Where is the Demented Comic Creator??
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| Hey dude!! Where is that guy who made all these Demented Comix?? That Creator guy of these comix has been gone for a long time, right?? | |
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| Ya I've been thinking about that too, little squairrel!! | |
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| Do you think the Demented Comix Creato guy died?? or Did he get lost? What do you think happened to the guy, dude?? | |
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| Ya maybe!! Any of those things you said, could have happened. I was thinking maybe, he decided to do something else like Movies?? I laso think he probubly had to move to a different town or city?? | |
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| Or the Demented Comix Creator, lost his job and became Homeless, Eh?? | |
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| Yes!! That may have happened but,one thing is for sure, I'm glad he's Back!! | |
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