who's racist now? You clearly don't know a god damn thing about squirrels. I happened to major in New Zealand History in college, you arrogant European shithead.
The End By James
New Zealand is nowhere near Europe and as I already mentioned I am half Samoan half Maori so I'm not even ethnically European. I think they have squirrels in Europe though. Is that true?
Look, lady, I don't know who you think you're talking to. I'm just a fucking squirrel.
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