Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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if life were a whore, i'd pay to fuck it and then talk to it for a while instead and make myself feel more like it'd want to fuck me, and then let it leave, and then stalk it for a couple weeks and then pick it up one night only to murder it with a large dull pickaxe. but life is a slut-whore-bitch, not a just a whore.
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by fugobo
really what is the point to this shit. I fucking sit here and make comics, and a few people read them, and some think "what the fuck is this stuipid shit?" others think "how sad i'll pretend to weep"
and then they sit and do the same and i sit here and think the same stupid fucking things. and i make some more and it's again lika a fucking tricycle but not as happy.
and then i make stupid fucking comments like that, because it's my nature to try to make people smile even when i'm trying to piss them off at me, because that way i get more attention.
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