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| i hate this cuntry!! the secret poleece have forced me to lern every eppisode of star trek, babbylon5 and the xfiles by hart! and theyve said i can only listen to They Migt Be GIant's!! | |
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| you think youve got it bad?? i keep geting soddomized by giant robot's!! | |
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| youve been fond gilty of treeson, so asume the positon, you fuckin fuckhole - were gonig to share a RAPport, and when were all RAPped up, you wont exactally be in RAPture!! | |
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| pleese...hury up do it...just no more pun's... | |
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| the canadan goverment is so evil!! if only some one wold libbiriate us from the end less geekyness, puns and sexal mollestaton!! | |
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| this look's like a job for... STRIPCREARTORNATION!! | |
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