Just When You Thought it Was Safe to Come to Work...
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| Yeah, it's been really great working on this project with you. Us peons have to stick together to save these folks. You know, they couldn't dial a phone without us." | |
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| Blah, blah, blah....yeah, shut up and go away bitch, I am working here. | |
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Apparently MY Hipocrosy Knows No Bounds...
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| Gee, she's not the total bitch everyone thinks she is. | |
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| Absolutely right, hun. I am so totally writing an email to your boss telling him how awesome you've been during this audit." | |
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Smiling Benignly, Thinking Malignantly
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| That's great. You know I could use that. My review is coming up. I don't expect a raise, but I so deserve a promotion given what I do." | |
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| You mean, gossip and kiss ass? You are on your way to management, bitch. | |
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