We interrupt our regular StripCreator programming to bring you this special report. Live from drunken-brawl-torn Absolutistan, here's Barbie WaWa.
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| We're here with Dan, the brilliant inventor who has created the Pocket Projector. Dan, what exactly does your invention do? | |
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| It... uh... projects things. And... uh, it's small. So it fits in your pocket. I think. | |
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| You've been so busy lately, with all your donkey sodomizing accessories and other assorted inanities; when did you have time to come up with this idea? | |
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| I had the idea when I dodged the draft back in the Vietnam War. I thought, "If I could become a tree, I could be an actor or something." Of course, Kevin Costner beat me to that. | |
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| So how about a demonstration of your device? What's so funny? | |
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