Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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I have won CC84, CC90, CC105, WW29, WW32, ICC22, OPC20, CC328, CC389, and CC440. I enjoy lampoon and parody. I have especially enjoyed the first 23 issues of Mad which I have as large hardcover reprints. I regularly read Sinfest, Non Sequitur, Dilbert, Pearls Before Swine, Monty (formerly Robotman), Lio, Diesel Sweeties, We the Robots, Boy on a Stick and Slither, Basic Instructions and some others. I'm also a fan of such discontinued strips as Calvin & Hobbes, The Far Side, Bloom County, Outland, Opus, Pogo, and Krazy Kat.

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by fpd
Hello, what brings you by?
I'm with the Neighborhood Alert Task Force, and I've come to alert you that Bob Smith, a convicted envier, has moved into our neighborhood.
Marge, I just heard some terrible news. A convicted envier has moved into our neighborhood.
Oh dear lord, no! The snide remarks! The pathetic attempts to keep up with us! It won't be safe to walk the streets.
And think of the children!
I can't bear it! If he got near our children, it could traumatize them for life.
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