since the clergy was of no help, death seeks assistance from a higher power
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| see, maybe you can help me. i'm just tired of the whole death schtick. i want more. i want to make a difference | |
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| if you want to make a difference get me the fuck down from here. | |
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| nobody respects me any more. ever since Bergman made that damn movie, everyone thinks they can play chess with me. I HATE CHESS! i'm more of a checkers man, actually. Maybe that's what i can do... | |
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| i'll play checkers with you if you get me down from here. PLEASE?? | |
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| gee, you 've been alot of help, thanks jesus | |
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| NO! WAIT! Don't go! I'm still stuck here dying for man's sins. what about me? i need a change too!! | |
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