Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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The end is nigh!

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by deathtoradio
Do you think god has an "Easy Button?"
What, like cruise control for the universe?
Yeah. Like he wakes up one day and decides he's too lazy to put up with our shit. You know how it is. I know I can't stand your shit sometimes.
...come to think of it, that would explain a lot. It's probably not nearly as infallible as god. I mean if he was already feeling lazy he probably outsourced the chinese to build it.
Go on.
I don't know, maybe one day he pushes the button...isn't paying attention. Boom! Fucking platypus. Half beaver, half duck. Even god isn't sure what the fuck it is.
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Office Zombie : Personal Favorites

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HCRoyall says:

Don't forget the echidnae, an anteater with porcupine quills that lays eggs.
posted Oct 22nd, 2009 ( permalink )

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