A few months ago in Iraq ... meanwhile, at the White House ...
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| Now, George, pay attention here, because you're going to have to go on National TV and we have to be ready if the teleprompter breaks ... | |
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| Hey Dick, I was prayin' again the other day ... I said, "Hello God. Are you there? It's me, George." I was prayin' for a big enchilada sammich but it never came! WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME LORD? | |
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| *sigh* I'm sure that God doesn't hate you George, he just-- | |
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| Hey, Don, Colin, anyone, can one of you guys bring a tranquilizer or somethin' so that I can get Gee-Dub here to pay attention? We got a show in little while and he's not even off cue cards yet. | |
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| Hee ... your name is Dick ... dick dick dick dick ... my dad would get mad if he heard me say that, but guess what dad, IT'S MY WHITE HOUSE NOW! I'M LIVIN' FO SHIZZLE IN THE HIZZLE! | |
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