Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I like meat *clap, clap*. PantzIzGood2Eat.
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by dikrok
Csetop Cmaelon Contemplates...
Hrmmm, well, that death ray drama seems to have wound down. And it's left me as the last existing human being on earth.
G'dafternune dere suh. Mightchya happen ta know where's a fellas can gets himself a nice steak in these wee hours?
Every human being but me is dead. No restaurants are going to be open.
Cook a fella a steak, then, will ya? Ya see I haven't got no arms, just five legs with wheels on 'em.
Who are you, and how did you know the secret phrase of the Circle of Elite Manateezorz?
Csetop Cmaelon, I, Agent 68, Stegrat, bring you a new mission from central command.
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