Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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by evil_d
Aaaaaaaahh! Newbies! Get 'em off me! They're crawling up my legs! Aaaaaaaahh!
Dude, those aren't newbies, those are highly poisonous scorpions.
Huh? Oh -- so they are. Whew, at least they're not newbies.
I don't get what you guys have against newbies, man. What does it matter how long we've been here? We make some funny comics too!
We don't care if you're new, we care if you're annoying. But the new people are usually the most annoying. In time, they either calm down or leave.
Yeah... I guess I can understand that. So, wiLL j00 r34d mye comix?? HuH? It are 5up3r-l33t4bul4r!! H4v3 j00 r34d i+ y3+, d00d?? Huh??? HUH????
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