Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by fuyutsuki
I've got a question for you TB. Seeing as this is First Prime Question Time and all.
Sure, just you try it.
For someone who *thinks* he's so trendy, where are your GREEN credentials?
Ugh, don't you start. I never understood that obsession people have with making everyone else green besides themselves. No one can really be arsed!
Then you my friend have really Lost Touch (tm) of public opinion. Everyone's tree hugging now, or at least whimsically considering it. Perhaps I could interest you in a seriously out of touch party?
If I weren't such a gentleman I'd tell you to get fucked and precisely how to go about doing it you shitey bastard. But I'm just too hip and you know it.
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