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| I welcome you to the sweet return of the Tiger Fist! Understand my loins are correct in their assumptions! Here comes the H.O.T.! | |
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| I fear not the unanswerable whisper of Destiny's hand of fate. I call to the seraph and it beckons my kidney. Verily! Feel Ancient Lard 3 Technique! | |
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The stakes have been raised in this feud of fueds. I am not understanding the kung fu, but light shone and verily I speak anon!
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| Hm, Ancient Lard 3 technique, huh? Too strong for me. | |
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And with that, the most holy of ancient battles is completed. But when the winds howl in the night for a champion, the kung fu shall be unleashed once again. Hail the power and the fury!
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| Go away or I'll call the cops. | |
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| Come back... It's lonely out here... | |
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