fzh's Comics 03/29/06 - If the Bible was a Comic Competion
02/27/06 - CC 313 : Enkidu makes the call.
12/01/05 - Never trust the internets
12/01/05 - Somewhere in a graveyard...
11/21/05 - a bad pun
11/21/05 - Random Comic Layout
11/21/05 - Random Comic Layout
11/21/05 - Random Comic Layout
11/21/05 - Random Comic Layout
11/21/05 - Random Comic Layout
11/14/05 - CC 304: Respect Thy Elders
11/01/05 - CC 303: The day after.
10/28/05 - BTC 44 - A dying breed
10/25/05 - The Hamfather
10/21/05 - Movies in three panels: Uzumaki
10/20/05 - ICC 5: Big Pimpin'
10/20/05 - CC 301: That time of month
10/20/05 - CC 301: At the monastery...
10/20/05 - BTC 43: Kids say the darndest things.
10/17/05 - CC301: Dracula at a rap concert
10/01/05 - CC 299:At least I'm willing to admit it.
09/25/05 - BTC #41: Barflies
09/25/05 - Two Mimes
05/03/05 - High School comparisons
05/03/05 - A guy walks into a bar and says...
04/19/05 - Political views of our president 3
04/19/05 - Political views of our president 2
04/19/05 - Political views of our president.
04/12/05 - Open mike night at the deaf-mute bar
03/24/05 - FTC 58: Would have been psychic award
03/10/05 - FTC 58: Template
03/01/05 - Why I would never go to a Star Wars convention
02/14/05 - The secret to surviving V-Day
02/10/05 - Feminist Physics
02/10/05 - Feminist Physics
02/08/05 - Why Paly students suck
02/05/05 - I want negative 40.
02/03/05 - I HATE COLLEGE :(
02/01/05 - Another poorly named show
01/30/05 - yeah
01/28/05 - Hey, it could happen.
01/26/05 - Second to none
01/24/05 - Public Service Anouncement
01/21/05 - Final Fantasy fysics
01/19/05 - Japanese final
01/19/05 - Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I hate you tomorrow!
01/17/05 - Iraq
01/02/05 - Movie trailer
12/21/04 - I'm dreaming of a stalker Christmas.
12/21/04 - Frosty the snowman!
12/13/04 - FTC#48 meets BTC#1
12/08/04 - AP Bio
12/06/04 - CC 268: We interupt this program to bring you...
12/01/04 - CC 267: An erotic colouring book, you say?
11/19/04 - Transgender Remembrance Day
11/18/04 - WW 30: Where do babies come from?
11/13/04 - CC265: Nightmare of a Fetus
11/13/04 - The joys of being alive
11/13/04 - I'm tired
11/12/04 - FTC 46: AOL STD
11/04/04 - WW 29: Someone had to do it...
11/04/04 - Fill in the Blanks
11/03/04 - Outcome 2004
10/31/04 - overheard
10/26/04 - WW28: *cue carnival music*
10/11/04 - The pains of liking Anime 2
10/10/04 - The pains of liking Anime
10/08/04 - Soapy 5
10/05/04 - BTC 18: Darth Pete
10/05/04 - WW#27: Meet the Bunnies
10/05/04 - A shout out to a fan five: The Return
09/30/04 - Tons of Fun!
09/30/04 - FTC 45: is you be date cthulhu?
09/30/04 - Flip Flop Rap
09/25/04 - CC 259: Poetry Reading
09/20/04 - CC 258: Mathmatical Mouse
09/17/04 - CC 258: Spelling Bee
09/13/04 - Runtitled
09/13/04 - Puntitled
09/13/04 - Nuntitled
09/13/04 - Guntitled
09/13/04 - Funtitled
09/13/04 - Buntitled
09/13/04 - Untitled
09/12/04 - FTC #44 Fightin' for the wrong town
09/12/04 - FTC #44 Win-Win
09/09/04 - glad straight epilogue of the alliance
09/09/04 - straight alliance cheers 2
09/09/04 - straight alliance cheers 1
09/09/04 - Yo mama jokes, PALO ALTO STYLE
09/09/04 - BTC 16 Template
09/08/04 - BTC15: Our little furry friend
08/29/04 - Rebated joint=boasted type-setter?
08/29/04 - "morality" of Trigun
08/29/04 - Precious memories of the childhood
08/29/04 - Lieux Vivants Of Emptied (more Babel Fish)
08/29/04 - Lieux Vivants Of Emptied (more Babel Fish)
08/27/04 - FTC #43: The stone cases
08/25/04 - Somewhere in Babylon...
08/23/04 - What I Did This Summer: What I Intend To Do This Summer 2
08/23/04 - Precious childhood memories
08/23/04 - Trivia: What do you call it when a platypus and a cow mate?
08/17/04 - Untitled
08/17/04 - FTC #42
08/17/04 - BTC XIII: Something or other physics
07/27/04 - Title Censored by FCC
07/27/04 - Pedant!
07/26/04 - CC #252: Never trust a man in a pink dunce cap
07/26/04 - World's Worst #23: Hippies in show business
07/25/04 - BTC 12: A bad pun
07/25/04 - CC 252: Blue is a stoner
07/25/04 - BTC 12: The evolution of the American
07/13/04 - The "morality" of Trigun
07/02/04 - Worlds Worst 21: Bar-baric
06/22/04 - Road Rage
06/12/04 - `^~-_-~^`
06/12/04 - teh
06/09/04 - Untitled
06/07/04 - Untitled
06/06/04 - Mime Physics part 2
06/06/04 - Mime Physics
06/06/04 - Japanese Masturbation (5)
06/06/04 - Japanese Masturbation (4)
06/06/04 - Japanese Masturbation (3)
06/06/04 - Japanese Masturbation (2)
06/06/04 - Japanese Masturbation (1)
06/04/04 - The Story of My Life
06/03/04 - BCC2: Nicknames
06/02/04 - What I Intend To Do This Summer
05/30/04 - The mute comic
05/27/04 - CC# 246: Mourn not.
05/27/04 - CC# 246: nik
05/26/04 - The Voices in his head
05/24/04 - The story of Shiranne Radzinski and Forest Horvath
05/23/04 - FTC 35: Roleplay!!!
05/23/04 - BCC1
05/22/04 - CC#245: Overheard...
05/20/04 - Nick's School is plagued by injustice... (r-r-r-r-remix!)
05/17/04 - FTC 35: The next plane hijacking or an honest mistake?
05/15/04 - Beatles and Beetles, the unsatisfactory conclusion
05/14/04 - STAR testing physics
05/14/04 - WW#16: A predisposition for clothing
05/13/04 - Beatles and Beetles 5
05/13/04 - Beatles and Beetles 4
05/13/04 - Beatles and Beetles 3
05/13/04 - Beatles and Beetles 2
05/13/04 - Beatles and Beetles 1
05/06/04 - FTC #34 or is it FTC 33?
05/06/04 - FTC #34 in the deep south
05/06/04 - FTC #34 What Happens Here, Stays Here
05/06/04 - FTC #34 their first date was in the sixties.
05/05/04 - The masked Cow
05/05/04 - FTC33: Ye olde Cornehole
05/03/04 - BTC #3: What a tangled web
05/03/04 - The Number One World's Worst Courtroom Testimony, period.
04/30/04 - Babe in three panels
04/30/04 - BTC 2: Touched by a Devil
04/28/04 - Something Truly Horrid
04/23/04 - Livin' La Vida Loca
04/21/04 - FTC#23: Doctor Doctor
04/21/04 - BTC#1 X-mas
04/19/04 - WW#12: Worst thing to say to a Superhero's dad
04/14/04 - An offensive comic
04/12/04 - kanpu taun reidi
04/09/04 - Smoke Two Joints -Sublime
04/09/04 - Smoke Two Joints -Sublime
04/09/04 - Smoke Two Joints -Sublime
04/09/04 - Smoke Two Joints -Sublime
04/09/04 - Smoke Two Joints -Sublime
04/09/04 - Smoke Two Joints -Sublime
04/09/04 - Smoke Two Joints -Sublime
04/09/04 - Smoke Two Joints -Sublime
04/09/04 - Smoke Two Joints -Sublime
04/09/04 - RPG Milking: iv
04/09/04 - RPG Milking: iii
04/09/04 - RPG Milking: i
04/09/04 - RPG Milking: i
04/06/04 - CC239: Britney Spears
04/06/04 - Mikey
04/06/04 - An idiot's guide to investing
04/06/04 - FTC#30: LegendaryFrog reference
04/03/04 - FTC #29: Internet Shopers
03/31/04 - FTC #29: It's Dr. Pedantic!
03/30/04 - If history only progressed as fast as you learn it in school
03/29/04 - Dance my mind puppet, dance
03/27/04 - FTC29: no witty title
03/25/04 - Nick=famous composer?
03/24/04 - FTC28: He doesn't want to moonwalk in a dog suit
03/22/04 - Bonus 237 Uehidinzurrehurcemdeddhesdufiurmdersiz/erbciemerds
03/22/04 - CC 237: MikeyG helps old ladies across the street!
03/17/04 - FTC 27: Sucky Sucky
03/15/04 - Sunday's Family Circus STRIPIFIED!
03/13/04 - sitcoms
03/11/04 - I am bored
03/10/04 - She looks SSSSOOOOO different!
03/08/04 - FLCL: real conversation #3
03/08/04 - FLCL: real conversation #2
03/08/04 - FLCL: real conversation #1
03/07/04 - CC236: Christian-Bot, AWAY!
03/06/04 - FTC26: Mother F***er
02/25/04 - Stupid 'mericans
02/20/04 - FTC 24: I don't think he's coming back
02/17/04 - Super destruction
02/12/04 - CC 232: God Bless Canadia
02/11/04 - emotions 2
02/11/04 - emotions 1
02/11/04 - Taurtaurus vol 5
02/11/04 - Taurtaurus 4
02/11/04 - Taurtaurus 3
02/10/04 - taurtuarus vol 2
02/10/04 - taurtuarus vol 1
02/08/04 - gay straight alliance epiloge
02/06/04 - gay straight alliance 2
02/06/04 - gay straight alliance 1
02/03/04 - McNasty
02/03/04 - ELTIT SDROWKCAB :12 CTF
01/29/04 - FTC 20: Some like it hot
01/28/04 - Rainbow
01/27/04 - Finding a bug...
01/26/04 - Worst things to say at dinner...
01/24/04 - Missing body parts
01/23/04 - New Year's Resolution
01/21/04 - Boobage
01/21/04 - Worst thing to say at a "welcome home baby!" party
01/20/04 - knock knock joke 2
01/19/04 - knock knock joke
01/13/04 - FTC 18: Hey, It won the last contest, right?
01/08/04 - Generic FF characters part 3
01/08/04 - Generic FF characters part 2
01/08/04 - Generic FF characters part 1
01/06/04 - All Dogs go to Heaven
01/06/04 - Changes
01/05/04 - A guy walked into a bar and said....
01/03/04 - When My Sister Makes me mute FFX-2
12/17/03 - Candy Advice: part 1
12/17/03 - Candy Advice: part 1
12/16/03 - Something
12/15/03 - A weekend with grandpa
12/11/03 - CC224: Robot Revelations
12/10/03 - Why Yu-Gi-Oh sucks
12/09/03 - FTC #13: They've been working so long, it's about time
12/09/03 - FTC #13: Another Crappy Christmas special
12/08/03 - The oldest trick in the book
12/07/03 - Shakespeare's Sonnet #143 at a glance
12/07/03 - FTC #12-Commercial
12/06/03 - Similarities
12/04/03 - Zs are good
12/04/03 - Why I hate dcomposed
12/03/03 - CC223: Queen for the day....or not.
12/02/03 - FTC 11: Matador Santa
11/28/03 - Emarassing
11/28/03 - Siamese Twins
11/28/03 - The play Mikey was in....
11/28/03 - Pink Floyd
11/18/03 - ~
11/18/03 - CC221: A bad comic
11/18/03 - FTC #9 Beating a horse
11/18/03 - Why I hate School
11/16/03 - human diet
11/15/03 - CC221: FF's Famous Phoenix Down Trick
11/15/03 - CC221: FF's Famous Phoenix Down Trick
11/14/03 - Movie Previews
11/13/03 - So luselc yd y kmyhla eh Al Bhed
11/13/03 - Oui fuhtan FRO Segao'c pnyehtayt?
11/13/03 - Hobo Quotes
11/12/03 - CC220: Preview
11/11/03 - You wonder WHY Mikey's braindead? 2 the X-treme!!!
11/11/03 - You wonder WHY Mikey's braindead? 2 the X-treme!!!
11/11/03 - You wonder WHY Mikey's braindead? 2 the X-treme!!!
11/08/03 - Demon Child Answers the Phone (the REAL # 3)
11/08/03 - Demon Child Answers the Phone (3)
11/08/03 - Demon Child Answers the Phone (1)
11/06/03 - Bleakness in Grey (B)
11/06/03 - Bleakness in Grey (A)
11/06/03 - Envy in Green
11/06/03 - Sorrow in Blue
11/06/03 - Anger In Red
11/06/03 - Random Outbursts
11/06/03 - español
11/05/03 - Random Act of Potter
11/05/03 - CC219, The in-joke thing I'm not entering
11/04/03 - Jedi Mind Tricks
11/04/03 - CC219: A True Villian
11/02/03 - Return of The Babelfish
11/02/03 - Famous Movie Scenes: ET
10/31/03 - Spirit Week: Rally
10/31/03 - Spirit Week: Friday
10/31/03 - Spirit Week: Thursday
10/31/03 - Spirit Week: Wednesday
10/31/03 - Spirit Week: Tuesday
10/30/03 - Spirit week: Monday
10/29/03 - Me Today
10/27/03 - Some things I've done/learned in school part 3
10/27/03 - Some things I've done/learned in school part 2
10/27/03 - Some things I've done/learned in school part 1
10/27/03 - FTC #5: Fishy Theater
10/25/03 - The N has bad commercials
10/25/03 - Spankling Halloween (fixed version)
10/25/03 - Spankling Halloween
10/22/03 - Shout out to a fan: The Fourth coming
10/21/03 - Guess that Movie!
10/21/03 - . . .
10/20/03 - In a pickle.
10/19/03 - The first rule of Fight Club is "get the hell outa my room"
10/19/03 - FTC IV: Why is it a ~house~ of leaves?
10/19/03 - Shout-out to a fan: the third request
10/19/03 - The History of my Quest characters part 2
10/18/03 - The History of my Quest characters part 1
10/18/03 - Correction
10/18/03 - Legends of Zelda: Ocarina of Time's Navi
10/17/03 - What I think of every time I make a comic
10/15/03 - I Think I'm Insane
10/15/03 - CC216, The obvious entry
10/15/03 - Life Scarring Entertainment
10/15/03 - CC216: Don't mess with a zoom dealer
10/13/03 - Museum
10/11/03 - Different people make similar experiences much different
10/11/03 - FTC #3: what you get when you stroke the magic pussy
10/10/03 - CC215: The Amish take on the news...
10/09/03 - Inside Jokes of Past and Present
10/09/03 - FTC2, See you in Court
10/09/03 - A shout out to a fan #2
10/06/03 - Remembering 6th Grade
10/05/03 - What We represent in Te Snack/Beverage wars...
10/04/03 - CC 214: Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs gone wrong
10/04/03 - No respect for Amos...part 4
10/04/03 - No respect for Amos...part 3
10/04/03 - No respect for Amos...part 2 (correcting the mistake)
10/04/03 - No respect for Amos...part 2
10/04/03 - No respect for Amos...part 1
10/04/03 - The best part is I can now use Netscape!
10/01/03 - Typo
09/30/03 - The Evil Dinosaurs of the Movies
09/30/03 - Nick and Liz
09/28/03 - A few complaints.
09/24/03 - Abductee Inteligence Conspiracy 3
09/24/03 - Abductee Inteligence Conspiracy 2
09/24/03 - Abductee Inteligence Conspiracy 1
09/23/03 - Stupid People Suck
09/23/03 - Why I hate Business Law, III: The Curiculum
09/23/03 - Untitled Why I hate Business Law, II: The Students
09/23/03 - Why I hate Business Law, I: The Teacher
09/21/03 - Three-way calls part 4
09/21/03 - Three-way calls part 3
09/21/03 - Three-way calls part 2
09/17/03 - Three-way calls part 1
09/16/03 - Pimpin' 4 The Cover-up
09/16/03 - Pimpin' 3 Painful
09/16/03 - Pimpin' 2 The celebrations
09/16/03 - Pimpin' 1 Nick's official proclimation
09/14/03 - The truth about Adolecence part 3
09/14/03 - The truth about Adolecence part 2
09/14/03 - The truth about Adolencents part 1
09/14/03 - Shout-out to a fan
09/12/03 - Devin hates me part 3
09/12/03 - Devin hates me part 2
09/12/03 - Devin hates me part 1
09/10/03 - Staring Contest
09/09/03 - A Midsummer Night's Dream at a glance
09/09/03 - Love, Love, FIRE! San
09/06/03 - Love, Love, FIRE! Ni, The haiku
09/06/03 - Love, Love, FIRE! Ichi
09/06/03 - The Last Series corrected....part 2
09/04/03 - The Last Series corrected....part 1
09/03/03 - Background for Mikey, Praise for Shiranne 5
09/03/03 - Background for Mikey, Praise for Shiranne part 4
09/03/03 - Background for Mikey, Praise for Shiranne part 3
09/03/03 - Background for Mikey, Praise for Shiranne part 2
09/03/03 - Background for Mikey, Praise for Shiranne part 1
08/31/03 - Speaking of Crazy-Talk
08/30/03 - Don't mess with the author
08/25/03 - A Two Party Election
08/25/03 - Another "72 Virgins" Joke
08/24/03 - The life of my dad (7)
08/24/03 - Who's running for California Governor
08/17/03 - Squirrel Fishing
08/16/03 - The Haiku pedant
08/16/03 - The Life of my dad (6)
08/16/03 - The Life of my dad (5)
08/11/03 - The Life of my dad (4)
08/11/03 - The life of my dad (3)
08/11/03 - The life of my dad (2)
08/11/03 - The life of my dad (1)
08/11/03 - A Forest Style Summer part 3, Zombification
08/11/03 - A Forest Style Summer(A tribute to CC203) part 2, Weekends
08/11/03 - A Forest Style Summer(A tribute to CC203) part 1, Weekdays
08/11/03 - Parallels
08/07/03 - TV isn't a great way to seek refuge...
08/07/03 - Heather: Omniscient or Omnipotent? Part 2
08/04/03 - Heather: Omniscient or Omnipotent? Part 1
08/04/03 - Explaining the last comic.
08/04/03 - CC 202: I just stumbled upon the contests of this site.
07/31/03 - Shrubs set in patrouillieren: Part II
07/31/03 - Tony and donkey Kong: Part III, the truth
07/31/03 - They are surprised WHY braindead Mikeys?
07/31/03 - Babel Fish
07/30/03 - The Woes of Devin
07/30/03 - Almost as bad as with Jeremy
07/24/03 - Tony and Donkey Kong: Part III, the truth
07/24/03 - Tony and Doney Kong Part II
07/24/03 - Tony and Donkey Kong: Part I
07/23/03 - Bush does border patrol: part II
07/23/03 - Bush does Border patrol
07/23/03 - Tentacle Hentai
07/23/03 - I'm glad she's not my sister
07/23/03 - Authors Notes 2
07/22/03 - Dreaming
07/21/03 - Ecologists should cry
07/21/03 - Playing Pokemon Snap
07/21/03 - Mikey took my advice TO TH EXTREME!
07/21/03 - What do Hippies do?
07/21/03 - Get down to Business
07/20/03 - Mikey gets my advice
07/20/03 - Not an offender
07/20/03 - Flower Power
07/17/03 - Crank Call the second
07/17/03 - Crank Call the first
07/17/03 - His Stalking Days are Over
07/17/03 - Author's notes
07/15/03 - You wonder WHY Mikey's braindead?
07/15/03 - Scimitars > Katanas
07/15/03 - How many times has this happened?
07/15/03 - Anywhee
07/15/03 - This aint really funny
07/15/03 - watch out Women!
07/15/03 - Kyle Next
07/15/03 - Enter the Mikey