Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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I have won CC84, CC90, CC105, WW29, WW32, ICC22, OPC20, CC328, CC389, and CC440. I enjoy lampoon and parody. I have especially enjoyed the first 23 issues of Mad which I have as large hardcover reprints. I regularly read Sinfest, Non Sequitur, Dilbert, Pearls Before Swine, Monty (formerly Robotman), Lio, Diesel Sweeties, We the Robots, Boy on a Stick and Slither, Basic Instructions and some others. I'm also a fan of such discontinued strips as Calvin & Hobbes, The Far Side, Bloom County, Outland, Opus, Pogo, and Krazy Kat.

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by fpd
Knock, knock.
Whoooo's there?
Boo whooooooo?
Why are you crying?
I miss my mummy.
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fpd says:

I wanted to create a Halloween strip on Halloween, and I didn't have any great ideas. So I went with some stock juvenilia.
posted Aug 2nd, 2006 ( permalink )

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