Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Most of the recent strips star Matt 'n Pete, the Li'l Sociopaths. Here's the cast:

Matt, aka Ezrael: The guy in the hockey mask. Scholar and bon vivant. Likes include Superman and smiting the wicked. Dislikes include humans and other carbon-based life forms. Not overly fond of clowns.

Pete, aka deucepm: The dude in the tiki mask. Renaissance geek. Harbors a deep, unnatural lust for Willow Rosenberg. Do not give him sharp objects.

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by deucepm
And so, Captain Obvous continues his fight for truth.
I'm flying!
No Shit Sherlock and his evil twin have moved to Vermont.
So what do you want for dinner tonight?
I don't know...crepes?
...and Kangaroo Kriminal was taken to the aliens' prison planet.
Here on the planet of Sukisuki, you will be rehabilitated.
You should have taken my machine gun away before you told me that. Damn, you guys are lame.
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