Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Adolph and Katherine: Scene 2
Hello? Is this Katherine Heil-Gal's agent?
It's pronounced Heigl, but yes.
I would like to present her with an award for Best Actress.
For which role?
After watching all of her movies, it appears that all of her roles are pretty much the same so, just a general Best Actress award.
Sounds pretty bogus, but Katherine will take what she can get.
four_legged_tripod's Comics
11/20/21 - Real Life: No-vember
11/02/21 - Real Life: Subway Stop
10/27/21 - #vanlife: Trunk-or-Trick
10/18/21 - Trailer Taylor in FMLA
09/30/21 - Knock Knock
09/15/21 - Real Life: s h I.T.
09/11/21 - Real Life: Feeling Old
08/25/21 - Simian Says: NSFW
08/21/21 - Made with Love
08/12/21 - Read Between the Lines
08/05/21 - To the Rear!
07/26/21 - Heavenly Sports
07/23/21 - Real Life: Passwords
07/16/21 - Simian Say: Dr. Huxtable's Prescription
07/16/21 - #vanlife: jiffy lubed
07/06/21 - Real Life: Cinco de Fourth
06/30/21 - #vanlife: work life balance
06/29/21 - #vanlife: road trip
06/25/21 - #vanlife: supplemental income
06/25/21 - #vanlife: leg room
06/25/21 - #vanlife: florida man
06/24/21 - #vanlife: extracurriculars
06/24/21 - #vanlife: mcwifi
06/16/21 - #vanlife: utility payments
06/15/21 - #vanlife: to the window.... to the walls
06/14/21 - #vanlife: mobile home
06/12/21 - #vanlife: pickup artist
06/07/21 - Visionary
05/25/21 - Real Life: Cam Girl
05/17/21 - Real Life: Recruitment
05/10/21 - Real Life: #vanlife
05/04/21 - Negatron
04/26/21 - Noice!
04/14/21 - Day Scheming
04/10/21 - Ye Olde Phone Pranks
04/06/21 - Simian Says: Appealing
04/01/21 - Exsmelliarmus
04/01/21 - If April 1st Fell on Easter Sunday
03/23/21 - Kung Pow
03/17/21 - Loopholes
02/17/21 - Rush-ing to Conclusions
02/12/21 - Lending a Helping Hand
02/11/21 - Do the Hustle!
02/02/21 - Here's a Tip
01/29/21 - The Golden Shower Rule
01/27/21 - King of Kings: Alt Ending
01/25/21 - King of Kings
01/20/21 - Pictionary
01/12/21 - Bath Time
01/05/21 - Real Life: Numbers Game
12/30/20 - Gilligan!!!
12/21/20 - To Turn a Phrase
12/21/20 - Tis the Season
12/16/20 - Pass Over
12/16/20 - Stuck
12/07/20 - Ziggy's Golden Years: Fork You
11/24/20 - He's Got a Point
11/18/20 - Simian Says: Virus Alert
11/16/20 - Real Life: On the Job
11/08/20 - Final Jeopardy
11/03/20 - Just No Convertibles
11/02/20 - The League of Extraordinarily Dead Gentlemen
10/28/20 - Auditioning for the Part of "Black Guy Getting Pulled Over"
10/07/20 - Romancing the Necromancer
10/06/20 - I Can't Survive 65
10/05/20 - The Blade That Cuts the Deepest
10/01/20 - Real Life: Fitbits
09/21/20 - An Inconvenient Ruth
09/14/20 - re: Groovy! - I'd like to take a BAT to the MAN!
09/09/20 - Fixin' 2020
09/03/20 - Mouse Party
08/31/20 - Black Panther Day
08/25/20 - Nip Slip
08/21/20 - Real Life: Back to School
07/28/20 - Dead with Regis
07/13/20 - Summer Lovin'
07/10/20 - Ziggy's Golden Years: Hide and Seek
07/06/20 - Click all Boxes with Traffic Signs
06/24/20 - Antisocial Distancing
06/23/20 - If it's Good Enough for Batman...
06/22/20 - Haunted Hiz-ouse
06/22/20 - Good Will Hee Hawing
06/18/20 - Real Life: Failure to Communicate
06/03/20 - Seen at the Scene
06/02/20 - Middle Life Crisis
05/20/20 - What if COVID 19 was Called Jake
05/20/20 - Clean Up in Aisle Seven
05/20/20 - Joe Knows
05/11/20 - Festivus No More
05/11/20 - Good Golly
05/04/20 - Real Life: Semantics
04/16/20 - Hall Pass
04/08/20 - Trippin'
03/31/20 - Find Your Nearest Hoarder
03/26/20 - RCL: China Vagina
03/25/20 - RCL: One Lump or Two
03/25/20 - RCL: Private Brown Eye
03/25/20 - Real Life: City Wide Shutdown
03/19/20 - Counting Counts
03/17/20 - Real Life: Happy Saint Patrick's Day
03/12/20 - Corona Diet
03/11/20 - Simian Says: Friends No More
03/09/20 - Simian Says: How Low Can You Go?
03/09/20 - Simian Says: Sit and Spin
03/09/20 - Giant Ice Cubes
03/03/20 - Sticky Situations
03/02/20 - Typo
03/02/20 - If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say?
02/24/20 - Simian Says: Soap Opera
02/24/20 - Simian Says: It's Only a Number
02/20/20 - Simian Says: Note Worthy
02/20/20 - Real Life: Dress for Success
02/18/20 - Simian Says: Letter of the Law
02/14/20 - Simian Says: Ebony and Irony
02/13/20 - Simian Says: Aaaaaaaand Action!
02/13/20 - Simian Says: Material Witless
01/29/20 - Untitled
01/29/20 - Untitled
01/08/20 - White Sale
12/17/19 - What's at the Gift Shop?
12/10/19 - I Hate Mondays
11/22/19 - Depends on Your Definition of "Job"
11/20/19 - Real Life: Samples
11/11/19 - Real Life: Spare Some Change
11/11/19 - Parts: Part 3
11/11/19 - Parts: Part 2
11/11/19 - Parts: Part 1
11/06/19 - Lunch Break
11/05/19 - Store Policy
10/03/19 - Real Life: The Talking Heads
09/13/19 - Money for Nothing
08/30/19 - Hump Day!
08/28/19 - Real Life: Healthy Habits
08/26/19 - Freaky
08/26/19 - It Was All Just A Publicity Stunt
08/23/19 - Foodies
08/22/19 - True Colors
08/05/19 - The robot without friends Translated
07/30/19 - Ten Out of Ten Cup
07/26/19 - Police and science-navigation Translated
07/24/19 - Translating LEAVING THINGS
07/24/19 - Hillbilly Dinner is Served
07/23/19 - Trailer Taylor: Dad Jokes
07/12/19 - Hurricane Barry
07/09/19 - Reforming Celebrations
06/24/19 - Real Life: Call Me Maybe
06/21/19 - Pets Make the Worst Pokemon
05/29/19 - Next RCL
05/29/19 - Moving as Slow as a Melting Glacier
05/20/19 - template 717
05/20/19 - The Notorious G.D.F.
05/13/19 - Real Life: Equal Opportunity Offenders
05/03/19 - The Bigger They Are...
05/03/19 - McIdiots
04/29/19 - Trailer Taylor: Dad Jokes
04/24/19 - That was Random
04/15/19 - Real Life: Touchy Touchy
04/12/19 - Great Pissing Matches in History Part 3
04/12/19 - Great Pissing Matches in History Part 2
04/12/19 - Great Pissing Matches in History Part 1
04/10/19 - Business Class of 2019
04/08/19 - Beating rags4_bacon to the Punch
03/27/19 - Two Fingers of Jack
03/26/19 - She Nose
03/25/19 - Being Nosey
03/18/19 - Parks and Wrecks
03/18/19 - Take Me to Church
03/05/19 - Next Week on the Bachelor
03/05/19 - Snow Wonder 3
02/18/19 - The Whole Tooth and Nothing but the Tooth
02/13/19 - Real Life: The Dirty Dog Whisperer
01/28/19 - Rags to Riches
01/21/19 - Armless Anders
12/20/18 - Honestly
12/11/18 - Ode to biped: Sally's Christmas Songs
12/03/18 - Two in the Bush
11/30/18 - Are Ya Ready Kids?!
11/30/18 - Real Life: #November
11/27/18 - Victory Continued
11/14/18 - King Tut Tut Tut
11/12/18 - Let Us All Marvel
11/08/18 - It's a Wonderful Laugh
11/08/18 - Fah Rah Rah Rah Rah, Rah Rah Rah Rah
11/05/18 - Victory!
10/18/18 - HGTV
10/18/18 - J Lo is with the Junk in the Trunk
10/16/18 - ctrl+alt+delete
10/04/18 - Family Feud
10/03/18 - Real Life: Trump Card
09/25/18 - Real Life: Birthday Gifts
09/06/18 - Reynolds Wrap
09/06/18 - Score Board
08/29/18 - Hey, Baby!
08/27/18 - The 700 Club
08/16/18 - The Queen of the Recently Departed Soul
08/09/18 - Behind the Scenes at Family Ties
08/09/18 - Gilligan's Island
07/25/18 - Shortie Order Cook
07/13/18 - Ziggy's Golden Years: Do Not Disturb
07/11/18 - Ziggy's Golden Years: Interior Design
07/10/18 - Real Life: Geekity, Geekity, Goo
07/10/18 - Ziggy's Golden Years: Call Waiting
06/27/18 - Beat It
06/27/18 - Pawn Stars
06/07/18 - Next Week on Master Chef
06/07/18 - It's-a Winner!
06/07/18 - Out of this World
05/21/18 - Real Life: Chick-Fil-A
05/18/18 - Real Life: School's Out for the Summer
05/14/18 - Sex Ed
05/08/18 - Comedy Bang Bang
04/27/18 - The Bald and the Beautiful
04/27/18 - Toe the Line
04/24/18 - Trailer Taylor: Sports
04/24/18 - Supper Man!
04/24/18 - Unemployment Man!
04/16/18 - Numbers Game
04/16/18 - Bombs Away
04/12/18 - Not My Joke, But I Found it Funny
04/11/18 - Web Head
04/10/18 - Real Life: Schedules
04/06/18 - Real Life: Customer Service Call
04/02/18 - Fool Me Once
03/30/18 - Almost a Bobbit
03/29/18 - Dilly Dilly
03/21/18 - Maybe Tomorrow
03/14/18 - Poppin' a Wheelie
03/01/18 - One Titillating Story
03/01/18 - Real Life: Game Show Network
02/23/18 - White Noise
02/21/18 - It is Well
02/21/18 - Taking a Bite Out of Crime
02/14/18 - Real Life: Freezer Burn
02/14/18 - Hashtag
01/31/18 - Dino Sore
01/24/18 - Maybe in the Future...
01/15/18 - Scout's Honor
01/15/18 - Did She Linger?
01/10/18 - The Crimson King
01/09/18 - Scat Cat
01/03/18 - One Stand Up Pig
12/19/17 - The Big Mac Daddy
12/14/17 - Blow Up
12/13/17 - Leave it to Beaver: The Lost Episode
12/01/17 - If You Can't Take the Heat
11/28/17 - Real Life: Alexa
11/27/17 - "Blowing, pluck it out the window"
11/22/17 - Too Soon
11/20/17 - Roma Downey's Next
11/20/17 - Helter Skelter
11/15/17 - Real Life: Know Your Audience
11/01/17 - Real Life: Patriot Act
11/01/17 - Hair of the Dog
10/03/17 - Won't Be Comin' Round Here No More
10/02/17 - I've Got You Pegged
09/21/17 - Dino-Might!
09/19/17 - Order Up
08/29/17 - The Dog's Not Here
08/16/17 - Town Spirit!
08/08/17 - Not So Goodtime Hour
08/07/17 - Car Talk
07/31/17 - Fant-ASS-tic!
07/27/17 - Yak On, Yakov
07/24/17 - Real Life: It's Just a Theory
07/17/17 - Squatty Potty
07/17/17 - Black to Basics
07/07/17 - Recycle
07/07/17 - Scared Straight
07/05/17 - Real Life: Party Time
06/16/17 - What if Weed Meant Grades?
06/14/17 - What if the Plural of Ice was Ices?
05/11/17 - Real Life: Hard Time
04/27/17 - Real Life: Drop it
04/21/17 - Real Life: Getting to Know the Neighbors
04/19/17 - The Last Words of Aaron Hernandez
04/19/17 - Pretend That They're Driving a Car
04/17/17 - Not My Blonde Joke, but Still Funny
04/17/17 - Real Life: Risen
04/13/17 - Real Life: Shower Time
04/11/17 - Real Life: Dreamscape
04/03/17 - Real Life: Why LOTR Felt Like a 6 Hour Movie
03/29/17 - RE: This is Stupid
03/24/17 - Number Two to Go
03/16/17 - And It Rhymes with Finger
03/16/17 - Real Life: Password
03/16/17 - Real Life: Reset
03/10/17 - Real Life: Give Me Credit
02/23/17 - Real Life: Fear Itself
02/07/17 - Real Life: Animal Instinct
01/24/17 - Jack be Nimble
01/24/17 - Shocking
01/24/17 - Just Say Yes
01/17/17 - 8 Degrees
01/03/17 - TMI
01/02/17 - Real Life: Crossy Road
12/30/16 - Real Life: Losing My Religion
12/29/16 - When it Rains...
12/27/16 - Return of the Dead-Guy
12/26/16 - You Gotta Have Faith
12/19/16 - Slippery Slope
12/19/16 - Picture Zsa Zsa Dead
12/19/16 - Real Life: Elephant in the Room
12/06/16 - Back to What Future?
12/02/16 - Real Life: Two for One
11/28/16 - Listen Close
11/28/16 - Banana Republic
11/28/16 - Sorry, I Thought You Said "Global Swarming"
11/27/16 - Fidel of Dreams
11/25/16 - Florence + the Death Machine
11/22/16 - Real Life: But it's on Sale!
11/04/16 - Rags to Switches
10/31/16 - Real Life: Testy, Testy
10/24/16 - Talkin' with I.T.
10/13/16 - March On
10/04/16 - And So it Shall be Written!
09/29/16 - W.W. President
09/29/16 - Bad Pick Up Lines at the Furniture Store
09/28/16 - Real Life: Get Wit It
09/27/16 - Chairman of the Board
09/26/16 - A Hole for One
09/22/16 - Dinner Party
09/21/16 - Separation Anxiety
08/29/16 - The Purge: August 29, 2016
08/09/16 - Overheard at the Cosby Trial
08/04/16 - How to Cover up Anal Rape
07/22/16 - Real Life: Pokey Man
07/08/16 - Old New York
05/23/16 - Now I've Got Laundry Money
05/20/16 - Real Life: Guessing Game
05/20/16 - Have You Herd?
05/18/16 - Out of Options
05/12/16 - Power Up
05/03/16 - Picasso Running Bull
05/03/16 - You Can Take the Engineer Out of the Station...
04/21/16 - This is Why Doves Cry
04/14/16 - Kids Will be Kids
04/11/16 - Steve's Got Jobs
03/07/16 - Real Life: Lent
03/02/16 - A Baby Seal Walks into a Club
02/22/16 - Real Life: Appliances
01/07/16 - One of These is Funnier
12/14/15 - Trailer Taylor: Take a Position
12/11/15 - Space Race: 2015
12/10/15 - Miss Direction
12/04/15 - Plymouth Rocked
12/02/15 - Simian Says: H.I.T.V.
11/25/15 - The Ragu Saga Continues
11/24/15 - Ragu Gets Ready
11/04/15 - World's Worst Talk on Campfire Safety
11/03/15 - World's Worst Episode of Dora the Explorer
11/02/15 - Striking!
10/28/15 - The Rape Loophole
10/07/15 - Hello Dolly
10/07/15 - Tongue in Cheek
10/07/15 - Your Mime is Up
10/06/15 - Dick in a Box
10/05/15 - He Should Have Had the Runs
10/05/15 - Real Life: The Big 4-0
09/30/15 - Phoning it In
09/21/15 - Dr. Brown Said...
09/21/15 - A for Effort
09/19/15 - Would You Like That Wrapped Up?
09/19/15 - Chen Gets His Ass Kicked
09/15/15 - Lordy, Lordy
09/10/15 - Patriot Day
09/03/15 - STDs are Really Love Bugs
09/02/15 - Real Life: Get On Up
08/19/15 - Eat Fresh
08/18/15 - Real Life: Comic Cup
08/18/15 - Real Life: Comic Cup
08/18/15 - Real Life: Comic Cup
08/18/15 - Real Life: Comic Cup
08/18/15 - Real Life: Comic Cup
08/18/15 - Real Life: Comic Cup
08/12/15 - It's Gonna be HUGE!
08/04/15 - Lights! Camera! Action!
08/03/15 - Lights! Camera!
07/27/15 - Ant-Man in 3D
07/14/15 - Stone Cold
07/14/15 - Snake Charmer
07/13/15 - Pun with Science
07/13/15 - Game Over
07/10/15 - Ziggy's Golden Years: Tipping the Scales
07/07/15 - Ziggy's Golden Years: Adult Toys
07/06/15 - Ziggy's Golden Years: Book 'em!
06/29/15 - Horse Flies
06/23/15 - One Less Man in Tights
06/22/15 - HE-MAN Translated
06/22/15 - 3 Out of 8
06/17/15 - A Softer-er World 5
06/12/15 - A Softer-er World 4
06/11/15 - Lord of the Burial Rings
06/09/15 - A Softer-er World 3
06/09/15 - A Softer-er World 2
06/09/15 - A Softer-er World
06/04/15 - Hello!
06/02/15 - The Penis Between Us
05/21/15 - 24 Carrots
05/15/15 - Real Life: In the Thicke of it
05/15/15 - Gives Me the Blues
05/14/15 - Check the Video
05/12/15 - One Panel with Punch Line
04/23/15 - RCLG for Change
04/16/15 - Name Change
04/14/15 - Marinara
04/09/15 - Mirror, Mirror
04/05/15 - Real Life: Easter Surprise
04/02/15 - If the Last Supper Fell on April 2nd
03/10/15 - BANG!
03/10/15 - Obama Ain't Here
03/02/15 - The Crabby Theory: The Right Stuff
03/02/15 - The Crabby Theory: Sticky Situation
03/02/15 - The Crabby Theory: Brad Pitt Cameo
03/02/15 - The Crabby Theory: The Duggars
03/02/15 - The Crabby Theory: Gone Girl
02/27/15 - Shatner's in Hell
02/25/15 - Atta Boy!
02/20/15 - Keeping a Cool Head
02/18/15 - Heads or Tails
02/18/15 - Nothing Like a 20 Year Old Joke
02/17/15 - Pokin' Pinocchio
02/12/15 - Adding to edoggy's Pictionary
02/10/15 - There's One Born Every Minute
02/10/15 - Clown Sex
02/09/15 - Clown College Mascots
01/29/15 - Pop Goes the Weasel
01/28/15 - Shoot
01/27/15 - Say What?!
01/27/15 - Real Life: Like a Fine Wine
01/20/15 - Meet the Faulkners
01/16/15 - ...
01/11/15 - And It's Full of Booty
01/05/15 - LPF 2
12/31/14 - Snow Wonder Continued
12/29/14 - Snow Wonder
12/18/14 - Christmas Pun
12/16/14 - Oh, Deer
12/09/14 - To the Tune of The Addams Family
12/09/14 - Set in Stone
12/05/14 - Jurassic Park
12/04/14 - The Muppets
11/14/14 - Real Life: Money Can't Buy You... Well, Sometimes it Can
10/31/14 - Real Life: Alma Mater
10/29/14 - I.T. Guys
10/29/14 - It's Better in Group
10/29/14 - Presidential Protein
10/27/14 - Real Life: Spam-A-Lot
10/21/14 - The Back of Spongebob's Shirt Gets a Close Up
10/14/14 - Light a Match and Then the Christmas Candle
10/13/14 - Wanting to be Touched by an Angel
10/09/14 - Real Life: The Joys of Owning a Cat
09/25/14 - Planet Tripod: Spider-Parts 3
09/25/14 - Planet Tripod: Spider-Parts 2
09/24/14 - Planet Tripod: Spider-Parts
09/18/14 - Riffing on a brycecain Comic
09/15/14 - Real Life: What If...
09/09/14 - Labor Pains
09/08/14 - How Low Can You Go?
09/08/14 - Let's Go Team!
09/08/14 - Everybody Knows That
09/05/14 - Joan of Snark
09/03/14 - Black Light Alley
08/26/14 - Times Are Tough
08/25/14 - That's All Folks!
08/25/14 - A Festive Way to Go
08/14/14 - Brad Tries Something New
08/14/14 - Stripcreator: A New Beginning
08/13/14 - Real Life: Type Casting
08/12/14 - Nanu Nanu
07/29/14 - Like Father...
07/29/14 - Ask Danny DeVito
07/24/14 - Won't See That on TV
07/11/14 - Surprise Me!
07/10/14 - Upselling
07/03/14 - The Gift That Keeps on Giving
06/26/14 - Real Life: Sara Lee
06/24/14 - Hippy Dippy
06/16/14 - Real Life: The Borrowers
06/13/14 - Casual Friday
06/06/14 - Don't Cramp My Style
06/02/14 - Was it Marsha, Marsha, Marsha?
05/30/14 - The Whip-Cracker!
05/28/14 - The Ghost and Mr. Chicken
05/28/14 - Australia After Dark
05/28/14 - I Know Why the Caged Bird Can Still Whistle
05/25/14 - It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's a Blue Oyster!
05/21/14 - Real Life: Won't You Be My Neighbor
05/20/14 - Call of Doodie
05/16/14 - Paint By Numbers VI
05/16/14 - Paint By Numbers V
05/16/14 - Paint By Numbers IV
05/16/14 - Paint By Numbers III
05/16/14 - Paint By Numbers II
05/15/14 - 8 Degrees
05/13/14 - The Human Fisting Centipede
05/09/14 - Paint By Numbers
05/05/14 - Bank Shot
05/05/14 - AT&T Commercial Outakes
04/30/14 - Framed Again!
04/29/14 - Aggressive Marketing 5
04/29/14 - Aggressive Marketing 4
04/29/14 - Aggressive Marketing 3
04/29/14 - Aggressive Marketing 2
04/10/14 - Sugar Plum Fairies II
04/10/14 - Fairy Dust
04/09/14 - Office Fairy II
04/09/14 - Island Fairy II
04/09/14 - Island Fairy
04/09/14 - Office Fairy
04/09/14 - Fairy Sneeze
04/09/14 - Zombie Fairy
04/09/14 - Sugar Plum Fairies
04/07/14 - Real Life: Money Mangement
04/02/14 - Maybe, Abey Baby
03/28/14 - Therapy
03/27/14 - What's in a Name?
03/26/14 - Real Life: To Tell the Truth
03/17/14 - By Satan's Power
03/13/14 - Spell it out Already!
03/11/14 - Please Make it Stop
03/05/14 - It's Twue, It's Twue!
02/27/14 - Real Life: It's All in How You Say It
02/24/14 - Tipsey Russell
02/24/14 - RIP Harold Ramis
02/14/14 - Happy Valentine's Day!
02/13/14 - Hitler XXX
02/11/14 - And Stir it with a Lollipop
02/10/14 - Before and After
02/03/14 - The Truman Capote Show
01/31/14 - I'm Not Superman
01/23/14 - On This Day - Feb 29th
01/23/14 - Simian Says: The Farmer Fucker
01/22/14 - On This Day - October 4th
01/17/14 - Last Name: Gordon
01/14/14 - MESSIAH!
01/06/14 - Open Wide and Say "Ga Ga Goo"
01/02/14 - Real Life: New Year's Eve
12/31/13 - One Sick Puppy
12/30/13 - Real Life: Jingle Smells
12/19/13 - Of All the Rotten Luck
12/19/13 - Real Life: Night Night
12/17/13 - FTC 171
12/05/13 - The S Word
12/03/13 - Random Comic Layout Deux
12/03/13 - Random Comic Layout
12/02/13 - You're Not Invited. Period.
12/02/13 - Real Life: Deck the Halls
11/30/13 - No Lucky Number 7
11/27/13 - Ziggy's Golden Years: The Magical Fruit
11/24/13 - Real Life: Give Thanks
11/24/13 - Real Life: iMakeup
11/22/13 - FTC
11/20/13 - If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
11/12/13 - Jesus is the Answer
11/06/13 - Thanksgiving Memento
11/02/13 - In a Vacuum
11/01/13 - Smokey Bear
10/30/13 - Hashtag
10/24/13 - Re: iconoclastic
10/22/13 - You Have Not Because You Ask Not
10/22/13 - Great Taste, Less Filling
10/17/13 - Atax
10/07/13 - Real Life: Forget-Me-Not
10/07/13 - Real Life: Lickity Split
10/02/13 - Dyslexic Dan the Substitute Teacher
10/02/13 - The Hunt for Brown October
10/01/13 - WW 84
09/25/13 - Real Life: Foreign Language
09/23/13 - White Guys
09/20/13 - PDS
09/18/13 - Men Cannot Just be Friends with Women
09/07/13 - DSM High-5
09/05/13 - Out of Focus
09/02/13 - Out of Hand
08/30/13 - The Long and Short of It
08/26/13 - Every 8 Seconds
08/19/13 - Out to Lunch
08/12/13 - Real Life: W.A.S.P. Nest
08/11/13 - Re: Ragu's Adventures of Dick & Rick
08/09/13 - Celebrity Crush
08/07/13 - FTC 164: Ragu Wants His Sea Men
08/07/13 - Inn and Out
08/06/13 - FTC 164: One Way
08/06/13 - FTC 164: Can You Hear Me Now?
07/29/13 - And the Horse You Rode in On
07/29/13 - The Perils of Being a Spoon Salesman
07/29/13 - Amanda Bynes
07/25/13 - Accidental Hygiene
07/18/13 - The Secret Lives of Seeds
07/16/13 - You're Gonna Like the Way You Look Dead
07/02/13 - Real Life: Mourning Wood
06/25/13 - Real Life: Origin Story
06/20/13 - Real Life: Arcade Fire
06/20/13 - Real Life: Ships Ahoy
06/20/13 - Real Life: It's a Jungle Out There
06/20/13 - Real Life: Going Continental
06/20/13 - Real Life: Staycation
06/07/13 - K.F.W.
06/06/13 - DOOSH! DOOSH! DOOSH!
06/05/13 - Real Life: Birthday Wish
05/22/13 - Real Life: Over the Rainbow
05/20/13 - Rinse Your Mouth with Holy Water
05/20/13 - Catholic Calisthenics
05/12/13 - Happy Mother's Day
05/08/13 - Last Woman Not Standing
05/06/13 - At Least He Didn't Jump Jump
05/06/13 - Giving Charities a Black Eye
05/02/13 - Real Life: Son's Best Friend
05/01/13 - One in the Pink, Two in the Tink
04/29/13 - What if Blowjobs Meant Money
04/29/13 - Shit for Charity
04/29/13 - Real Life: Motherly Love
04/23/13 - Jesus Tastes Like Chicken
04/18/13 - Real Life: Filibuster
04/16/13 - Real Life: Tax Deadline
04/09/13 - Open Mouth...
04/08/13 - The First Meteorologist
04/07/13 - Pep Talk
04/07/13 - A Man and His Bluetooth
04/04/13 - Thumb Wrestling
03/26/13 - Armless Anders
03/25/13 - Climb On
03/25/13 - Holy Movie Theater, Batman!
03/20/13 - Passing Judgment
03/15/13 - Maybe He Needs a Shower
03/14/13 - Catholic Terrorists
03/13/13 - Score One for the Pope
03/13/13 - De-Liver Us!
03/12/13 - Getting Warmer
03/02/13 - It Goes 90 Miles an Hourglass
03/01/13 - Keys to the Kingdom
02/26/13 - How Spam Changed From Food to Junk Email
02/22/13 - As Long As They're Wrinkled
02/20/13 - NSFW
02/16/13 - Half a Million Motherfucking gabe_billings
02/14/13 - Cupid Doesn't Miss
02/13/13 - Just Do It
02/12/13 - Legs Wide Shut
02/08/13 - Twat Swat
02/05/13 - S.C.R.O.A.T.S.
02/05/13 - S.C.R.O.A.T.S.
02/04/13 - Bite Me!
02/04/13 - They Got Robbed!
01/28/13 - I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues Clues
01/26/13 - July 20, 1969
01/18/13 - Homophobe's Homophones
01/17/13 - Teo! Teo! Daylight Come an' We Wanna Go Home
01/10/13 - Real Life: Heaven Scent
01/09/13 - Side Pie Effects
01/08/13 - Real Life: I Heard That
01/02/13 - Bless You
12/28/12 - Turn Back Now
12/27/12 - Real Life: Christmas Trap
12/04/12 - Shooting From the Hipster
12/04/12 - Picture This
11/16/12 - This is Uranus
11/16/12 - Rolling in the Deep
10/29/12 - Saddle Up!
10/17/12 - The Evidence Against Armstrong
10/08/12 - pillow talk
10/03/12 - Out of Left Field
10/02/12 - Real Life: Ultimate Fortune Cookie
09/12/12 - Keep on Trackin'
09/10/12 - Real Life: Water Supply
09/06/12 - The Psychic Sidekick
08/29/12 - Rabbit Season
08/22/12 - cc
08/10/12 - Homophobe's Homophones
07/30/12 - God Hates Lincoln
07/29/12 - Finger Lickin' Good
07/26/12 - Red Handed
07/25/12 - Movin' On Up
07/24/12 - Real Life: Board Names
07/23/12 - Real Life: Nap Time
07/18/12 - Number 2, Super Sized
07/03/12 - Howard, We Have a Problem
07/02/12 - Family Resemblance
06/28/12 - Symptoms Include Memory Loss
06/28/12 - Lifeless in Seattle
06/26/12 - Eat Like a Pig
06/21/12 - Politically Un-Groovy
06/21/12 - It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Super O!
06/19/12 - Space Tours
06/19/12 - 2 Birds
06/18/12 - L.A.ugh RIOT
06/16/12 - Real Life: Toy Story
06/13/12 - Pick 'Em Up 2
06/13/12 - Pick 'Em Up
06/11/12 - Medically Speaking
06/11/12 - Get the Point?
06/10/12 - DP2
06/10/12 - DP
06/10/12 - Rent
06/05/12 - Real Life: Child's Play
05/31/12 - Monster Mash
05/30/12 - Killing Idol Time
05/29/12 - Real Life: Future Self Warning
05/28/12 - Real Life: Potty Mouth
05/27/12 - Immortal Kombat
05/25/12 - Real Life: Kitchen Gourmet
05/22/12 - The Icing on the Cake
05/21/12 - They Died of Saturday Night Fever
05/20/12 - Jesus Pong
05/11/12 - Real Life: Old Folks Home
05/09/12 - 7 Degrees
05/09/12 - 7 Degrees
05/09/12 - 7 Degrees
05/09/12 - 7 Degrees
05/09/12 - 7 Degrees
05/09/12 - 7 Degrees
05/09/12 - 7 Degrees
05/09/12 - 7 Degrees
05/09/12 - The Miracle of Jesus Doing the Moon Walk
05/09/12 - The Adventures of Mr. Feet
05/09/12 - Real Life: TV Time
05/08/12 - After Walking on Water, Jesus Walks on the Horizon
05/08/12 - Where the Wild Things Mourn
05/06/12 - Hee Haw Heaven
05/05/12 - Real Life: BFF
05/04/12 - Streets of Gold and a Monkey of Brass
05/02/12 - How Queer Changed From Odd to Gay
04/30/12 - A Leak of Their Own
04/26/12 - Real Life: Breaking Up is Hard to Do
04/20/12 - Real Life: 4/20
04/18/12 - Heaven: April 17, 2012
04/18/12 - The Perfect Teacher Interview
04/17/12 - D = L
04/16/12 - The Origin of Catsup
04/16/12 - The Origin of Catsup
04/16/12 - The Origin of Catsup
04/05/12 - Lunchroom Penguins
04/04/12 - Do the Hokey Pokey!
03/23/12 - Cool at the Pool
03/23/12 - Black on White
03/20/12 - Caller Number 10
03/20/12 - For Brad
03/20/12 - This One's
03/16/12 - Real Life: Family Game Night
03/14/12 - The Brady Bunch
03/14/12 - We Became
03/14/12 - That's the Way
03/13/12 - Take My Penis and Call Me in the Morning
03/12/12 - Barn Stormin'
03/12/12 - Barn Stormin'
03/12/12 - Barn Stormin'
03/08/12 - The Foot of Mormon
03/04/12 - Going Crotchless
03/04/12 - The Amazing Scotch Crotch!
03/03/12 - The Amazing Crotch Crutch!
03/01/12 - 40 Days of Horse Meat
03/01/12 - Real Life: Dress Rehearsal
02/29/12 - No Poo Flinging
02/28/12 - Pump Up the Jam
02/26/12 - Real Life: Enough
02/26/12 - Batty Betty the Official Porn Parody
02/26/12 - Batty Betty Begins
02/25/12 - Batty Betty Forever
02/25/12 - Batty Betty Returns
02/23/12 - I Also Brought Some Dip
02/21/12 - Lost Tom Cruise Audition Tapes for Interview with a Vampire
02/21/12 - Bored at Work
02/20/12 - Up in the Air
02/18/12 - Take Me To Your Wiener
02/15/12 - Batty Betty Part VII
02/15/12 - Batty Betty Part VI
02/15/12 - Batty Betty Part V
02/15/12 - Batty Betty Part IV
02/15/12 - Batty Betty Part III
02/15/12 - Batty Betty Part II
02/15/12 - Batty Betty Part I
02/13/12 - Real Life: King of the Mountain
02/13/12 - Ex-Bodyguard for Hire
02/07/12 - Trailer Taylor in Fun -N- Games
01/27/12 - For Here or to Go?
01/27/12 - Adolph and Katherine: Scene 4
01/27/12 - Adolph and Katherine: Scene 3
01/27/12 - Adolph and Katherine: Scene 2
01/27/12 - Adolph and Katherine: Scene 1
01/24/12 - Real Life: Choice Words
01/17/12 - Real Life: Middle Schoolers
01/14/12 - MLK REM
01/09/12 - Those Under 30 Won't Get This Joke
01/09/12 - The Brown Ribbon
12/29/11 - Baby Baby
12/29/11 - Heil Chef
12/28/11 - We Replaced These People's Brains with Goldfish Brains
12/27/11 - Details, Details
12/26/11 - Never Tease a Mexican Bird
12/24/11 - Family Ties
12/16/11 - Jingle Balls
12/16/11 - Slap Happy
12/15/11 - Die Trying
12/09/11 - I Made it Out of Clay 4
12/09/11 - I Made it Out of Clay 3
12/09/11 - I Made it Out of Clay 2
12/09/11 - I Made it Out of Clay
11/24/11 - Happy Black Friday
11/23/11 - Real Life: Ethnicity
11/15/11 - Overheard at the Intermission of an Orchestra Concert
11/10/11 - Slurpin' Sally
11/08/11 - The Mistaken Identities of Alan Goldman
11/05/11 - My Bloody Valentine
11/02/11 - Rubbed the Right Way
11/02/11 - Smoke 'Em While You Got 'Em
10/31/11 - Real Life: One Lump or Two
10/25/11 - Dirty Mouth
10/20/11 - Gaddammit
10/17/11 - Typo Negative
10/07/11 - Sonny and Chaz Go Skiing
10/06/11 - Oh If Only
10/05/11 - Crack Kills
10/03/11 - Check Your Package Before Boarding
09/27/11 - Trailer Taylor in Group On
09/27/11 - Real Life: Pillow Talk
09/22/11 - At Least There Won't be Hair in the Soup
09/18/11 - Star Wreck
09/07/11 - Undercover Agents
09/06/11 - Spider-Tits
09/06/11 - Trailer Taylor in Sex Ed
08/29/11 - If Mandingo Had a Catchphrase
08/24/11 - Smell My Finger!
08/24/11 - Smell My Finger!
08/24/11 - Smell My Finger!
08/24/11 - Smell My Finger!
08/11/11 - Real Life: Paying the Gas Bill
08/10/11 - Trailer Taylor in Animal Planet
08/03/11 - Real Life: Give Her a Hand
07/22/11 - Two's Company
07/19/11 - FTC 154
07/18/11 - One Flew Over the Office Desk
07/08/11 - Clinic-ly Tested
07/05/11 - Real Life: Finishing Each Others Sentences
06/29/11 - Real Life: Adult Disney
06/16/11 - King of the World
06/15/11 - Pull My Tentacle
06/15/11 - Aliens Don't Understand Donkey Punching
06/07/11 - A Woman's Right to Choose
06/07/11 - Getting Fresh
06/05/11 - Deleting Comics on
06/01/11 - Black Chick Thong After Booty Clap
06/01/11 - Black Chick Thong
05/31/11 - This Comic Just Gave Pepe Le Pew a Boner
05/31/11 - Sex
05/27/11 - FTC 153: See No Evil
05/24/11 - FTC 153: Homeward Bound
05/24/11 - FTC 153: Help Me Ron
05/20/11 - Famous Last Words
05/17/11 - Can We Name Her Harry?
05/10/11 - 6 Degrees
05/10/11 - 6 Degrees
05/10/11 - 6 Degrees
05/10/11 - 6 Degrees
05/10/11 - 6 Degrees
05/10/11 - 6 Degrees
05/10/11 - 6 Degrees
05/10/11 - 6 Degrees
04/29/11 - Sausage Casing
04/26/11 - I Feel a Breeze
04/25/11 - No Longer Blood Sisters
04/22/11 - The Creators of Valentine's Day Present: Arbor Day
04/20/11 - Burning Money
04/19/11 - Real Life: Doggie-House Bag
04/18/11 - Why Dogs Aren't Allowed in Movie Theaters
04/08/11 - Simian Says: Save Our Sheep
04/08/11 - Simian Say: 411
04/07/11 - Trailer Taylor in Bloody Religion
04/06/11 - The Doors
04/04/11 - i-Yi-i
04/04/11 - Apple, Apple, on a Stick
03/30/11 - Mystery Inc
03/30/11 - Mystery Inc
03/30/11 - Mystery Inc
03/30/11 - Mystery Inc
03/30/11 - Mystery Inc
03/30/11 - Mystery Inc
03/30/11 - Mystery Inc
03/29/11 - Polyamorous Pollyanna
03/29/11 - Polyamorous Pollyanna
03/29/11 - Polyamorous Pollyanna
03/29/11 - Simian Says: Boundaries
03/28/11 - When Fortune Smiles, She Shows Her False Teeth
03/25/11 - Simian Says: Better Letter
03/25/11 - Art Class is Later
03/22/11 - Timing is Everything
03/22/11 - Simian Says: Temptation Island
03/22/11 - Sponge-Boob Diaper-Pants!
03/22/11 - Pretend We Had Disney Characters to Work With
03/21/11 - He'll Have a Royal Flush Later
03/21/11 - I Lost My Virginity at Claires
03/18/11 - Simian Says: Heavy Petting
03/18/11 - Some Things Weren't Meant to Celebrate
03/18/11 - Real Life: Heavy Cream
03/17/11 - Sales 101
03/17/11 - Simian Say: Animal Farm
03/16/11 - Simian Says: Hold the Nuts
03/15/11 - Simian Say: Fuck Bob Barker
03/15/11 - Simian Says: What a Pussy
03/11/11 - Real Life: Joking Around
03/11/11 - Simian Says: On the Run
03/10/11 - Simian Says: Now What?
03/09/11 - Simian Says: Neutered
03/09/11 - Simian Says: Imagine That
03/09/11 - Simian Says: Busted
03/09/11 - Simian Says: Duped
03/08/11 - Simian Says: Off the Wagon
03/07/11 - Simian Says: Nice Try
03/07/11 - Yo Mama Likes Poetry
03/04/11 - Simian Says: One of These Things is Not Like the Other
03/04/11 - I Put A Sheen in My Limerick
03/03/11 - Simian Says: Unemployment Line
03/03/11 - Simian Says: Topsy Turvy
03/02/11 - Simian Says: Blows My Mind
03/02/11 - Simian Says: It's A Wonderful Laugh
03/02/11 - FTC 150
03/02/11 - Simian Says: Born Again
03/02/11 - Real Life: Testing, Testing
03/01/11 - A-bra Cada-bra 4
03/01/11 - A-bra Cada-bra 3
03/01/11 - A-bra Cada-bra 2
03/01/11 - A-bra Cada-bra
03/01/11 - Speed Trap
02/28/11 - Potty Break
02/28/11 - The Professional Fisherman was a Master Baiter
02/28/11 - Real Life: Music Critic
02/25/11 - 'Kay. Why Not?
02/25/11 - Real Life: Dog Days
02/23/11 - Ode to Choad
02/22/11 - I Have An Art-On
02/22/11 - White History Month
02/21/11 - On the Catwalk
02/21/11 - Real Life: Fashion Police
02/21/11 - Real Life: Spelunking
02/18/11 - A Million Points of Judith Light
02/17/11 - Bedside Manner
02/16/11 - Tim and Todd Play Risk
02/16/11 - Tim and Todd Play Risk
02/16/11 - Tim and Todd Play Risk
02/16/11 - Tim and Todd Play Risk
02/16/11 - Tim and Todd Play Risk
02/16/11 - Tim and Todd Play Risk
02/15/11 - Clearing the Air
02/14/11 - Life is Like a Box of Chocolates
02/14/11 - Dumbass!
02/10/11 - The Prophecy Has Been Fulfilled
02/10/11 - Jose 1, Immigration 0
02/10/11 - Real Life: Doctor Doctor
02/08/11 - Real Life: Rated M for Mature
02/08/11 - Real Life: Kitchen Tools
02/08/11 - Real Life: When I was Your Age
02/01/11 - Real Life: 1,2,3, Magic
02/01/11 - Minor Miners
01/28/11 - Real Life: After Birth
01/27/11 - Immigration 1, Jose 0
01/25/11 - The Alca-fairy!
01/24/11 - Finger Painting
01/21/11 - In Retrospect
01/21/11 - Stair Master
01/21/11 - Where's Neil Patrick Harris When You Need Him
01/21/11 - What a Prick
01/21/11 - How Armageddon Started
01/18/11 - Real Life: Top Chef
01/17/11 - Circle G
01/06/11 - Por Que?
12/28/10 - Whitney Dates the Undead Again
12/28/10 - Whitney Dates the Undead
12/22/10 - RCD 44
12/16/10 - Homophobe's Homophones
12/16/10 - Messin' with Backgrounds V
12/16/10 - Messin' with Backgrounds IV
11/30/10 - Part of a Nutritious Breakfast
11/30/10 - Wonder What A Lube Job Would Have Cost
11/16/10 - Office Politics Will Never Go Extinct
11/12/10 - 2 Hours Could've Been Taken Off the Run Time of "Hereafter"
11/10/10 - RDC 43: Another Case of the Hotsquats
11/10/10 - Hard Up
10/27/10 - Blowin' in the Wind
10/26/10 - To Betty, all Men are Al
10/19/10 - Not So Happy Days
10/12/10 - In the Beginning
10/08/10 - Narr-8
10/08/10 - Narr-8
10/08/10 - Narr-8
10/06/10 - Cat V. Dog
09/21/10 - Like a Virgin
09/21/10 - Like a Virgin
09/21/10 - Like a Virgin
09/21/10 - Like a Virgin
09/20/10 - Pac Man Fever
09/20/10 - We Didn't Start the Fire
08/31/10 - Milkin' It
08/25/10 - Is That Corn in Your Teeth?
08/11/10 - Trailer Taylor in Gimmie an S!
08/04/10 - And One More for the Groceries
08/03/10 - Quest For the Cup: Part 5 of 5
08/03/10 - Quest For the Cup: Part 4 of 5
08/03/10 - Quest For the Cup: Part 3 of 5
08/03/10 - Quest For the Cup: Part 2 of 5
08/03/10 - Quest For the Cup: Part 1 of 5
07/27/10 - Hard Time
07/27/10 - How Dyke Changed From Dam to Lesbian
07/19/10 - In the Beginning
07/13/10 - Guess Who
06/29/10 - Why You Should Never Give Jugglers in Hockey Masks "A Hand"
06/16/10 - Tunnel of Love
06/08/10 - Sheep in the Schity
06/08/10 - Sheep in the Schity
06/08/10 - Sheep in the Schity
06/07/10 - Here's a Tip
06/03/10 - A Real Golden Girl
06/03/10 - Oh You Will "Rue" the Day!
06/02/10 - Growing Pains
06/02/10 - This Land is My Land
06/01/10 - Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Hopper
05/28/10 - Whatchu Talkin' 'Bout?
05/27/10 - And I Didn't Even Use a Parachute
05/26/10 - Wee for Wii
05/24/10 - The Rain Cycle of Life
05/21/10 - Special Delivery
05/18/10 - Perverted Hanna Barbera Cartoons: Long Dong Phooey
05/18/10 - Perverted Hanna Barbera Cartoons: Rape Ape
05/18/10 - Real Life: Scat Cat
05/17/10 - OPC 47
05/17/10 - She's 26, Scout's Honor
05/10/10 - Wax On Wax Off
05/05/10 - Words to Live By
05/03/10 - Deleted Scene: Hamlet Gets Gonorrhea
04/19/10 - Quacker Jax
04/16/10 - Let Me Scrub Up First
04/14/10 - I'm Positive That's What I Heard
04/07/10 - Take My Advice
04/05/10 - Lip Service
03/23/10 - Real Life: Hocus Pocus
03/22/10 - Just Rub My Face in it Won't 'Cha?
03/22/10 - I'm Not Trying Hard Enough
03/22/10 - Pulling the Wool Over Your Eyes
03/15/10 - Real Life: Behind Closed Doors
03/15/10 - Ziggy's Golden Years: Shiver Me Timbers
03/10/10 - Ziggy's Golden Years: Bad Dog
03/09/10 - Ziggy's Golden Years: Lube Job
03/09/10 - Looney Poon
03/08/10 - Ziggy's Golden Years: Baggage Claim
03/03/10 - Ziggy's Golden Years: What's on the Menu
03/03/10 - Reminiscing About Prom Night
03/03/10 - Let Sleeping Rocks Lie
03/02/10 - Ziggy's Golden Years: Career Advice
03/02/10 - Ziggy's Golden Years: Take a Message
02/26/10 - Ziggy's Golden Years: iWish
02/25/10 - Ziggy's Golden Years: Say Cheese
02/24/10 - This Little Light of Mine
02/24/10 - Ziggy's Golden Years: Guessing Game
02/24/10 - Ziggy's Golden Years: On the Couch
02/23/10 - God Gets An Idea
02/23/10 - That's a Lot of Far Side Cartoons
02/23/10 - It'll Cost You an Arm and a Leg
02/22/10 - When Beer Can't Help You Decide Which Background to Use
02/22/10 - Ziggy's Golden Years: If I Only Had Some Wings
02/22/10 - Ziggy's Golden Years: If Wishes Were Horses
02/19/10 - Ziggy's Golden Years: Don't Worry be Happy
02/18/10 - Coo Coo for You
02/18/10 - Ziggy's Golden Years: The Right Prescription
02/17/10 - Ziggy's Golden Years: The Nose Knows
02/17/10 - Ziggy's Golden Years: Two Forms of ID
02/17/10 - Ziggy's Golden Years: The Cone of Shame
02/17/10 - Ziggy's Golden Years: It's all in the Name
02/17/10 - Ziggy's Golden Years: Blow Me
02/16/10 - Pregnant Paws
02/16/10 - Magically Delicious
02/16/10 - The Question Has Been Answered
02/16/10 - Probably Been Done Before
02/12/10 - Gettin' Juiced
02/12/10 - Bee Mine
02/11/10 - Remember to Put Things Back Where You Found Them
02/11/10 - Living Next Door to Toms
02/11/10 - C.O.P.S.
02/10/10 - Somebody Call 911!
02/10/10 - Which Came First
02/08/10 - Don't Click That Button!
02/08/10 - Just Don't Ask
02/08/10 - Real Life: Pearls of Wisdom
02/08/10 - Real Life: Clamming Up
02/05/10 - Run for the Border
02/05/10 - btw, lol!
02/04/10 - Acid Reflux
02/03/10 - How Clam Changed From Mollusk to Vagina
02/03/10 - What's up Your Twat?
02/01/10 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Thigh: 10PM
02/01/10 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Thigh: 9PM
01/27/10 - Now Seating Uncle Tom
01/26/10 - Pointing Out Good Art
01/18/10 - Real Life: Getting Warmer
01/12/10 - Messin' with Zombies VI
01/06/10 - Messin' with Zombies V
01/06/10 - Messin' with Zombie IV
01/05/10 - Would You Like Fries with That?
01/05/10 - Messin' with Zombies III
01/04/10 - Messin' with Zombies II
01/04/10 - I Need to Take a Number 2
01/04/10 - Down the Rabbit Hole
01/04/10 - ChristianBaleanity
01/04/10 - ChristianSlateranity
12/31/09 - Messin' with Zombies
12/28/09 - When You Care to Send Your Very Best
12/23/09 - Putting the Ex in X-Mas
12/23/09 - BYOA
12/23/09 - But I Bought the Bumper Sticker
12/23/09 - Look Before You Leap
12/21/09 - Last Panel First
12/17/09 - Messin' with Backgrounds III
12/17/09 - When Mr. Fantastic is too Lazy to Get Up to Use the Restroom
12/11/09 - Manual Labor
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (bb)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (aa)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (z)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (y)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (x)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (w)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (v)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (u)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (t)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (s)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (r)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (q)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (p)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (o)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (n)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (m)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (l)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (k)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (j)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (i)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (h)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (g)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (f)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (e)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (d)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (c)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (b)
12/09/09 - Twas the Night Before Kwanzaa (a)
12/09/09 - Break Time
12/08/09 - You Can Get by with a lot When No One Knows the Rules
12/07/09 - How Gay Changed From Happy to Homosexual
12/04/09 - Objects in Mirror are Closer than they Appear
12/04/09 - I Play One on TV
12/04/09 - After the After School Special
12/03/09 - After School Special
12/03/09 - Reindeer Games
12/01/09 - When Waiters Change Professions
11/25/09 - Spicin' it Up
11/25/09 - I Feel Different...
11/25/09 - The Stripcreator Players Present: A Read Through of Titanic
11/24/09 - Messin' with Backgrounds II
11/24/09 - Pearls Before Swine Flu
11/24/09 - Pearls Before Swine Flu
11/24/09 - Pearls Before Swine Flu
11/24/09 - Hair Club for Men
11/20/09 - Monet Talks
11/20/09 - Flight Attendants Gone Wild
11/20/09 - Outlining the Details
11/19/09 - Parks and Recreation Part 2
11/18/09 - Parks and Recreation
11/16/09 - When God Punishes Cartoons
11/13/09 - Messin' with Backgrounds
11/13/09 - Next Time on: Survivor
11/11/09 - Homophobe's Homophones
11/11/09 - Homophobe's Homophones
11/11/09 - Lost in Translation
11/09/09 - Phooey on You-ey Matsui: Chapter 5
11/09/09 - Phooey on You-ey Matsui: Chapter 4
11/09/09 - Phooey on You-ey Matsui: Chapter 3
11/09/09 - Phooey on You-ey Matsui: Chapter 2
11/09/09 - Phooey on You-ey Matsui: Chapter 1
11/02/09 - Life's a Crock When You're Named Reichenbock: Day 3
11/02/09 - Life's a Crock When You're Named Reichenbock: Day 2
11/01/09 - Life's a Crock When You're Named Reichenbock: Day 1
10/30/09 - Having Fun with Number One
10/29/09 - Chicken Feed
10/28/09 - Left Holding the Bag
10/28/09 - Linus 50 Years Later
10/27/09 - Penguin Pranks
10/23/09 - Transfer Pass Needed
10/21/09 - Working for the Weekend
10/21/09 - Little Known Fables: The Hot Dog and the Hallway
10/21/09 - Real Life: Puppet Master
10/13/09 - Real Life: Relationships
10/06/09 - CC435: A Simply Flawed Plan
09/23/09 - They Were Having A Titanic Sized Sale
09/23/09 - Occupied!!!
09/22/09 - The Booty's in the Booty
09/17/09 - Going to the Mattresses
09/09/09 - Tarintino Does Word Play
09/03/09 - CC 432: Real Life Overlord
09/02/09 - P.A.M.P.ER PROGRAM
08/12/09 - Where's the Penis Now?
08/09/09 - Sleezeball Snail: Cross Walkers
07/30/09 - Show Me Your Vag Badge
07/27/09 - CC 430:
07/18/09 - Shake Your Groove Thing
07/17/09 - Real Life: Four Legged Tripod
07/16/09 - Real Life: Wipe Out
07/15/09 - How Taco Changed From Food to Vagina
07/15/09 - How Johnson Changed From Man's Name to Penis
07/15/09 - How Beaver Changed From Animal to Vagina
07/15/09 - How Ass Changed From Donkey to Buttocks
07/15/09 - How Bitch Changed From Female Dog to Just Female
07/15/09 - How Pussy Changed From Cat to Vagina
07/15/09 - How Cock Changed From Rooster to Penis
07/15/09 - Sylvia Plath Meets Death
07/14/09 - Rookie of the Year
07/13/09 - Real Life: Family Bonds Alt Ending
07/13/09 - Real Life: Family Bonds
07/10/09 - Stripcreator Newbie
07/10/09 - WW 75: Limping Towards the Finish Line
07/10/09 - FTC146: Breakfast in Bed
07/10/09 - Cold as Ice
07/09/09 - FTC 145- Nobody's Home
07/08/09 - Evel Knievel Meets Dr. Evil VI
07/08/09 - Evel Knievel Meets Dr. Evil V
07/08/09 - Evel Knievel Meets Dr. Evil IV
07/08/09 - Evel Knievel Meets Dr. Evil III
07/08/09 - Evel Knievel Meets Dr. Evil II
07/08/09 - Evel Knievel Meets Dr. Evil I
07/06/09 - Conspiracy Theory
07/06/09 - McPeople's
07/02/09 - What if Rape Meant Smurf?
07/01/09 - Brangelina Meets Mr. Ed
06/30/09 - Bush Lover
06/29/09 - Gettin' A Clue
06/29/09 - Robots Gone Wild
06/26/09 - A Zombie's Farewell
06/26/09 - Bathroom Rules
06/25/09 - Another Dumb Law
06/25/09 - Dumb Laws
06/25/09 - Blonde Joke Set to Comic Strip
06/25/09 - Real Life: Theology
06/24/09 - Simian Says: The End of the Road
06/24/09 - Simian Says: God's Plan
06/24/09 - Simian Says: Come to Jesus
06/24/09 - Simian Says: Going Towards the Light
06/24/09 - Simian Says: 47 Hours Later
06/24/09 - Simian Says: Hello, Operator?
06/24/09 - Simian Says: Good News Bad News
06/24/09 - Simian Says: Hello Nurse!
06/24/09 - Simian Says: ER
06/24/09 - Simian Says: Not Feeling So Good
06/24/09 - Simian Says: Reunited
06/24/09 - Simian Says: False Advertising
06/24/09 - Simian Says: The Ex
06/24/09 - Simian Says: Naturally
06/24/09 - Simian Says: Getting to Know You
06/24/09 - Simian Says: Blind Date
06/23/09 - Simian Says: TV Time
06/23/09 - Real Life: Rhyme Time
06/23/09 - Simian Says: I'm Going Out
06/23/09 - Simian Says: Login Logout
06/23/09 - Simian Says: eHarmony
06/23/09 - Simian Says: Now What?
06/22/09 - Simian Says: Closet Conversations
06/22/09 - Simian Says: Meet the Crew
06/22/09 - Simian Says: Trapped in the Closet
06/22/09 - Simian Says: Sleeping Arrangements
06/22/09 - Simian Says: Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
06/22/09 - Simian Says: Pillow Talk
06/22/09 - Simian Says: Heavy Lifting
06/22/09 - Simian Says: Bedtime
06/22/09 - Simian Says: Who wants Brownies?
06/22/09 - Simian Says: The Naked Chef
06/22/09 - Simian Says: What's for Dinner?
06/22/09 - Real Life: 7 Year Bitch
06/19/09 - Simian Says: Chore Chart
06/19/09 - Simian Says: House Guest Rules
06/19/09 - Simian Says: Let's Meet at the Park
06/19/09 - Simian Says: Get Your Protein
06/19/09 - Simian Says: Do you speak Spanish?
06/18/09 - Simian Says: Last One Out...
06/18/09 - Simian Says: Black Out
06/18/09 - Simian Says: Tia's Busy
06/18/09 - Simian Says: The Bunnyman Cumeth
06/18/09 - Simian Says: The Set Up
06/18/09 - Simian Says: Turn the Tables
06/18/09 - Simian Says: Trapped
06/18/09 - Simian Says: House Call
06/17/09 - Simian Says: Caller ID
06/17/09 - Simian Says: TMI
06/17/09 - Simian Says: Let's Play Dress Up
06/17/09 - Simian Says: Intervention
06/17/09 - Simian Says: Nun-sense
06/17/09 - Simian Says: The Naked Truth
06/17/09 - Simian Says: Family Matters
06/16/09 - Simian Says: Shower Scene
06/16/09 - Simian Says: Clueless
06/16/09 - Simian Says: Breast Exam
06/15/09 - Simian Says: A New Beginning
06/11/09 - Simian Says: Eulogy
06/11/09 - Simian Says: In Space No One Can Hear You Implode
06/11/09 - Simian Say: The Final Frontier
06/10/09 - Simian Says: Awkward Silence
06/10/09 - Simian Says: Typos
06/10/09 - Simian Says: Facebook Me
06/10/09 - Simian Says: Stupid is as Stupid Does
06/10/09 - Simian Says: Bully Business
06/10/09 - Simian Says: Express Your Feelings
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