Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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CC 240: Happy Farking Birthday!
So anyways, after I went camping, I was covered head to toe in poison ivy! Pretty neat, huh?
Oh. Well, whatever. Say, what was I talking about before?
Something about someone's birthday.
Eh, it probably wasn't that important. So do you think the comic's started yet?
Uh oh.
eggy_mcmuffinman's Comics
01/10/11 - Back by... um... well, it's back.
06/30/06 - WW 51: It's All About Context.
06/30/06 - A Belated Tribute To Johnny Cash.
06/30/06 - More backstory.
06/30/06 - Back from the dead. Again.
06/23/05 - In no sense? Nonsense!
06/15/05 - A Terrible Idea.
06/14/05 - Garfield
06/14/05 - The Return. Again.
03/21/05 - Bitterness.
03/21/05 - Punchlines galore!
03/21/05 - Lame joke.
03/21/05 - More fun with punclines.
03/21/05 - Just when you thought it was safe...
12/23/04 - Old joke.
12/17/04 - More holiday cheer.
12/17/04 - Merry Fucking Christmas.
11/18/04 - I hate making titles.
11/16/04 - Basket Case
11/10/04 - I'm sorry?
11/10/04 - More talking dog stuff.
11/10/04 - Talking dog.
11/10/04 - I'm bitter. Sue me.
11/08/04 - And worse...
11/08/04 - It just gets worse...
11/08/04 - More cripple humour.
11/08/04 - Cripple humour!
11/07/04 - Blue humour.
11/07/04 - I repeat: ...
11/07/04 - ...
11/07/04 - We're back(?)
07/06/04 - Escape.
07/06/04 - The first use of a certain four-letter word.
07/06/04 - Eh.
07/06/04 - Let me introduce you to a magical place...
07/06/04 - A moment of your time.
04/17/04 - CC 240: Happy Farking Birthday!
04/11/04 - Alternative thinking, my ass.
04/11/04 - Ask a simple question...
04/11/04 - I'm really out of ideas.
04/04/04 - Sight gags.
04/04/04 - Ninja meets penguin! Super happy fun time!
04/04/04 - The Artsy Comic: Defense.
04/04/04 - The Artsy Comic: Reactions.
04/04/04 - The artsy comic.
03/31/04 - More fun with Jesus.
03/31/04 - Something a little racier.
03/31/04 - Comic for Mel Gibson.
03/31/04 - It's on the tip of my tongue...
12/30/03 - FTC 16: 2004 is here, and boy is it mad.
12/28/03 - CC226: Uh Oh.
12/24/03 - Season's greetings!
12/22/03 - Everybody Happy!
12/22/03 - The spirit of things.
12/21/03 - To hell and/or back.
12/19/03 - Why won't this stain come out of my shirt?
12/19/03 - Death by latin music.
12/19/03 - What up, Dog?
12/19/03 - The precioussssss...
11/24/03 - Plus ça change...
11/24/03 - More about Bill.
11/23/03 - Happy days.
11/23/03 - Untitled
11/23/03 - Messing around!
11/23/03 - More death squirrel.
11/23/03 - Introduction of Death Squirrel.
11/23/03 - All secrets revealed!
11/23/03 - Something really disturbing.
11/16/03 - Just because it's true, doesn't make it any better.
11/14/03 - Speculation.
11/14/03 - The Living Return
07/05/03 - Eggy Mcmuffinman comics, RIP.
07/05/03 - That's all folks!
07/05/03 - Damn Continuity Errors.
07/05/03 - It's been a while...
05/20/03 - Yup.
04/27/03 - Celebration!
04/27/03 - 119
04/27/03 - 118
04/27/03 - 117
04/27/03 - Apology.
04/27/03 - 115: more "ask a..."s
04/27/03 - 114
04/26/03 - Only 7 more to go!
04/26/03 - Only 8 more to go!
04/26/03 - Countdown to the 120th / the strike (part three)
04/26/03 - Countdown to the 120th: only ten to go!
04/26/03 - the strike (part two)
04/26/03 - the strike (part one)
04/26/03 - All hell breaks loose.
04/26/03 - Katy needs money.
04/26/03 - New character: Katy
04/24/03 - With a very special guest.
04/11/03 - So...bored...
04/11/03 - Too much Pink Floyd.
04/10/03 - Crappy comic, too.
04/09/03 - Yes, I know it sucks.
04/08/03 - For allanhenederson.
04/08/03 - Clones.
03/27/03 - Let's Try That Again...
03/27/03 - Ask A Bug!
02/17/03 - More fan mail.
02/16/03 - So it's come to this.
02/10/03 - Untitled
02/10/03 - ???
02/10/03 - Ferocious, indeed.
02/09/03 - Slow on the uptake.
02/09/03 - That explains everything...
02/09/03 - More than a month later...
01/08/03 - Learn to dance the Eggy Mcmuffinman way!
12/31/02 - A look back.
12/25/02 - Christmas aftermath.
12/22/02 - (running out of titles)
12/22/02 - SnOH NO.
12/22/02 - Christmas Tree.
12/17/02 - Art.
12/17/02 - More Christmas cheer.
12/17/02 - The Truth Comes Out.
12/17/02 - Santa and Grey: together at last!
12/12/02 - Santa business.
12/10/02 - Trouble in the North Pole.
12/10/02 - Fan mail mix-up.
12/07/02 - The politically correct comic.
12/06/02 - One last apology. I swear.
12/06/02 - An apology about an apology.
12/06/02 - I say it and it's true.
12/06/02 - Plot development! Sweet, wonderful, plot development!
12/06/02 - Remember when this was funny?
12/06/02 - Oh, the tedium.
12/06/02 - ...
12/06/02 - Life In An Abandoned Comic.
12/06/02 - Another Apology. Sort of.
12/01/02 - Romeo's a jerk.
12/01/02 - Romeo, Juliet, and one tired author.
12/01/02 - Romeo makes his move.
12/01/02 - Romeo meets Juliet.
12/01/02 - More of that Romeo crap.
12/01/02 - Romeo and Juliet: the thrilling return.
12/01/02 - An apology.
12/01/02 - At school.
12/01/02 - The further adventures of Lumpy and Flumpy.
12/01/02 - He's Baaaaaaaaack...
11/27/02 - Romeo and Juliet (part four)
11/27/02 - Romeo and Juliet (part three)
11/27/02 - Romeo and Juliet (part two)
11/26/02 - Romeo and Juliet, the Eggy Mcmuffinman way (part one)
11/26/02 - The return of the author!
11/25/02 - Faye returns!
11/25/02 - RIP, Carl.
11/25/02 - Uh oh.
11/24/02 - The inevitable outcome.
11/24/02 - Grey matters.
11/24/02 - Auditions (part four)
11/24/02 - Auditions (part three)
11/24/02 - auditions (part two)
11/24/02 - Auditions (part one)
11/24/02 - The truth is revealed!
11/24/02 - Revelation
11/24/02 - A comic reborn!
11/24/02 - Oh, the suspense!
11/24/02 - A bad idea.
11/24/02 - A helping hand.
11/23/02 - On the brink of insanity.
11/23/02 - More non-sequitirs.
11/23/02 - Non-sequitir.
11/23/02 - A brief intermission.
11/23/02 - A transitional comic.
11/23/02 - Doom, doom, doom (part four)
11/23/02 - Doom, doom, doom (part three)
11/23/02 - Doom, doom, doom (part two)
11/23/02 - Doom, doom, doom. (part one)
11/23/02 - Somwhere in Hell
11/23/02 - The prize!
11/23/02 - The thrilling conclusion.
11/23/02 - Back to the talent show.
11/23/02 - One last interlude.
11/23/02 - Yet another interlude.
11/23/02 - Another Interlude.
11/23/02 - Talent Show, part three
11/23/02 - Talent Show, part two
11/23/02 - Talent Show, part one.
11/22/02 - Angsty? Me?
11/21/02 - Anyone else miss Stickman?
11/21/02 - A brief interlude...
11/21/02 - Two minutes later
11/21/02 - The big confrontation.
11/21/02 - Meanwhile...
11/21/02 - The Grey Show.
11/21/02 - Oh crap! An alien!
11/20/02 - A belated intro.
11/20/02 - Fan Mail
11/20/02 - Cameo.
11/20/02 - Dead end.
11/20/02 - All Apologies.
11/20/02 - Another day in Creepyville...
11/20/02 - In the beginning...
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