Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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I have won CC84, CC90, CC105, WW29, WW32, ICC22, OPC20, CC328, CC389, and CC440. I enjoy lampoon and parody. I have especially enjoyed the first 23 issues of Mad which I have as large hardcover reprints. I regularly read Sinfest, Non Sequitur, Dilbert, Pearls Before Swine, Monty (formerly Robotman), Lio, Diesel Sweeties, We the Robots, Boy on a Stick and Slither, Basic Instructions and some others. I'm also a fan of such discontinued strips as Calvin & Hobbes, The Far Side, Bloom County, Outland, Opus, Pogo, and Krazy Kat.

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by fpd
I sure am a handome devil. I'd stare at myself all day if it weren't for my responsibility to share my greatness with the rest of the world.
Devil is right. You're as bad as the devil himself.
What happened to my handsome reflection?
I'm a reflection of your inner self, all corrupt and full of pride. Beneath that pretty surface, you're nothing but scum. Everyone hates you and you know it.
Hates me? They're just jealous. They know that Mantle is the man, and they just can't deal with it.
I'm the reflection of how others truly see you, Reggie. No one is jealous of you. They just see you as a ridiculously conceited buffoon. Ronnie, Betty, and Midge all just laugh at you.
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