Csetop Cmaelon Contemplates...
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| Hrmmm, well, that death ray drama seems to have wound down. And it's left me as the last existing human being on earth. | |
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| G'dafternune dere suh. Mightchya happen ta know where's a fellas can gets himself a nice steak in these wee hours? | |
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| Every human being but me is dead. No restaurants are going to be open. | |
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| Cook a fella a steak, then, will ya? Ya see I haven't got no arms, just five legs with wheels on 'em. | |
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| Who are you, and how did you know the secret phrase of the Circle of Elite Manateezorz? | |
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| Csetop Cmaelon, I, Agent 68, Stegrat, bring you a new mission from central command. | |
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