Jacko was watching a stunning live perfonmance/exlusive report, with a brand NEW and seemstobe reallyvery original Englismanish band, called "The Shits".
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| -'Lalalala-Lololo! Whueeee! Yhoah! Woll Thonk Yeou Vory much, oll yeouh fons of moein! Saey yeou soon! Somewan moyt goet horself focked boy mey! Hohohowhwehe!' -'And now back to the studio!' | |
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| Yes, we're backstage, with everyone's favorite singer, Harvis Pooworth vocalist od The Shits! Well, Mr Poowort... er I don't know how to ask, but.. May I call you Harvis? | |
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| Oye! Yeou dofinetley moey! | |
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| Jeeeezuskrist! And THEY call ME a pink yoghurt! | |
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| -'...Right on Harve! Hey, may i call you a pink yoghurt?' -'Yeou dofinetly moey not! | |
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