Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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eggy_mcmuffinman has not entered a profile.
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More fun with Jesus.
Wanna rock out for Christ?
Wanna rock out for Christ?
Oh, will you look at the time...
"Jesus Aid" isn't going so well.
For the last time, stop trying to organize a concert and get me down!
eggy_mcmuffinman's Comics
01/10/11 - Back by... um... well, it's back.
06/30/06 - WW 51: It's All About Context.
06/30/06 - A Belated Tribute To Johnny Cash.
06/30/06 - More backstory.
06/30/06 - Back from the dead. Again.
06/23/05 - In no sense? Nonsense!
06/15/05 - A Terrible Idea.
06/14/05 - Garfield
06/14/05 - The Return. Again.
03/21/05 - Bitterness.
03/21/05 - Punchlines galore!
03/21/05 - Lame joke.
03/21/05 - More fun with punclines.
03/21/05 - Just when you thought it was safe...
12/23/04 - Old joke.
12/17/04 - More holiday cheer.
12/17/04 - Merry Fucking Christmas.
11/18/04 - I hate making titles.
11/16/04 - Basket Case
11/10/04 - I'm sorry?
11/10/04 - More talking dog stuff.
11/10/04 - Talking dog.
11/10/04 - I'm bitter. Sue me.
11/08/04 - And worse...
11/08/04 - It just gets worse...
11/08/04 - More cripple humour.
11/08/04 - Cripple humour!
11/07/04 - Blue humour.
11/07/04 - I repeat: ...
11/07/04 - ...
11/07/04 - We're back(?)
07/06/04 - Escape.
07/06/04 - The first use of a certain four-letter word.
07/06/04 - Eh.
07/06/04 - Let me introduce you to a magical place...
07/06/04 - A moment of your time.
04/17/04 - CC 240: Happy Farking Birthday!
04/11/04 - Alternative thinking, my ass.
04/11/04 - Ask a simple question...
04/11/04 - I'm really out of ideas.
04/04/04 - Sight gags.
04/04/04 - Ninja meets penguin! Super happy fun time!
04/04/04 - The Artsy Comic: Defense.
04/04/04 - The Artsy Comic: Reactions.
04/04/04 - The artsy comic.
03/31/04 - More fun with Jesus.
03/31/04 - Something a little racier.
03/31/04 - Comic for Mel Gibson.
03/31/04 - It's on the tip of my tongue...
12/30/03 - FTC 16: 2004 is here, and boy is it mad.
12/28/03 - CC226: Uh Oh.
12/24/03 - Season's greetings!
12/22/03 - Everybody Happy!
12/22/03 - The spirit of things.
12/21/03 - To hell and/or back.
12/19/03 - Why won't this stain come out of my shirt?
12/19/03 - Death by latin music.
12/19/03 - What up, Dog?
12/19/03 - The precioussssss...
11/24/03 - Plus ça change...
11/24/03 - More about Bill.
11/23/03 - Happy days.
11/23/03 - Untitled
11/23/03 - Messing around!
11/23/03 - More death squirrel.
11/23/03 - Introduction of Death Squirrel.
11/23/03 - All secrets revealed!
11/23/03 - Something really disturbing.
11/16/03 - Just because it's true, doesn't make it any better.
11/14/03 - Speculation.
11/14/03 - The Living Return
07/05/03 - Eggy Mcmuffinman comics, RIP.
07/05/03 - That's all folks!
07/05/03 - Damn Continuity Errors.
07/05/03 - It's been a while...
05/20/03 - Yup.
04/27/03 - Celebration!
04/27/03 - 119
04/27/03 - 118
04/27/03 - 117
04/27/03 - Apology.
04/27/03 - 115: more "ask a..."s
04/27/03 - 114
04/26/03 - Only 7 more to go!
04/26/03 - Only 8 more to go!
04/26/03 - Countdown to the 120th / the strike (part three)
04/26/03 - Countdown to the 120th: only ten to go!
04/26/03 - the strike (part two)
04/26/03 - the strike (part one)
04/26/03 - All hell breaks loose.
04/26/03 - Katy needs money.
04/26/03 - New character: Katy
04/24/03 - With a very special guest.
04/11/03 - So...bored...
04/11/03 - Too much Pink Floyd.
04/10/03 - Crappy comic, too.
04/09/03 - Yes, I know it sucks.
04/08/03 - For allanhenederson.
04/08/03 - Clones.
03/27/03 - Let's Try That Again...
03/27/03 - Ask A Bug!
02/17/03 - More fan mail.
02/16/03 - So it's come to this.
02/10/03 - Untitled
02/10/03 - ???
02/10/03 - Ferocious, indeed.
02/09/03 - Slow on the uptake.
02/09/03 - That explains everything...
02/09/03 - More than a month later...
01/08/03 - Learn to dance the Eggy Mcmuffinman way!
12/31/02 - A look back.
12/25/02 - Christmas aftermath.
12/22/02 - (running out of titles)
12/22/02 - SnOH NO.
12/22/02 - Christmas Tree.
12/17/02 - Art.
12/17/02 - More Christmas cheer.
12/17/02 - The Truth Comes Out.
12/17/02 - Santa and Grey: together at last!
12/12/02 - Santa business.
12/10/02 - Trouble in the North Pole.
12/10/02 - Fan mail mix-up.
12/07/02 - The politically correct comic.
12/06/02 - One last apology. I swear.
12/06/02 - An apology about an apology.
12/06/02 - I say it and it's true.
12/06/02 - Plot development! Sweet, wonderful, plot development!
12/06/02 - Remember when this was funny?
12/06/02 - Oh, the tedium.
12/06/02 - ...
12/06/02 - Life In An Abandoned Comic.
12/06/02 - Another Apology. Sort of.
12/01/02 - Romeo's a jerk.
12/01/02 - Romeo, Juliet, and one tired author.
12/01/02 - Romeo makes his move.
12/01/02 - Romeo meets Juliet.
12/01/02 - More of that Romeo crap.
12/01/02 - Romeo and Juliet: the thrilling return.
12/01/02 - An apology.
12/01/02 - At school.
12/01/02 - The further adventures of Lumpy and Flumpy.
12/01/02 - He's Baaaaaaaaack...
11/27/02 - Romeo and Juliet (part four)
11/27/02 - Romeo and Juliet (part three)
11/27/02 - Romeo and Juliet (part two)
11/26/02 - Romeo and Juliet, the Eggy Mcmuffinman way (part one)
11/26/02 - The return of the author!
11/25/02 - Faye returns!
11/25/02 - RIP, Carl.
11/25/02 - Uh oh.
11/24/02 - The inevitable outcome.
11/24/02 - Grey matters.
11/24/02 - Auditions (part four)
11/24/02 - Auditions (part three)
11/24/02 - auditions (part two)
11/24/02 - Auditions (part one)
11/24/02 - The truth is revealed!
11/24/02 - Revelation
11/24/02 - A comic reborn!
11/24/02 - Oh, the suspense!
11/24/02 - A bad idea.
11/24/02 - A helping hand.
11/23/02 - On the brink of insanity.
11/23/02 - More non-sequitirs.
11/23/02 - Non-sequitir.
11/23/02 - A brief intermission.
11/23/02 - A transitional comic.
11/23/02 - Doom, doom, doom (part four)
11/23/02 - Doom, doom, doom (part three)
11/23/02 - Doom, doom, doom (part two)
11/23/02 - Doom, doom, doom. (part one)
11/23/02 - Somwhere in Hell
11/23/02 - The prize!
11/23/02 - The thrilling conclusion.
11/23/02 - Back to the talent show.
11/23/02 - One last interlude.
11/23/02 - Yet another interlude.
11/23/02 - Another Interlude.
11/23/02 - Talent Show, part three
11/23/02 - Talent Show, part two
11/23/02 - Talent Show, part one.
11/22/02 - Angsty? Me?
11/21/02 - Anyone else miss Stickman?
11/21/02 - A brief interlude...
11/21/02 - Two minutes later
11/21/02 - The big confrontation.
11/21/02 - Meanwhile...
11/21/02 - The Grey Show.
11/21/02 - Oh crap! An alien!
11/20/02 - A belated intro.
11/20/02 - Fan Mail
11/20/02 - Cameo.
11/20/02 - Dead end.
11/20/02 - All Apologies.
11/20/02 - Another day in Creepyville...
11/20/02 - In the beginning...
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